• last year
Un grupo de delincuentes intentó ingresar a tiros al barrio cerrado Estancia del Pilar, en la zona de Champagnat. La rápida respuesta de la seguridad privada y la policía evitó el ingreso, aunque un oficial resultó herido. La situación pone en evidencia una preocupante tendencia hacia ataques violentos en zonas residenciales previamente consideradas seguras.

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00:00Well, not anymore. The targets of the criminals are the country, Javi.
00:05Of course, exactly. Estancias del Pilar, this is a matter of blood, because the criminals shot the police who had entered as a consequence of these
00:16survivors who faced the police when they detected that they had indeed broken a wire to enter the place and, of course, steal.
00:27Tremendous. And we are working in the place with Leo Bodo. And Leo, how are you? Good morning.
00:34How are you, Cata? Good morning. Without a doubt, as you said, many of those who choose these places, these countries, the area of ​​Pilar, in this case,
00:44look for it for tranquility and also for security. But hey, in recent days there have been a number of facts that worry those who live in these types of places.
00:55Why? Because, well, they have been robbed. In this case, it happened around 6 in the morning, in the middle of the fog that there was during this early morning.
01:05Criminals, at least three, approach in the area behind. Look, this is the main entrance where we sit. Yes, Estancias del Pilar.
01:14It is a very well-known country. It is a neighborhood, it is a country composed of the most important in the area of ​​Pilar, composed of eight neighborhoods.
01:23Well, in the part you are going to see, there is a street here on the side, at the main entrance, which goes to the area where there is a very well-known club, which is Champañac.
01:31Yes? In the area well from the background, behind, where there are some cobblestones, there was a lot of fog. It was 6 in the morning, as I was telling you.
01:41And three criminals approach with intentions to enter this country. But hey, with a detail that you will see. This is the perimeter.
01:52But look, generally it is like this. We are going to move and show them. Sorry, we are going to move a little down the street.
02:00This is the street that leads to the Champañac area and much further back there is an area that is beautiful with some cobblestones.
02:08But I wanted to show you a little bit how the perimeter is. Of course. Is it electric?
02:15You are going to see that it has domes and it has some sensors. It does not have electricity, it has some sensors.
02:22You are going to see that it is wired and it also has a metal mesh. Above, too, what is like the wire of the pipes, the cameras.
02:29All this along, I would tell you, several kilometers, because it is a very large country. Well, this situation is repeated.
02:36Well, in the back area, where the cobblestones are, the criminals come, try to cut the wire and there the alarms start to sound.
02:44There are police officers who work overtime, who are generally known as POLAT, who go directly, when the alarms sound, they call them.
02:53There are security teams that work with cars and dogs and go to the area where the alarm sounds, where the sensor marks that they had tried to enter.
03:03There they meet the criminals who try to escape and in the escape they steal a car, shoot the police.
03:11In fact, one of the policemen, as Javi said, ends up injured on his knee, but finally two of the criminals are caught in the place and another one tries to run and also a few meters away he is also arrested.
03:25Yes, that obviously, they kidnapped the weapons, but hey, the concern that generated throughout the neighborhood, obviously.
03:31This is kilometer 56 and a half, we add to everything that Leito is telling very well. There are three detainees, Leo.
03:41I have the names.
03:43Nicolás Ríos, 30 years old, Carlos Ibáñez, 33 years old, Agustín Romero, 20 years old and you know that a particular fact, none of the three live in Pilar, for example.
04:03And all three live in different places, one lives in Guernica, another in the city of Buenos Aires and the other in Gerli.
04:10In other words, it was a gang destined to steal, basically.
04:14On the other side, Javi.
04:16Cata, it draws attention that they are on the other side, we are in the north zone, they come more, if you want, from the south zone.
04:23South and capital.
04:25That is striking.
04:27Someone else must be the brain or the organizer or someone else from there in the area, because no one who lives on one end knows about a neighborhood on the other, unless he sees the opportunity.
04:40It seems more like an organized gang, maybe.
04:42Yes, yes, yes, this usually happens.
04:45They seized two guns, an 11-25 caliber, I read that there he was counting it, and a 7-65 caliber.
04:54In addition, they shot and the police shot him in the leg, right?
04:58Yes, exactly, Javi.
05:00They shot him there, when the vehicle is stolen, there is an exchange of shots, and there this policeman receives this shot in the knee.
05:10I say it worries Cata, Javi, because on Friday, early today, we went to count here in the area of ​​Manzanares,
05:16the lake of Manzanares is called the private neighborhood, a neighborhood that has some different problems.
05:22This one has a lot of security systems and a lot of people working in security.
05:28In this other one, it had some problems because it is bankrupt, let's say, who manages that neighborhood, so it was a little without investment, unlike this one.
05:40On Friday night, eight criminals, with a cap, with their faces covered, with gloves, entered, like a command, to three houses in that neighborhood.
05:50In that place, they subjected three families, where they stole everything, a family, a woman, they took her by the hair to the room to enter the room where there was a safe.
06:01In another of the houses, they threatened one of the children who was going to cut his finger, and in another they subjected about six children who were eating a barbecue on Friday, where they also stole everything.
06:11They were inside that place for two hours, they arrived with a heavily armed truck, they subjected the door guards first, and then they became owners of the neighborhood and went to these three houses.
06:23That's why, in the area, there is concern, there is an alarm for this type of theft, which are organized gangs.
06:30Of course, we also repeat again, usually the neighbors who choose to go to live in closed neighborhoods or country are precisely, above all, to protect themselves from insecurity.
06:41And maybe the people who live in those neighborhoods are with the guard a little lower than all the rest that we do not live in country, because, well, you say, I have my private security.
06:50And besides, you know that many times it happens that there are two reasons for the robberies, obviously for negligence, also for a matter of reducing costs.
07:02So what they do is to shrink the security staff, not to repair all the perimeter controls, sometimes it happens.
07:11And then there is the other, when there is a problem with the security agency, one or the other changes, there is always the doubt of whether those who left gave data to the criminals so that they can enter the most sensitive places.
07:25There is always suspicion about the country guards, clearly.
07:29And other times, well, the criminal who takes advantage and says, here I get in and look for the way to steal, sometimes he succeeds.
07:36In this case, the police arrived quickly, stopped them and also faced the criminals.
07:40Now I imagine the concern, because it is not the first time, Leo, that you and Javi cover robberies in private neighborhoods, right?
07:47That the way in which the neighbors begin to take care of themselves has also changed, right?
07:51They begin to have security measures and security cameras inside the countries.
07:58What used to be without fences, not having, well, both open openings out there or without so much security, that begins to change.
08:09But the modality begins to worry, because they are gangs, because they are in groups.
08:13What we have been telling you, Cata, for a while, is that this type of robbery happened many times with someone who rented a house.
08:21There are many rental houses within the countries.
08:24And there he had some information about a house or took advantage of a moment when the house was empty.
08:31They got in, stole, and well, then there was all the investigation.
08:35Now that they come in organized, that they cut the wires, we have counted it, because there is this type of robbery.
08:42But it begins to repeat more and more, and that is the concern, the alarm, at least in the area.
08:47Tremendous, Leo. Well, thank you very much for your work. Is there any news?
