00:00Buonasera a tutti. Vi ringrazio per esservi uniti a noi qui stasera per celebrare uno
00:11degli elementi fondamentali della nostra democrazia, il diritto al voto. È un vero
00:21piacere così numerosi e sono particolarmente lieto di vedere tanti studenti che rappresentano
00:33il futuro delle nostre tradizioni democratiche.
00:37Ok, that was the hardest part of the evening because now I switch to English. It's really
00:46wonderful to welcome all of you on behalf of Ambassador Prescott and Chargé Hochschild
00:56to this really important evening focused on and celebrating democracy. And it means so
01:03much to us that all of you are here, especially at challenging times like these. This is obviously
01:11been a very challenging campaign in the United States and it's at times like these when
01:18we must do everything possible to nurture, to strengthen and to safeguard democracy for
01:26future generations. And citizen participation, the idea of voting, is truly the key to democracy.