• last year


00:00I don't want to say anything bad about the casino because I think a lot of
00:05people may want it to happen and it can't hurt in terms of bringing more
00:11people to Phuket. But my concern is that unless there are other changes that I
00:17mentioned earlier about Phuket becoming like a special administrative area and
00:21so on, I'm afraid that the consequence of a casino being here with no changes to
00:27other aspects of governance will just result in more traffic jams, more
00:32infrastructure and eventually the killing of the golden goose. You cannot
00:36squeeze the golden goose forever by just putting more things in and more
00:42things in without the reforms that are necessary to make this a successful
00:47place. So to me, changes and reforms to Phuket's governance structure to ensure
00:54that the long-term future of Phuket is secured is for me more important than
01:00whether a casino is put in here or not.
