• last year
Catch an unforgettable moment in CBS' hit cop drama Blue Bloods as Bridget Moynahan, Will Estes, and Len Cariou bring their signature intensity to the screen in the latest episode’s "That's Absurd" clip. Tensions run high as the Reagan family faces a situation that's pushing them to their limits, blending family dynamics and high-stakes police work with raw honesty. Moynahan’s Erin stands her ground as she’s pulled between legal and family loyalties, Estes' Jamie confronts a moral dilemma that puts his badge on the line, and Cariou’s Frank offers the wisdom of experience, all adding to the heart-pounding suspense that defines Blue Bloods. Dive into the drama, character depth, and compelling conflicts that keep viewers hooked season after season.

Blue Bloods Cast:

Tom Selleck, Donnie Wahlberg, Bridget Moynahan, Vanessa Ray, Will Estes, Steve Schirripa, Abigail Hawk, Will Hochman and Len Cariou

Stream every episode of Blue Bloods now on Paramount+!


00:00Well, Danny was supposed to be recognized
00:05with this year's honor from the Irish Society.
00:09Was supposed to be recognized?
00:11The offer was rescinded.
00:13Why did the board double back?
00:15Likely because we're talking about Danny here.
00:18I mean, he doesn't always play nice in the sandbox.
00:20They were concerned that his reputation
00:23might bring them undue criticism.
00:25Well, that's absurd.
00:26Danny's got a stellar record.
00:28I think it's a good thing.
00:29What are you not telling us?
