• last year
00:00And these devices, Mom?
00:04I bought them for you, my love.
00:06So when you train, you don't miss anything.
00:08Well, the ones we had weren't bad.
00:10Well, I changed them.
00:12And I did it for your own good, huh?
00:14But you find a problem with everything.
00:16Of course not, Mom.
00:18Thank you very much.
00:22Do you think you can give me more money this month?
00:24It's Grandma's birthday,
00:26and I'd like to visit her and give her a present.
00:28I'd like to visit her and give her a present.
00:56I'm tired.
00:58Can we leave the pictures for later?
01:00No, honey.
01:02I'm sorry, but I can't.
01:04Besides, the clients can't wait.
01:06The line of clothes will be out in two weeks,
01:08and we have to put the specials all over the city.
01:10and we have to put the specials all over the city.
01:12Let's keep going, guys.
01:14We're thirsty.
01:26We're thirsty.
01:34I'm home, Mom.
01:36Why didn't you go to the studio with me?
01:38The application taxi took long,
01:40and I had to disguise myself so no one would recognize me.
01:42I couldn't, honey.
01:44I had a meeting with a French cosmetics brand
01:46through Zoom.
01:48And due to the schedule difference,
01:50I had to be there at this time.
01:52A French brand?
01:54They want you to be the ambassador of America for their brand.
01:57And of course I said yes.
01:59Mom, but I've been full of work and I haven't rested at all.
02:03I thought it would be a good idea to take a break.
02:06Is this how you respond to the effort I make for you, Leila?
02:09I spend it working on your career all day.
02:12I spend it in meetings with important brands,
02:14so that you are the model you are today.
02:16And you tell me that you are tired, that you want a break.
02:18It's not fair.
02:20No, Mom, of course I am very grateful for everything you have done for me.
02:24But I'm really tired.
02:26Please understand me.
02:28There are days when I love my job,
02:30and other days I hate it with all my heart and I would like to run away.
02:34At least you have the opportunity to feel that, Leila.
02:37Now you understand me.
02:39I broke my dreams to have you.
02:41I had everything to be the great international model you are now.
02:46But no.
02:48I stupidly decided to have you.
02:50Come on, Mom, please.
02:52Don't start with the same thing again.
02:55Oh well, that's the truth.
02:57I got pregnant with you when I was 16 years old, Leila.
03:00I should have listened to your father before he abandoned us
03:03to leave Italy and continue with his career.
03:08No, no, no.
03:09I stupidly had you and now you do pay my sacrifice.
03:14No, Mom.
03:16I'm sorry.
03:18It's okay.
03:19I'll go to the deal with the French brand
03:21and I'll do whatever you think is convenient for me.
03:25Very good, my little girl.
03:27Thank you, Mom.
03:37I'm glad you reached an economic agreement with the French brand.
03:40That benefits us all.
03:43That Leila is part of this agency gives us global positioning.
03:47Of course.
03:49I have been able to advance Leila's career.
03:52For something so precious, manager.
03:54For the good of the girl, of course.
03:57Having a gold mine at home.
03:59Don't you think?
04:03Come in.
04:05Mom, I already finished the group session of the shoe brand.
04:09And the other guys are inviting me to celebrate karaoke.
04:12Do you think you can give me money?
04:14Again, Leila?
04:15You see how poorly spent you are?
04:17The good thing is that I manage your money.
04:19Because if you had the card and I didn't...
04:21Come on, come on.
04:23Let her have fun with her colleagues.
04:27Today I invite you to the fun.
04:32Take it.
04:36But it's a loan.
04:38I'll pay you when my mom gives me my next meal.
04:44See you at home, mom.
04:50We'll see how long your taste lasts.
04:53You are the only one who does not realize that Leila is no longer a girl.
05:01I don't want to be always like this.
05:04I have to be very pretty for when I meet the daddy
05:08with whom I'm talking to on Instagram.
05:12Let's see.
05:15Maybe I'm going to change my gym routine.
05:17Yes, yes, maybe I'll do that.
05:19But to do it I need modern equipment.
05:23Let's see.
05:29Come on.
05:31This one.
05:34This one.
05:38This one.
06:03And these devices, mom?
06:06I bought them for you, my love.
06:08So when you train, you don't miss anything.
06:10Well, the ones we had weren't bad.
06:12Well, I changed them.
06:14And I did it for your good, huh?
06:16But you find a problem with everything.
06:18Of course not, mom.
06:19Thank you very much.
06:24Do you think you can give me more money this month?
06:26It's grandma's birthday and I would like to visit her and give her a gift.
06:31Leila, I don't understand how you can call that woman grandma
06:35after she didn't do anything for her son to fulfill his obligations.
06:39Oh, mom.
06:40Grandma, what could I do?
06:42That was your decision and my dad's.
06:45Besides, I haven't seen my dad since I was like five years old.
06:51I don't even remember him.
06:52Of course you don't remember him.
06:54He went to Italy to fulfill his dreams and never came back.
06:57Mom, I don't want to fight.
06:59Please, can you give me more money?
07:02I already told you that money is not wasted.
07:04You'll see how you manage with the money I give you.
07:07And remember that you have to go to Colombia, huh?
07:10To the opening of Milton Fa's store.
07:12Tell the girl to help you with the luggage.
07:15But weren't you going to accompany me?
07:19This time I didn't even ask her to accompany you.
07:21I have something very important to do here and I can't miss it.
07:30Oh, my love.
07:31Thank you very much for accepting my invitation to eat.
07:34Grandma, you know I love you very much.
07:36But it's very difficult to see you because my mom won't let me.
07:40I don't know, my love.
07:42He's right to a certain extent.
07:44When your dad found out you were on your way, he left.
07:47And I didn't have the courage to face him or my husband.
07:51But well, let's not talk about sad things.
07:54The important thing is that now we are here to celebrate your birthday, Grandma.
07:59You're right, my love.
08:01Hey, I already saw that you have a lot of work.
08:04You are Milton Fa's ambassador.
08:07In fact, I will go to Colombia for two weeks as a brand ambassador.
08:13Hey, Grandma, I don't want to be rude, but I have to go.
08:18I have a photo shoot at the agency and I don't want to be late.
08:21Don't worry, I understand.
08:23Young man, the bill, please.
08:26Hey, a dessert or something.
08:31Oh, Grandma.
08:32Oh, forgive me.
08:34What happens is that I left my wallet in the other bag and I didn't bring money to pay the bill.
08:39Oh, don't worry, I'll invite you.
08:44Thank you, Grandma.
08:52Two weeks later
08:57Come in.
08:59Mom, I'm back.
09:03Did you get a surgery?
09:06Was that the important appointment that you couldn't miss?
09:10Of course, I got a liposuction.
09:14Oh, what a pain.
09:15What? I'm young, I have to take care of what God gave me.
09:18Can you tell me how much money you paid for a surgery?
09:22You've always known that I charge a percentage of your earnings.
09:26I work as your manager, you are not a payment.
09:30Yes, yes, Mom, I have no doubt about that.
09:33But if you only give me a few pesos a month, according to you, so as not to waste my money,
09:38I don't think what you earn is enough to pay for a surgery.
09:42Let's see, it's not my fault that you are a bad administrator with the money I give you.
09:46I was saving.
09:49And look, you know what? Let me rest.
09:52Today has been a very long day.
09:54And you know what? You should be grateful to me, Leila.
09:57I'll take you to the top of the list.
09:59Yeah, yeah, Mom, really.
10:01I'm very tired to hear the same thing as always.
10:05Leila, this is David Arango.
10:09Both have been chosen by the brand Luis Victor for the campaign of cultures and borders.
10:15Nice to meet you.
10:18It's a dream come true to meet you.
10:22You are much more beautiful in person.
10:28I'm David Arango.
10:30I'm Luis Victor.
10:31You are much more beautiful in person.
10:34The photos do not do you justice.
10:39Who were you talking to?
10:42You won't believe which brand just closed a contract to make your image, my love.
10:48Which one?
10:50K-Fashion, the most important brand in South Korea.
10:54It will enter the Latin American market and they have chosen you, my love, as their image.
11:01Do you know what that means for your career, Leila?
11:05Mom, but I already have Luis Victor, Catalina Perea and Milton Fajer.
11:11Yes, yes, yes, I know, my love.
11:13It's just a matter of adjusting your times so that you meet all the contracts.
11:18I'll take care of that, my love. You don't worry about anything.
11:22We just have a little problem, daughter.
11:25You'll see.
11:26The beauty standards of South Korea are very different from ours.
11:31And the brand needs you to lose, let's say, eight kilos so that you can fit in with its clothing line.
11:40Eight kilos?
11:42No, mom, it's a lot.
11:44I take care of my diet, I exercise, I'm fine.
11:49I can't lose eight kilos.
11:51Well, you'll have to be able to, my love.
11:53Because in the contract I signed, there is a clause that says you can be penalized if you physically do not meet the requirements of the brand.
12:01Look, you don't worry.
12:05I'll tell Juanita what and how much you should eat, okay?
12:09Besides, it wouldn't feel bad to go on a diet.
12:14What are you doing? Who is that guy?
12:16It's Osmar, my boyfriend.
12:18And I've seen you live in this house before, haven't I?
12:26Hi, Leila.
12:28You're as pretty as you look on social media.
12:31I'm not pretty.
12:33I'm not pretty.
12:35I'm not pretty.
12:37I'm not pretty.
12:39I'm not pretty.
12:40You're not as pretty as you look on social media.
12:43Well, but not as beautiful as Irene.
12:46Your mother is unique.
12:49Mom, can we talk alone, please?
12:53Okay, I understand.
13:01Don't be long, okay?
13:03I'll wait in the bedroom to finish what I started.
13:10You're so rude, Leila.
13:12Don't you want to see me happy?
13:16How can you be so selfish?
13:19That's why I'm helping you, right?
13:21Because you got yourself that man who knows he's a living person.
13:25You don't even know what you're talking about, princess.
13:27He's an influencer and makes a lot of money making videos.
13:31Yes, of course.
13:37I want you to buy me a car.
13:38Oh, no, my love.
13:40You'll have to wait until you get the payment for the next brand.
13:43I don't have it right now.
13:45What do you mean you don't have it?
13:47I don't have it available, Leila.
13:49You know perfectly well that everything is in investments.
13:52I'll tell you when you can buy the car.
13:54Oh, and you know what?
13:56I'd better go with my man.
13:59And don't bother me with my nudes, girl.
14:04And Juanita already knows what she has to give you to eat, my love.
14:08Don't eat too much because you still have to lose a few pounds, okay?
14:13I love you, my beautiful chubby.
14:23Accountant Bracamontes.
14:24I want you to please give me a detailed report on the money I have invested.
14:28As a result of my work since I was a child.
14:31Leila, I'm really sorry about you, but...
14:34Did your mother really not tell you anything?
14:36Nothing about what?
14:37Leila, you don't have any money invested or savings accounts.
14:41Your mother has spent it all.
14:45I'm sorry, but your bank accounts are in red numbers.
14:58I want you to tell me what you have done to the money I have earned during all those years working, Mom.
15:03How is it possible that I have nothing?
15:05Don't say nonsense.
15:07I've never lied to you, Leila.
15:09Of course your money is invested.
15:11Just look at the house where we live.
15:14Look at the luxuries we have.
15:16All this is yours, my love.
15:18No, Mom. This house is made and chosen to your liking.
15:21You have never taken me into account to do and undo in it.
15:25Don't you remember that you lived almost a year in Paris, my love?
15:29With what do you think I pay you?
15:31Of course, that you feel very big and now you complain to me.
15:33You no longer see everything I have done for you.
15:37I have dedicated my life to you, Leila.
15:40I have only lived to fulfill your dreams.
15:42Stop saying it's my dream when it's actually yours.
15:46I didn't ask you to be a model.
15:48I just grew up doing this because you decided so.
15:52And yes, I lived in Paris for a year.
15:55But I was studying modeling.
15:57That's what I did.
16:02You are ungrateful, Leila.
16:05Do you know how much my heart hurts when you tell me those things?
16:09Enough, Mom. Enough, really.
16:11You suffocate me.
16:23No, no, no.
16:25This doesn't fit me.
16:27This is size 00, for a ten-year-old girl.
16:28Can't you send me clothes of my size?
16:31No, that's the size of this brand.
16:34No, then I can't be the model that represents them.
16:37I don't have their clothes.
16:39How many kilos did you lose?
16:41Only three.
16:44Give me a week.
16:46I promise you that the clothes will fit you.
16:48If we are going to comply with this contract.
16:52A week and one more day.
17:28A week and one more day.
17:58A week and one more day.
18:00A week and one more day.
18:01A week and one more day.
18:25It would be great if we celebrated our two months of relationship on the beaches of Brazil.
18:32Honey, the thing is that I don't have money right now.
18:37They haven't deposited anything to Leila.
18:40So we have to wait a little longer.
18:42Until she calms down.
18:48My queen.
18:50Just don't be late.
18:52Because what you can't give me, I'm sure another woman can give it to me.
18:57Forget it.
18:59I'm your only woman.
19:02And if you don't exist.
19:07You don't exist.
19:09I'll see how I do it.
19:16It can't be Leila.
19:18It's been a week and you haven't lost enough weight.
19:22That's it. It's over.
19:24The client already contacted Jade Vaz.
19:26She's going to be the one who represents the brand in Latin America.
19:30You must pay the penalty.
19:36But I don't have money to pay them.
19:39This is not a game, Leila.
19:41Don't you understand? The brand could sue you and you could even go to jail.
19:51Leila, calm down.
19:52Calm down.
19:54Leila, Leila, calm down. What's wrong with you? You're exaggerating.
19:58Juan, Alfonso, help me!
20:00Leila, breathe, please, breathe.
20:02What's wrong with her?
20:04I don't know. Suddenly she got like this. She can't breathe anymore.
20:06We have to take her to the hospital. I don't want any problems at my agency.
20:11Run, run, run! Help her!
20:16What happened, doctor?
20:18Why did I feel like this?
20:19What you felt is called generalized anxiety disorder.
20:23It's the sudden feeling of fear, stress, paranoia.
20:27This generated the acceleration of your heart rate,
20:30causing physical weakness and shortness of breath.
20:33Nowadays, anxiety is a common disorder among all kinds of people.
20:37But I was fine.
20:39Just a while ago I began to feel everything you describe.
20:43Unfortunately, there are people who do not respond to the signals their body sends them
20:46and become functional depressive.
20:49But you are in time, Leila.
20:51You will see that with medication and therapy we will be able to channel your emotions
20:56so that anxiety, even if it is part of your life, does not dominate you.
21:00But what if people think I'm crazy?
21:02People always speak from their perspective of life, Leila.
21:05You can't control that.
21:07The only thing you can control is your mind.
21:09And asking for help is not from crazy people, it's from intelligent people.
21:13I will always be with you, my love.
21:14I will never leave you.
21:17And me too.
21:19You know I'm here for you unconditionally.
21:22Surround yourself with people who become your support network
21:26and learn to heal people with whom you no longer synchronize
21:29and more than doing well, they conflict you.
21:31Putting limits on your family, work and social relationships is neither bad nor immature.
21:37It is necessary for you to have peace of mind.
21:40You can do it, Leila.
21:41You can do it, Leila.
22:11You can do it, Leila.
22:13You can do it, Leila.
22:15You can do it, Leila.
22:17You can do it, Leila.
22:19You can do it, Leila.
22:21You can do it, Leila.
22:23You can do it, Leila.
22:25You can do it, Leila.
22:27You can do it, Leila.
22:29You can do it, Leila.
22:31You can do it, Leila.
22:33You can do it, Leila.
22:35You can do it, Leila.
22:37You can do it, Leila.
22:39You can do it, Leila.
22:41You can do it, Leila.
22:43You can do it, Leila.
22:45You can do it, Leila.
22:47You can do it, Leila.
22:49You can do it, Leila.
22:51You can do it, Leila.
22:53You can do it, Leila.
22:55You can do it, Leila.
22:57You can do it, Leila.
22:59You can do it, Leila.
23:01You can do it, Leila.
23:03You can do it, Leila.
23:05You can do it, Leila.
23:07You can do it, Leila.
23:09You can do it, Leila.
23:11You can do it, Leila.
23:13You can do it, Leila.
23:15You can do it, Leila.
23:17You can do it, Leila.
23:19You can do it, Leila.
23:21You can do it, Leila.
23:23You can do it, Leila.
23:25You can do it, Leila.
23:27You can do it, Leila.
23:29You can do it, Leila.
23:31You can do it, Leila.
23:33You can do it, Leila.
23:35You can do it, Leila.
23:37You can do it, Leila.
23:39You can do it, Leila.
23:41You can do it, Leila.
23:43You can do it, Leila.
23:45You can do it, Leila.
23:47You can do it, Leila.
23:49You can do it, Leila.
23:51You can do it, Leila.
23:53You can do it, Leila.
23:55You can do it, Leila.
23:57You can do it, Leila.
23:59You can do it, Leila.
24:01You can do it, Leila.
24:03You can do it, Leila.
24:05You can do it, Leila.
24:07You can do it, Leila.
24:09You can do it, Leila.
24:11You can do it, Leila.
24:13You can do it, Leila.