• last year
(Adnkronos) - Premiate a Napoli le vincitrici della seconda edizione dell’hackathon “Women Shape the Future”, promosso da Philip Morris in collaborazione con Codemotion e MedITech, rivolto alle studentesse universitarie di discipline STEM delle regioni Campania, Puglia Basilicata, Calabria, Sicilia e Sardegna. Il Progetto si inserisce nell’ambito delle iniziative del Philip Morris Institute for Manufacturing Competences (IMC), il centro del gruppo Philip Morris International per l’alta formazione e lo sviluppo delle competenze legate all’Industria 4.0.


00:00We are three students of the University of the studies of Bari, in particular we are
00:14PhD students of computer science and in particular we deal with artificial intelligence.
00:20Our project involves the realization of a platform for water savings both in agricultural
00:25fields and in private gardens, all using artificial intelligence.
00:29Both to make decisions on irrigation, but also to predict the future values ​​of the agricultural field or garden.
00:36Create innovative solutions to optimize energy resources in tomorrow's factories and reduce CO2 emissions.
00:43This is the goal of the GOCCIA project, of Daniela Grassi, Nunzio Alomonte and Sara Tibido,
00:47of the Department of Computer Science of the University of Bari, who have won the first place
00:51in the second edition of Women's Sheet The Future, the hackathon promoted by Philip Morris
00:56in collaboration with Code Motion and Meditech.
00:59The award of the students took place in Naples, at the Ibis Foundation, city of science,
01:04during the presentation event of the 14th CIVITA report,
01:07along the paths of knowledge, challenges and tools to understand culture and science,
01:12and is part of the initiative of the center of the Philip Morris International group
01:16for high training and development of skills linked to Industry 0.
01:21The goal is to enhance the talent of the students of the STEM disciplines,
01:25contrasting the stereotype of gender that still sees careers in the technical-scientific field
01:30almost exclusive to men.
01:32Fortunately, the numbers give us reason,
01:34the numbers show that girls are attracted by STEM subjects,
01:38by scientific and technological subjects.
01:40Despite the progress, data at the European level
01:43still reveal a female participation in STEM courses of around 34%,
01:48but positive data come from the growing number of female start-ups
01:51and young female students participating in hackathons.
01:54The girls participate in these innovation challenges,
01:57they are girls from the south, young girls,
01:59who are measuring themselves with new technologies,
02:01compared to the ideas of innovation.
02:04We see that the results are always extraordinary,
02:06and I must also say the participation of the girls, for example, in innovative start-ups.
02:10We are, let's say, second region for the number of innovative start-ups in Italy in general,
02:16but we are also second for the number of female start-ups.
02:19It is therefore essential to continue to promote educational programs
02:22that encourage girls to explore their passions for science and technology,
02:26creating inclusive learning environments that enhance their skills,
02:30as well as the essential collaboration between institutions and companies
02:33to offer opportunities for mentorship and stage,
02:35which make the multiple careers in these sectors visible,
02:38a collective commitment that must start above all from a cultural change.
02:43The fundamental work that we must do,
02:45certainly, is to provide standards,
02:48as has already been done both at the central level,
02:50but often also at the regional level,
02:52to guarantee wage equality,
02:54to guarantee women's access to leadership careers,
02:59to be an input, to be an incentive,
03:00but that is not enough.
03:02The fundamental work to be done is the cultural one,
03:06is to allow girls to feel at ease
03:10in all the faculties that they want to face,
03:13so that the issue of attitudes and competence
03:16does not conflict with a gender issue.
