PT Prodia Widyahusada Tbk (PRDA) yang berupaya memacu kinerja bisnisnya agar tetap tumbuh sehat. Salah satu cara yang dilakukan adalah meningkatkan penyerapan dana belanja modal atau Capital Expenditure (CapEx) secara optimal.
00:00Next, we have a report from PT Prodia Widia Husada TBK
00:08which aims to improve the business performance to stay healthy.
00:12One of the ways to do this is to optimally increase capital expenditure.
00:23PT Prodia Widia Husada TBK aims to improve the business performance.
00:27For that reason, PT Prodia Widia Husada TBK aims to improve the business performance to stay healthy.
00:31Until the end of September 2024, PT Prodia Widia Husada TBK has absorbed around 150 billion rupiah,
00:37or around 60% of the total capex this year, which is 250 billion rupiah.
00:43The company stated that capex has been absorbed for various needs,
00:47such as expansion of outlets, the need for rehabilitation and renovation of outlet construction,
00:52the need for relocation, quality development and operational capacity of the laboratory
00:57as well as the development of operational IT in the operational body and the renovation business.
01:02Until the end of March 2024, the renovation has reached the target of clinic expansion.
01:06Currently, Prodia has a total of 341 outlets distributed in 34 provinces in Indonesia.
01:13The distribution of Prodia's outlets has been included in the form of branches and also cooperates with various parties.
01:18In addition, this company also has a total of 89 branches with clinic license,
01:23from a total of 341 outlets.
01:26As many as 89 branches are also distributed in 80 cities throughout Indonesia.
01:31In the future, the company plans to test the implementation of new business models
01:35that will be implemented throughout Prodia's existing branches.
01:39Through this step, Prodia will carry out market segmentation and categorization
01:43based on business characteristics in each area.
01:47Regarding the performance in the last quarter of 2024,
01:50I am optimistic that Prodia will be able to create higher growth compared to the previous one.
01:54The announcement suggests that in terms of trend,
01:56the second semester of Prodia has a higher contribution than the first semester,
02:01so that the optimistic side of the improvement can continue and be better
02:05with various strategies, promotions and other advantages that they offer.
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