• last year
In a deconsecrated church in Baden-Württemberg, Germany, it's now possible to mourn your deceased pet.


00:00This family is grieving the loss of a loved one.
00:07He was always there, always there, whether I needed him or not.
00:15He was always there. He was simply always there.
00:19They're not grieving the loss of a human being, but rather their dog, Pinu, a Malamute Husky.
00:28Here in the former St. Paul's Church in southern Germany,
00:33families can gather to give their furry friends a proper send-off.
00:39But wait! A church service for animals? Is that even allowed in Germany?
00:44More on that later.
00:47Sonja Westermann is a professional eulogist for both people and animals.
00:52Her eulogy for Pinu is full of anecdotes and memories, as if she were talking about a human being.
00:59For me there is no difference, because when you have loved someone and say goodbye to a family member,
01:06the pain is the same, whether a loved one is gone or a beloved animal.
01:17Ellen Weinmann and her partner Florian Dusterwald bought this former Methodist church in August of 2023.
01:25So how did the local community react to having their former place of worship turned into a funeral home for animals?
01:33We were incredibly lucky when we took over this church.
01:39There was a blessing service with all the former parishioners. Everyone was there.
01:44We got to know each other personally.
01:47Everyone thought it was good and is happy that the church will continue to be used in this way.
01:55And what do they say to people who think this is all a bit too much?
02:04For some people it's just an animal and for others it's a fully fledged member of the family.
02:11And we always say that everyone is allowed to grieve as much as they want and everyone is given the space to do so.
02:18Whether it's a small or large space, that's decided by the heart.
02:23Sylvan and Annette Gessner's animals are still very much alive, although one of the Irish wolfhounds may not live past the age of five.
02:32He and his wife appreciate having a place to plan the funeral of their pets, even if they need some more outdoor potty training.
02:41For us it's like a circle, like a thread going through the circle, saying goodbye, cremation, into the urn and back home again.
02:51And for us this completes the circle.
02:55Around 34 million pets live in German households and the trend is rising.
03:01Ellen Weinmann organizes up to 1,000 funeral services for deceased pets each year, including horses.
03:08Prices range from 250 euros up to 4,000 depending on the weight of the animal.
03:14Germany has very strict rules regarding pet burials, unlike in the US where there are no federal laws pertaining to them,
03:21or in Canada where animals can be buried with their humans.
03:26The law in Germany clearly states that every pet and domestic animal may be cremated,
03:31but any animal that would theoretically be eaten may not be cremated.
03:36This is of course a borderline case with horses, because a horse can also be eaten.
03:45But you do have the possibility to apply for a so-called exemption permit for horses.
03:51Then this animal can also be cremated.
03:56Back at the former St. Paul's Church, Pastor Markus Kneiting stops by to see how business is going.
04:04In the eyes of a church official, are these pet services an acceptable practice?
04:13In this case, of course, I would rather speak for the regional Protestant Church.
04:17Animal burial is possible.
04:19The question is, of course, which liturgical rituals are used to accompany it.
04:23And you have to be careful that it's not identical to a normal human funeral.
04:28But for me, comforting a person who has to say goodbye to an animal is a matter of sincerity and pastoral care.
04:39As the service for the dearly departed Pinu draws to an end, has the ceremony given his family a sense of closure?
04:47I felt sadness. But I kept looking at these photos of him and was reminded of Pinu's life.
04:57It was like a whole other world for a moment. We were really together with him again.
05:03Regardless of whether you are for or against such ceremonies for animals,
05:07this was no doubt an emotional send-off for man's best friend.
