• last year
Meanwhile on Earth Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Elsa (Megan Northam, in her debut feature starring role), along with her family, is struggling following the disappearance of her brother Franck, an astronaut who vanished during his first mission. While stargazing one night, Elsa is shocked to receive contact from Franck, but her joy is short-lived when she learns of the dark and troubling forces behind Franck's reappearance, forcing her to confront the lengths she will go for the brother she once feared was gone forever.

directed by Jeremy Clapin

starring Megan Northam, Catherine Salee, Sam Louwyck

release date November 8, 2024 (in U.S. theaters)
00:00You are the sister of the post-molotov?
00:15What happened exactly?
00:22You can't just disappear like that without leaving a trace.
00:33Elsa? Elsa? Elsa?
00:37They're here.
00:43Look around you. A seed to listen to each other, to talk to each other.
00:49So? What does it do?
00:50It makes me have a seed in my ear.
00:54I miss you.
00:59Franck is deactivated.
01:03Let me talk to him.
01:04First, you have to bring us here.
01:08I bring you here and you, in exchange, bring my brother back?
01:16We need you and you need us.
01:21They won't notice anything.
01:32What's your name?
01:36An invasion, something like that?
01:40No one will ever know we're among you.