• last year
Best Way to Stop a Dog's Barking

These are the best ways to stop a dog that barks a lot.

Train the dog
Teach commands like “can” and “calm down”. When your dog stops barking, reward him with a treat.

Divert attention
Throwing a toy or ball can help divert your dog's attention from what is making him bark.

Praise and caress
Petting him and praising him when he stops barking helps him understand that it's good not to bark.

Socialize the dog
Insert the dog into groups of dogs in parks or squares during walks.
One of the main reasons for a dog barking excessively is stress and lack of socialization, which makes him bark whenever he encounters a strange dog or person. Therefore, try to include him in groups of dogs in a square or park during a walk, for example.

Create a calm environment
Create a peaceful and cozy environment with toys, bed, blankets, food and water.

Physical activities
Dogs that bark a lot need physical activity.
Make sure your pet is practicing physical activity and receiving mental stimulation. Having a dog barking a lot can be synonymous with pent-up energy. And, in this context, it is also important to evaluate the breed of the furry friend, as the type of dog determines the type of personality predisposed to it.

Anti-stress necklace
In stormy or fireworks situations, an anti-stress collar can help control barking.

Leave the TV or radio on
If your dog barks at loud noises, leaving the TV or radio on at medium volume may help.

Cover windows and close doors
If your dog barks at the movements of people, cars or animals, cover windows, close doors or leave him indoors.

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