• last year

For you happy believers, death is just a step
But the moment that step's been taken
lifeless slumber is all you get
Once you're dead you never awaken

So start a nuclear war; take that righteous risk
Push the button with a smile on your face
But once we've all been burned to a crisp
we'll all go to the same place... and that's nowhere
No you won't be sitting on the right hand of God
or come back as something soft and furry
You'll just decay and rot away under the sod
if you're lucky enough to be buried

So strap that bomb to your body if you must
and be a kamikaze sensation
But once you've been blown to bits of dust
there'll be no heaven, hell or transmigration... just nowhere
Now we all know life on earth is trial and toil
sound and fury, hard huffing and puffing
But when you've given up the old mortal coil
there's nothing left for you but nothing

So you can drink your bible and eat your koran
Wage war against the worldling sinner
Expel the infidel from your land if you can
But when you die you're just another worm's dinner... nowhere


When you die you don't go to heaven
You don't even go to hell
There's no foul fiend or fiery furnace
no angels, harps or bells

There's no salvation or life ever after
once you finally stop breathing
It would be so nice just to go around twice
But it's over when your heart stops beating
