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Pengacara kontroversial Farhat Abbas menanggapi tudingan mengantongi dana titipan sebesar Rp50 miliar yang disebut sebagai hak pelaku Usaha Mikro, Kecil, dan Menengah (UMKM) yang menjadi korban investasi bodong MeMiles pada akhir tahun 2019. Farhat dengan tegas membantah tuduhan tersebut dan menyatakan bahwa dirinya tidak pernah menerima dana tersebut.

“Nggak ada uang titipan, bohong semua itu,” ujar Farhat Abbas dikutip dari salah satu akun YouTube, Jumat, 8 November 2024.

Farhat juga menjelaskan, uang yang disebut-sebut sebagai dana titipan tersebut adalah bayaran dari pihak MeMiles kepada Elza Syarief, pengacara yang saat itu mewakili MeMiles. Menurut Farhat, ada perjanjian antara MeMiles dan Elza yang menyebutkan bahwa Elza dibayar untuk jasanya sebagai kuasa hukum dalam kasus yang melibatkan dana triliunan rupiah.


00:00Farhad Abbas, a controversial spokesman,
00:02accused the accusation of holding a deposit of 50 billion rupiah,
00:06which is referred to as the right of a micro, small and medium-sized business, or UMKM,
00:11who became a victim of the Bodong-Mimals investment at the end of 2019.
00:18Farhad firmly rejected the accusation and stated that he had never received the funds.
00:26There is no deposit money, it's all a lie.
00:30Ujar Farhad Abbas was quoted from one of the YouTube accounts on Friday, November 8, 2024.
00:38Farhad also explained that the money referred to as the deposit money
00:43was a payment from the Mimals to Elza Sherif,
00:47the host who represented the Mimals at the time.
00:51According to Farhad, there was an agreement between the Mimals and Elza
00:55that stated that Elza was paid for her service as a legal authority
00:59in a case involving billions of rupiah.
01:04There was an agreement, that Mrs. Elza was paid.
01:08A billionaire case?
01:10Farhad Abbas explained.
01:13On the same occasion, Farhad Abbas accused Kamal Tarakhan Mirsandani,
01:18the director of the Mimals, of being involved in this matter.
01:22According to Farhad, Kamal deliberately created a story that the remaining funds of the Mimals
01:28were in the hands of Elza Sherif,
01:30with the aim of making Elza a black sheep.
01:34When that person came out, free, it should have changed.
01:38But this person threw it at Mrs. Elza,
01:40so it was just a way to embarrass Mrs. Elza.
01:43Ujar Farhad Abbas.
01:46Farhad added that he was only acting as a host for Elza Sherif
01:50and had nothing to do with the funds accused in his hands.
01:56Farhad also said that Kamal deliberately involved himself in this matter without a clear basis.
02:04Faced with the accusation, Farhad Abbas chose not to take a stand
02:08and expressed his gratitude for the gossip that considered him as a rich person
02:13because he was suspected of keeping the funds.
02:16He said it was easier to gossip about the rich than to report the poor.
02:22Furthermore, he challenged those who felt they had a right to the funds
02:27to prove the truth of the accusation and asked him directly.
02:33The accusation of the funds is back after a former member of the Mimals
02:38named Andi came to Farhad Abbas's residence in Kemang area,
02:43Jakarta on November 5, 2024.
02:48Along with a number of other former members,
02:51Andi demanded a return of funds worth Rp 50 billion,
02:55which he said was in the hands of Elza Sherif and Farhad Abbas.
03:00Andi also explained that the funds were kept temporarily based on an agreement
03:05to ensure that if the Mimals company does not win the case,
03:10the funds will still be returned to its owner.
03:14He said there were signs and evidence that supported the agreement.
03:21Well, what do you guys think?
03:24Don't forget to write a statement in the comments column.
03:27See you!
