• last year
00:00I want you to take turns doing my homework.
00:02And I also need you to study for the exams
00:04and pass me the clear and precise chords.
00:07And that?
00:09I need to get a 9 to join the school team
00:11and thus have a direct pass to the university selection.
00:16I'm counting on you.
00:19And with the one who doesn't disappear right now from my sight!
00:22No, no, no. We will help you.
00:33And my parents?
00:34In the dining room.
00:35Having dinner, young Fernando.
00:43Enjoy your meal.
00:44Thank you, my love.
00:46Fer, son.
00:48Sit down.
00:49Dinner with us.
00:50Oh, I would love to, dad.
00:51Really, but I already stayed with my friends
00:53and my girlfriend to go out to party.
00:55Well, but don't be late, my love.
00:57No, no, no, not at all.
00:58I promise, mom.
00:59I love you.
01:00Oh, I love you much, much more.
01:04My baby.
01:05Please say hello to Brisa.
01:07Yes, of course, daddy.
01:08From you.
01:09Well, I'm leaving.
01:10Yes, my baby.
01:11I love you.
01:12We love you, my love.
01:30Come here.
01:31Let's see, let's see.
01:32Let's see, let's see.
01:33Bottom, bottom, Alex.
01:34Bottom, Ximena.
01:35Bottom, Jacobo.
01:36Bottom, Brisa.
01:37And you too, Padilla.
01:39Come on, bottom.
01:40Come on, come on, everyone!
01:43That's it!
01:44Come on!
01:56Come, come, come.
01:59Come, come, come.
02:04If you see that it's going to end,
02:06bring another one immediately.
02:07Get out!
02:08Get out!
02:09Padilla, bring another bottle and have the manager come.
02:11Yes, boss.
02:17Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:29Yes, boss.
02:30I think you like my friend Ximena.
02:32You think so, boss?
02:33Of course, you see.
02:34Invite her to dance.
02:35Can I, boss?
02:36I just told you.
02:37Of course you can!
02:38Yes, pass the bomb, man.
02:40Come on.
02:58Let's go, let's go, cheers, cheers, let's have a kiss, let's go, let's go, let's go,
03:27let's go.
03:35Order my car.
03:45This is delicious, huh?
03:46That's good, my love.
03:49Me too.
03:51Good Morning.
03:53Good Morning.
03:54I didn't hear you get here last night, Fernando.
03:55I got here early, mom.
03:56I'm very proud of you, my love.
03:57You're an exemplary young man.
04:01Thank you very much, Ana.
04:03Could you make me mineral water with lemon and salt, please?
04:08To hydrate me.
04:09Hey, Dad, can I go to Valle de Bravo's house
04:13with my friends and my girlfriend on the weekend?
04:15Of course, son.
04:17And could you increase the limit of my travel expenses?
04:23And could you increase the limit of my credit card?
04:27The one you have is not enough for me.
04:29Please, okay?
04:32Of course, Fer.
04:33I'll talk to my secretary today so we can meet.
04:38You're the best dad in the world.
04:43Thank you, my love.
04:45Coach, join the team.
04:48Being part of the team is my biggest dream.
04:50Centorres, you could be the star of the team,
04:53but you know that your entry to the national team
04:55depends on Mr. Director, not on me.
05:00If I make it to the team, you can take a good bonus.
05:05And you know how generous I am.
05:12Yes, Mr. Director.
05:13The inter-school competition is around the corner.
05:17And in order to win, I need the young Centorres
05:20to be part of my team immediately.
05:25entering the school's soccer team
05:28gives you the direct pass to also be part
05:31of the university's soccer team.
05:34But for that, you must earn your place.
05:39By following the income policies.
05:42You are 17 years old.
05:46You must be good, be an exemplary student,
05:49not fail in any subject,
05:51and have an average of nine points.
05:54And of course, you must know how to play soccer very well.
06:00I will meet those requirements, Mr. Director.
06:03I will be part of the school's soccer team
06:06because what a Centorres Villagarza proposes
06:09he achieves.
06:15I want you to take turns doing my homework.
06:17And I also need you to study for the exams
06:20and pass me the clear and precise chords.
06:23And that?
06:24I need to get a 9 to enter the school's team
06:27and thus have a direct pass to the university's team.
06:31I'm counting on you.
06:34And the one who doesn't disappear right now from my sight.
06:37No, no, no.
06:38We will help you.
06:40The Professor Ornelas has just been admitted to the hospital
06:44so he won't have his class.
06:46Another teacher will come next Monday.
06:49You can go to his house.
06:56In the absence of classes and on the weekend,
07:00Let's all go to my house in Valle de Bravo.
07:03The party is for me, because I'm the boss.
07:06I'm the boss.
07:07I'm the boss.
07:09The party is for me.
07:11Let the champagne run!
07:13Dogs, bring them up!
07:18Hi, Dad.
07:19I'm going with my friends to Valle de Bravo's house.
07:22I'll be back on Sunday.
07:23I love you. Bye.
07:24I have to go to the party, boss.
07:26I'm at my house in Valle de Bravo.
07:28Padilla, make sure we don't miss anything.
07:30Ceni, hurry up.
07:31We won't miss anything.
07:32Dogs, bring them up!
07:35We're going to have a blast, honey.
07:39They would've told us we weren't going to have class
07:42and we'd have stayed at my house in Valle de Bravo.
07:45How's the new teacher going to be?
07:47How's he going to be?
07:48Like all teachers, they sell money and they sell themselves.
07:52I don't think that's my case, young man.
07:55I don't sell myself.
07:59I don't give away grades or let myself be bribed.
08:02The seats, please.
08:05If I leave a job, I'll get it the next day
08:07and I'll be introduced.
08:09I'm your new teacher.
08:11My name is Romulo Carvajal.
08:16Did you hear his name?
08:18He has the name of a dog.
08:21Do you want to share a joke?
08:24It's a private joke, Professor Romulo.
08:28Silence, silence.
08:32Silence, silence.
08:35I'm not going to allow your jokes and jokes in my class.
08:41What's your name, young man?
08:43Fernando Cien Torres Villagarza.
08:46Does my name ring a bell?
08:49No, it doesn't.
08:51But I hope that, as usual,
08:53it will be applied in my class
08:55because neither your jokes nor your money
08:58will be able to buy me.
09:00Fernando Cien Torres Villagarza.
09:18Excuse me. Have a nice day.
09:23Teacher, teacher.
09:27I didn't like the way you spoke to me during class.
09:29Don't you know who I am?
09:31Of course I know who you are. You're just another student.
09:34I'm not just another student.
09:36I'm Cien Torres Villagarza,
09:37and you respect me because I have a lot of power.
09:39You respect me.
09:41You don't have any power.
09:43And you're nothing more than a paid teacher
09:45who charges the money my friends and I give him
09:47so he can come and teach us.
09:49So get out of here,
09:51or I'll fire you right now.
09:54Look, young man...
09:55Young man nothing. My name is Fernando.
09:57Calm down, Fernando.
09:59Let me be very clear.
10:01This is not your house.
10:03This is the school, and as a teacher, you respect me.
10:05Get out.
10:07Don't intimidate me.
10:10Have a nice day.
10:12Do your best.
10:15I hate you.
10:29What's going on?
10:30Why are you messing with me?
10:41Let's go!
10:42There's the teacher!
10:43Let's go, let's go, let's go!
10:59Let's go.
11:12Hola, amor.
11:15The food is ready.
11:16Get up and sit down.
11:18Thank you, baby.
11:20How was your first day of school?
11:25It was good, and you know.
11:28There are always rebellious, rude, lazy students.
11:32Some people think they can buy everything with their money.
11:35Yes, yes, of course.
11:37Be careful, amor.
11:40There are vengeful students.
11:42You are a great teacher.
11:43You are responsible.
11:45You are professional, recognized.
11:49Don't follow their game.
11:51Never, Carmen.
11:53I've been an academic for 25 years,
11:55and I know what it's like.
11:57I'm not going to lose my essence as an educator
11:59and my honesty.
12:01You pay me to teach, to make good students,
12:04and I do my job well.
12:06It won't be now that you betray me.
12:09No, Carmen.
12:10Enjoy, amor.
12:11It's delicious.
12:12You like it?
12:13Hey, young man.
12:18What are you laughing at?
12:22I really can't find the joke.
12:24Private joke, right?
12:27Let's go to class.
12:28It's time to go to class.
12:38This is horrible.
12:50Can you stop barking?
12:52Can you stop barking, please?
12:55No, I can't.
12:56Do you know you have a dog's name?
13:00Romulo, come here.
13:03No, I didn't know.
13:05Do you know how to solve the equation on the blackboard?
13:10I invite you to come and solve it.
13:15No, right?
13:17You don't know?
13:18I also recommend that you apply as a student
13:21instead of being a random person.
13:24Because I remind you that I don't give away grades
13:27or let myself be bribed.
13:44Let's see.
13:45Come on, hit me.
13:47Come on, hit me.
13:49Really, bro?
13:50Of course it's real.
13:52Don't be a baby, hit me.
13:56No, I can't.
13:58I'm not asking you, Alex.
14:00Hit me now.
14:16What's wrong?
14:17What's wrong with you?
14:18What's wrong with you?
14:20What's wrong with you?
14:23Help, please!
14:24Fernando, what's wrong with you?
14:26Fernando, what's wrong with you?
14:27Fernando, help me!
14:28What's wrong with you?
14:32What happened, my love?
14:34What's next, Romulo?
14:36You know that right now we're going to the mayor's office
14:39to file a complaint.
14:41He's a student.
14:42I don't want a conflict with Romulo.
14:44There's already a conflict.
14:45Let's go.
14:49And just like that,
14:51it was the security service
14:54of my student, Fernando Cien Torres Villagarza,
14:58who hit me, Mr. Public Prosecutor.
15:01Virgen de Guadalupe, I'm begging you.
15:04I'm begging you.
15:06Take care of my husband.
15:08I don't want anything bad to happen to him.
15:11I don't want that student to hurt my Romulo even more.
15:14I implore you, my mother.
15:17Cover him with your holy robe.
15:19Protect him.
15:20I'm begging you.
15:21I'm begging you.
15:22I'm begging you.
15:23I'm begging you.
15:24I'm begging you.
15:25I'm begging you.
15:26I'm begging you.
15:27I'm begging you.
15:28I'm begging you.
15:29Cover him with your holy robe of all evil,
15:32of all aggression.
15:35I implore you, Virgen de Guadalupe.
15:59I'm going to cure you, my love.
16:04It's going to hurt.
16:08You're going to have to put up with it.
16:10Yes, it happens to me.
16:12It hurts me all over.
16:13The complaint is for physical assaults
16:15against the teacher.
16:17I need you to see something
16:19before you continue, Mr. Public Prosecutor.
16:21Before I come with you,
16:23I need you to see something.
16:25I need you to see something
16:27before you continue, Mr. Public Prosecutor.
16:29Before I come with you,
16:31we go to my son's school.
16:33I requested the security cameras
16:35from the school parking lot.
16:37This is what really happened.
16:52The security elements of my son,
16:54they went to defend him from the teacher's aggression.
16:59they pay us to save the life
17:01and integrity of the young man.
17:04The teacher attacked me.
17:05I just wanted to talk to him
17:07and he hit me.
17:09Look how he left me.
17:11My son, his bodyguards are innocent.
17:15They only did their job.
17:19The teacher's physical injuries
17:21did not require hospitalization.
17:23And they will take less than a week to recover.
17:26So I'm going to impose an administrative fine on them.
17:39Sir, I did not hit your son.
17:42I would never hit a student.
17:44When Fernando showed up in front of me,
17:46he was already beaten.
17:47I was very surprised to see him like that,
17:49so I took him by the arms,
17:51asking him what had happened to him
17:52and he started screaming, surprisingly.
17:55The bodyguards fell on me
17:57and started hitting me everywhere.
17:59Lie, sir, lie.
18:00That's not what appears in the security videos
18:02of the parking lot.
18:04Why do you have such a grudge against my son
18:06when he's a good boy and a good student?
18:10sometimes parents let us be deceived by their children.
18:14Fernando is not a good student.
18:17Or maybe we're talking about another Fernando.
18:19Or Fernando with you is one and here is another.
18:22Sir, my son is unique.
18:24And I'm not going to allow you to speak ill of him.
18:26You are the one who treats him badly.
18:28You humiliate him in front of the group
18:29and in front of his classmates.
18:30Mr. Torrero, I demand the immediate release of this man.
18:33I don't think he wants to have an aggressive teacher
18:35in the squad.
18:37Mrs. Cien Torres,
18:38with all due respect,
18:40let me tell you that Teacher Romulo
18:43has an impeccable conduct.
18:46His 25 years of service is worth it.
18:49Are you on his side or on our side, Torrero?
18:52Why don't we analyze the video
18:54from the new security cameras, Mr. Cien Torres?
18:59I already did it
19:00and there are some elements that make me doubt.
19:04Can we see it or will you act unfairly?
19:12Teacher Romulo appears in the image
19:15and Fernando appears going to him.
19:17Please see it as a surprise,
19:19but at the same time,
19:21of anguish and concern for Teacher Romulo.
19:27It's just a moment
19:29because the moment immediately comes
19:32when Fernando clearly goes after him
19:35and Teacher Romulo stops him.
19:38From the camera angle,
19:42it seems that it was the teacher who attacked him.
19:49The video is confusing.
19:53But why would my son hit himself?
19:57Why would he make us believe
19:59that he was acting as if you had attacked him?
20:04since I started teaching,
20:06Fernando has had many confrontations with me.
20:09It's the truth.
20:10Because I am an extremely strict teacher.
20:14I don't give out grades or let myself be bribed.
20:19Why don't you ask Fernando why he hit himself?
20:24Let's see how he reacts.
21:19Don't talk about love at night
21:22Don't talk about love at night
21:24Don't talk about love at night
21:26Don't talk about love at night
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21:30Don't talk about love at night
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