Catch the “Getting Married” clip from Doctor Odyssey Season 1 Episode 6, airing now on ABC! Created by the visionary Ryan Murphy, this intense medical drama delves deep into the human spirit as it confronts extraordinary challenges. With standout performances from Joshua Jackson, Phillipa Soo, Sean Teale, and Don Johnson, Doctor Odyssey delivers a riveting blend of emotion, suspense, and shocking twists. The first season has raised the bar for storytelling, keeping audiences hooked week after week. Don’t miss out—tune in on ABC!
Doctor Odyssey Cast:
Joshua Jackson, Don Johnson, Phillipa Soo and Sean Teale
Stream Doctor Odyssey Season 1 now on ABC and Hulu!
Doctor Odyssey Cast:
Joshua Jackson, Don Johnson, Phillipa Soo and Sean Teale
Stream Doctor Odyssey Season 1 now on ABC and Hulu!
00:04Oh, wow.
00:05Come lay out with your mama, take a load off.
00:09Baby oil?
00:11What, so I can look like an old leather tanning boot before I'm 30?
00:16You really should try self-tanner, I've been telling you.
00:19I don't spray, I lay.
00:2130 years of cruising, mama knows how to get a tan.
00:30I'm getting married!