• last year
Bernie Sanders perfectly sums up Trump's 2024 game plan in decades


00:00The question is, how does the Republican Party do so good?
00:03And now I'm going to tell you something that very few people in Congress will tell you.
00:09If you are the Republican leadership, and this is what your goals are.
00:13Your goals are to give huge tax breaks to the very richest people in this country.
00:16Your goals are ultimately to privatize Social Security so that Wall Street can make money from that.
00:22Privatize Medicare so the insurance companies can make more money.
00:26Privatize education. Do away with public schools.
00:29If those are your goals and you said that to the American people, you think you got a lot of...
00:34There are many members of the Congress today, Republicans, who not only will not raise the minimum wage,
00:38which is $5.00, $15.00 an hour, you know what they will tell you, honestly?
00:41They believe in abolishing the minimum wage. Did you know that?
00:44Check it out. I'm telling you the truth.
00:46So that if Americans can work for $3.00 an hour or $2.00 an hour, not a problem.
00:51Now if you had an agenda like that and you went before the American people,
00:55tax breaks for the rich, destruction of Medicare, destruction of Social Security as we know it,
01:02lowering the minimum wage or abolishing it, how many votes do you think you'd get?
01:06Not a whole lot. Maybe the richest 1% would vote for you.
01:10That's not a lot of votes. So what do I do? I've got a problem.
01:13You package it. How do you package it? And here I want you to pay attention to me.
01:18This is bad stuff. I don't mind debating people who say, I was on the Hannity show, Sean Hannity yesterday,
01:24and Hannity, extreme right wing guy, he loves these tax breaks for the rich and so forth,
01:30so we had a little bit of a discussion about that. Actually it was a loud discussion.
01:34But I don't mind people who are up front about that.
01:40Give the rich more tax breaks, we can argue that.
01:43But that doesn't win you elections. So this is what you do.
01:46What you do is divide people up.
01:50When you ask me your question, how do I get elected, I try to bring people together.
01:55We fight for women's rights. We support the rights of minorities.
01:59We support the rights of workers. We bring the majority of people together.
02:02And occasionally honest people will have differences of opinion. In this room there will be differences of opinion.
02:06But everybody in this room is in agreement that everybody should have health care, right?
02:10Question number two, should we increase funding for education or should we lower funding for education?
02:15Raise your hand if you think we should increase funding for education.
02:17Okay, you're on the side of the vast majority of Americans.
02:21So on those issues we bring people together.
02:25Now what do the Republicans try to do?
02:27And they use it in what we call, you know, kind of language that they're not up front about.
02:34What do we do? We divide people up by races. Affirmative action becomes one issue.
02:38All them black people are getting the jobs that we white people used to have.
02:42Split people, working class, white against black.
02:45Instead of working together to create decent jobs for all.
02:48Those uppity women now, they want the right to choose.
02:52We'll split people up on the abortion issue.
02:54We'll split people up on the gun issue.
02:56We'll split people up on religious issues.
02:58You follow what I'm saying?
03:00So you split people up and then they end up, if you're a middle class person,
03:04voting against your own interests and the rich go laughing all the way to the bank.
03:10And they very often play white workers off against everybody else.
03:14And we try to bring people together to say, look, we're all in this boat together.
03:19Whether you're black or white, whether you're Hispanic, whether you're Muslim, whatever you may be.
03:24Everybody needs healthcare.
03:26How do we create a healthcare system that works for all people?
03:28Not divide people up.
03:30Everybody knows that the kids, young people, do not make it into the middle class
03:35unless they have a decent college education.
03:38So how do we make college education accessible to all people?
03:41Not an expensive proposition.
03:42A tiny, tiny fraction of the President's tax breaks for the rich,
03:45if we put into financial aid, would make sure that every young person in this country
03:50could go to college without going deeply into debt.
03:53You know what? The vast majority of the people support us.
03:55But in order to do that, we've got to bring everybody together.
03:58And many of these, not all, and I'm not here to disparage all Republicans.
04:01Some very decent people happen to be conservative.
04:03I respect that.
04:04But some people who I don't respect will play off women against men, black against white.
04:09Oh, the gay issue. Very, very big issue.
04:12Straight against gay, right?
04:14We're all supposed to hate gay people.
04:15So we split that group up.
04:17And then the argument, some of us are not patriotic.
04:20We have concerns about the war in Iraq.
04:22I voted against giving the President authority to the war in Iraq.
04:25Well, that makes us unpatriotic.
04:26We hate America.
04:27Divide those things up.
04:28And that's how they succeed.
04:31And they succeed with the help of the media.
04:34Because the media will not talk about how, in a sense,
04:37the common problems that Americans face and how we bring people together.
04:41And that's what I believe.
04:43I believe that on issues like everybody in this room thinks, I think,
04:47that instead of giving tax breaks to the rich, we should increase federal aid to education.
04:51Anyone disagree with that?
04:52Well, you know what? Most Americans agree with that.
04:54All of you think that every American should be entitled to health care.
04:58I suspect most of you think we should not have a trade policy
05:01which allows corporations to throw American workers out on the street and run to China.
05:05Most Americans agree with that.
05:08And our job is to bring people together on common interests
05:12and some of these extreme right-wing people.
05:15You watch the issues that they talk about.
05:17Affirmative action they use to divide.
05:19The issue of abortion they use to divide.
05:21The issue of guns they use to divide.
05:23And our job is to say, let's focus on basic economic issues.
05:27How do we expand the middle class?
05:29This is a great country.
05:31Why is it the average American is working longer hours for low wages than 30 years ago?
05:35Let's talk about that.
05:39That was a long answer to a good question.
05:41I apologize for going on too long.
05:42Other questions?
05:44Let me get to...
05:45Did you ask the first one yet?
05:46No, you didn't.
05:47She did.
05:50I just wanted to know how you feel about school vouchers
05:52and do you feel that they benefit public schools?
