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00:00Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
00:30Sous-titrage Société Radio-Canada
01:30Life is from a bunkhouse
02:00The double class U has dug up a bunch from Tombstone
02:04And we mean dug up
02:06You're my foreman, notch. Stop him!
02:08Major, the I.O.U. ranch has had it. Without cowhands, you'll have to sell out to bad mouth Ben Portwright
02:16Ah! Howdy, partner!
02:20Who is it?
02:22You mean, what is it?
02:24Just an old cowhand. I hope you ain't in a hurry, too.
02:28You're kind of cute.
02:30Oh, Grandma, you caught one.
02:34Wow! They dug him up, all right.
02:38And that's the story. Bad mouth Ben wants my water rights, so he's trying to make me sell out.
02:44And he's rustling your cattle and running off your help? How ungentlemanly.
02:49Major, I think you better sell. That bad mouth Ben...
02:56Now Homer, that watch chain belongs to our guest.
03:00We'll be your cowhands, Major. You can see we have a way with animals.
03:05We certainly have.
03:08And besides, we're responsible for your help leaving.
03:13Well, have you had any ranching experience?
03:17He doesn't mean you, Ocho.
03:21Ranching experience? Well, not actually, Major, but it's in our blood.
03:26She means the Adams family had a big ranch in western Transylvania.
03:31The Hex Bar Hex.
03:34Well, I could sure use some help.
03:37Whoopee! Oh, we're gonna be cowboys!
03:43I'll bet bad mouth Ben will be surprised.
03:46Uh, yeah. Uh, yeah. Yeah!
03:51I'm coming! I'm coming!
03:54Gee, Pop, that may be the Rustlers.
03:57Dummy, we're the Rustlers.
04:00Well, what do you want?
04:02Well, I had to tell you, boss. The Major has hired a bunch of new cowhands, the Adamses.
04:07So what? We'll run them off.
04:09You don't want to run this bunch off. They're gonna wreck his ranch.
04:14You mean they're bad guys like us?
04:17Hello, Joe. Will you be quiet?
04:20Now, what are you talking about?
04:22Well, they're not cowhands. They're weirdos.
04:25Why, they don't know a bull from a heifer.
04:28Well, isn't the bull the one that...
04:30Will you keep quiet?
04:32You mean they don't know anything about riding or...
04:35Or anything.
04:37I'm taking them out roping and branding tomorrow.
04:40Why, they'll scatter cattle all over the state.
04:44That'll make it easy for the Rustlers.
04:46That's us, huh, Pop?
04:49Quiet! You really think this is it?
04:52Can't miss, boss. You know the first thing I'm doing tomorrow morning?
04:56Brushing your teeth?
04:58I'm tricking this one called Fester into riding Tornado Tom.
05:05I'm telling Fester his name is Gentle Ben.
05:10Tornado Tom?
05:13Yippee! Ride him, cowboy!
05:16But don't hurt him, Fester.
05:18I wouldn't hurt Gentle Ben, would I?
05:22He hasn't been ridden in a while.
05:25You may have to give him a little pat to get him started.
05:29Gotcha. Nice boy. Giddyap.
05:34Great, Uncle Fester!
05:37Great, Uncle Fester!
05:40It's a moonshot!
05:42And those clowns are gonna save the Major's ranch from us?
05:47Ah, look!
05:51I think he's having it up a bit for the kiddies.
05:54Do it again, Uncle Fester.
05:56There he goes!
05:58Wowee! What horsemanship!
06:01You'll never walk away from that one.
06:06Now do something fancy.
06:08Something fancy?
06:10No, I don't want to be a show-off.
06:12Someday I'll get on a bucking horse and really show you some fancy riding.
06:20That's a new record!
06:22That's his spacewalk.
06:24Isn't the horse sweet?
06:26He's waiting for Uncle Fester.
06:28Yes, but look, he's switched ends on him.
06:33Hey, you turned the wrong way.
06:37He's on backwards. Now Tornado Tom has him.
06:41Boy, Pa, he's clever.
06:44Cheer for the horse, not him.
06:46Look, he's kicking the fence.
06:49There go the kids.
06:51And there goes Fester.
06:54That's it. Tornado Tom's wiped them out.
07:01Wowee! What a splashdown!
07:04Magnificent! We'll save this ranch yet.
07:07You're a nice horse.
07:11Bah! Wait till I get a hold of that notch.
07:17I thought you said the Addamses were tender feet.
07:20Well, they are, boss. That whole riding thing was an accident.
07:24They better not be able to brand those cattle. We're gonna rustle them.
07:28They don't know what branding is.
07:31Somebody's coming.
07:35Hi there, dear old Pop. I was just being your lookout.
07:39Well, you better look out, or you're gonna get it!
07:44Ferdinand sure is nice, Major.
07:46Ferdinand is my prize bull. That's why he's not out on the range.
07:50Yeah. It'd be awful if someone rustled him.
07:55Come on, kids. Roundup time.
07:58You're using that instead of horses?
08:01All our plops are under the hood.
08:07And that's all there is to it.
08:09You just rope them, throw them down and brand them.
08:12Does it hurt?
08:13No. Just tickles.
08:15But why is it necessary?
08:17Because old cows look alike, see?
08:20Now, this way we know they're the Majors, and Badmouth Ben can't rustle them.
08:24Okay, gang. All set.
08:33I got him!
08:34Give me the brakes!
08:35Brakes coming up.
08:37Oh, boy!
08:42Now there's a tender foot!
08:45Oh, boy! He's gonna be tender somewhere besides his foot!
08:49Wow! What a drag!
08:52Come on, Coleman!
08:53Bulldoggers, man your stations.
08:56Bulldoggers, man your stations.
08:58I'll take the first one!
09:00Stand by for warning.
09:06Left turn, Uncle Fester!
09:08Boy, that's neat! He's smart!
09:11Left turn, Uncle Fester!
09:13Boy, that's neat! He's steering the steer!
09:16I'd like to steer you out of town!
09:22Well, that was pretty good.
09:24Now just throw them down and brand them.
09:26Think you can do that?
09:28I think so. If you will, Lurch.
09:34Like that.
09:35Not bad for a city feller.
09:37I'll take it from here, Sonny.
09:39Branding iron!
09:41Branding iron?
09:42You take the old red-hot branding iron
09:45and warm up the rump roast.
09:51Now, you see how it's done?
09:54You did a great job, Grandma.
09:57Yeah. Badmouth Ben won't be stealing Uncle Fester.
10:01Just call me Smokey.
10:03Hey, let's brand them our way.
10:06Your way?
10:07The Transylvania way. No branding iron.
10:10And guaranteed to prevent rustling.
10:14Be my guest.
10:16Lurch, your very own bathtub, if you don't mind.
10:21And, Grandma, a batch of your Who's Moo juice.
10:26They're gonna give a steer a bath?
10:29Temperature's just right.
10:31First customer!
10:32Just dunk him a couple of times, Lurch.
10:34My Who's Moo juice will do the rest.
10:36Yes, ma'am.
10:40I don't believe this.
10:42Wow, it's beautiful.
10:44What a brand.
10:46Oh, Lurch, it's gorgeous.
10:48A purple cow?
10:50Golly, and I thought I'd never see one.
10:53You dummy!
10:55Don't you know what they've done?
10:57They've dyed a cow purple?
10:59And wrecked the rustling business.
11:01How can you steal purple cows?
11:03Everybody will know they belong to the major.
11:05But gosh, what a pretty brand.
11:09Tender feet, huh?
11:11The only thing left for us to steal is the major's prize bull.
11:14Don't do it, boss.
11:16Not with that big, ghoul Lurch around.
11:18That's why you're sending him to town on an errand tomorrow.
11:22The hole-in-the-head gang will be waiting for him.
11:25The hole-in-the-head gang?
11:27Oh, golly gosh, Pop.
11:29They're even meaner than you are.
11:31Ah, c'est bon!
11:33Je me souviens plus tard.
11:35En comparaison avec eux, je suis un amoureux.
11:40Lurch, pourquoi est-ce que tu les envoies à la ville?
11:43Eh bien, Major, tu sais que chaque nouvelle marque de poule doit être enregistrée.
11:48Alors nous allons enregistrer ta nouvelle marque, la marque de poules purples.
11:52Il la garde sous ses mains.
11:55Rappelez-vous, c'est une ville difficile,
11:57et vous ne pouvez pas attendre beaucoup d'aide de Sheriff Fat Garrett.
12:00Ne vous inquiétez pas, je m'occupe de l'enfant ici.
12:05Et soyez prudents pour le gang de la poule-à-la-poule!
12:10Bienvenue à Hangtown et à la dernière saloon.
12:14Qui êtes-vous, mesdames et messieurs?
12:16Comment allez-vous? Je suis Wyatt Burp, et c'est Silly, l'enfant.
12:22Oh, le gang de la poule-à-la-poule!
12:26C'est vrai, mademoiselle Kitty!
12:28Badmouth Ben nous a emprisonnés pour prendre soin d'un couple de gars.
12:32Oh, qu'est-ce que vous allez faire à eux?
12:35Ah, juste les faire bouger un peu.
12:40Et puis, Wild Bill Hiccup va venir et les appeler pour un défilé.
12:45Ils seront effrayés de l'État par le soleil.
12:49Oh, des marques!
12:51Ça doit être l'endroit où l'on registre les nouvelles marques de magasins.
12:55Gardez la peinture bleue sous votre masque jusqu'à ce qu'elle soit enregistrée.
12:59Nous ne voulons pas d'argent pour emprisonner l'idée.
13:02Hey, les gars! Ne rentrez pas là-bas, vous entendez?
13:04Le gang de la poule-à-la-poule veut vous offrir une réception.
13:07C'est pas si agréable.
13:10Eh bien, ça pourrait être une fête de nectailles pour vous, les gars.
13:13Ah, j'aimerais que je savais que la fête était formelle.
13:16J'aurais dû m'occuper de ça.
13:19Le Major devrait savoir que cette ville n'est pas un endroit pour des poules-à-la-poule.
13:26Nous ne voulons pas embarrasser le Major d'être une poule-à-la-poule.
13:29Quand nous entrerons, nous ferons comme des vrais cow-boys.
13:32Vous veux dire comme dans les anciens films de l'Ouest?
13:36Je ferai mon imitation de John Wayne.
13:39Vous faites du Gary Cooper.
13:41Ils arrivent, les gars.
13:43Ne les tuez pas, s'il vous plaît.
13:45Ils ne se sentiront pas effrayés.
13:48Comment allez-vous, partenaires?
13:50Comment allez-vous, partenaires?
13:52Souriez quand vous dites ça.
13:54Souriez quand vous...
13:58J'ai dit souriez, partenaire, pas rire.
14:03Bienvenue, partenaires.
14:05Comment allez-vous, mademoiselle?
14:07Vous voulez une bière, Coop?
14:09Oui, Duke.
14:14Je suis désolé, mademoiselle.
14:19Donnez-moi un coup de lait.
14:22De lait?
14:23Et je prends trois doigts.
14:25Et je prends trois doigts.
14:26Et je prends trois doigts.
14:27Et je prends trois doigts.
14:28Et je prends trois doigts.
14:29Ici, ils arrivent.
14:31Je n'aime pas dire à le majeur.
14:33Vous avez un pauvre...
14:36Que se passe-t-il?
14:37en en sortant,
14:51Ils m'ont stoppé la promotion, bébé.
14:54Je suis situé.
14:55Y a pas de regret.
14:56Ici, on part.
14:57On va trouver Lurch, Fester et Tyler.
14:58Lurch & Fester in town, and go after Batmouth then!
15:02They're headed for the border!
15:04Yippee, the chase is on!
15:06Over hill, over grass, we'll head them off at Beagle Pass!
15:16It's lucky the road to the border runs through town.
15:19I just hope the Hole-in-the-Head Gang hasn't frightened Lurch and Mr. Fester.
15:23We ain't scaring these dudes. What do we do?
15:26Well, don't worry. Wild Bill Hiccup's due any minute. He'll take care of them.
15:32Come on out, tender feet. I know you're in there.
15:37Oh, it's Wild Bill Hiccup.
15:40I got something for ya.
15:43Well, I'm coming out, Wild Bill. Probably wants to give us the keys to the city.
15:50Fester, you broke it. You're died.
15:55You coming out, tender feet?
16:02The purple people-eater!
16:05Hey, where's the key to the city?
16:08Here, boy. How about a deputy's badge instead? You just cleaned up the town.
16:16I thought the Hole-in-the-Head Gang was wild.
16:19Here, boy. Take my badge.
16:21Goodbye, sheriff!
16:25Get up! We'll have to big mouth them. We've done it, Pop. We beat them to Beagle Pass.
16:30And only five miles to the border.
16:33What's that? It's those Adamses!
16:36Oh, darn it! The good guys win again.
16:39Oh, shut up!
16:41We're both gonna be shut up, Pop, for about 20 years.
16:44They're not gonna catch us. We have horses.
16:48They can't follow us cross-country. You're the sneakiest poppin' boy I ever had.
16:53Never mind the compliments. Get going!
16:56They've left Birdland and they're getting away on horses.
16:59Oh, I wish we could catch them.
17:01Deputy Lurch and Sheriff Fester could arrest them and stop the wrestling for good.
17:05Your wish is our command. Man your battle stations.
17:12Pop, they're following us in that vine.
17:15Great! Head for that chasm.
17:18They're heading for the chasm. We can't cross in this contraption.
17:22Control room.
17:23Control room here.
17:25Draw bridges down.
17:27Draw bridges down.
17:30Oh, wow, Pop! That chasm's for the birds.
17:34So come on, chicken!
17:38This thing can't jump the chasm.
17:41Control room.
17:42Activate flaps.
17:44Flaps activated.
17:48We're gonna crash!
17:52Oh, they made it. They jumped that chasm in that weird old wagon.
17:56Then we'll give them the old over-the-brink-into-the-drink trick.
18:01Let's see them follow us now.
18:05Oh, here they come!
18:07Don't worry. When that contraption hits the water, it'll sink like a rock.
18:12Control room. Balloon tires.
18:15Balloon tires coming up.
18:23Oh, sneaky!
18:24We have just one chance. The old out-on-the-limp trick.
18:28Why, that's the oldest trick of them all.
18:30Well, that's why they won't think we'll try it.
18:33Hmm. That's so stupid, it makes sense. Let's go.
18:41We're gaining on them. They just went around that bend up ahead.
18:47There, their horses. But where are Little Joe and Badmouth Ben?
18:51They must have fooled the old out-on-the-limp trick.
18:54To think they fooled a couple of old lawmen like us.
19:00I'm afraid the Addamses have let you down, Major.
19:03Nonsense, ma'am. You saved Ferdinand and you gave me that purple dye brand.
19:09Although Ben will probably figure out a way to remove the dye.
19:13Oh, not without my special dye remover, he won't.
19:17Ha! Ha! Ha!
19:20That's right. If it weren't for Granny's dye remover, I'd be purple for the rest of my life.
19:24You dummy! You and your out-on-the-limp trick.
19:29I give up.
19:31Where's a purple bad man gonna hide?
19:33Especially if he's got a purple kid.
19:40Ferdinand and I sure thank you for saving the ranch.
19:43No, it was our pleasure.
19:46Adios, Major.
19:49Major, who were those people?
19:51I don't know for sure. Just call them the Lone Strangers.
19:56Yeah. You can't get any stranger than that.
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