• mese scorso
Songs of Silence è un'elegante combinazione di strategia a turni e battaglie tattiche in tempo reale. Metti alla prova le tue abilità su mappe della campagna create a mano, in schermaglie singole o multigiocatore, in un mondo reso vivo da spettacolari visuali in stile Art Nouveau. In arrivo su PS5 il 13 novembre!
00:00As God's Clash, the earth trembles. This fleeting balance between light and darkness, it could never hold. We were doomed, destined to fall to the silence. Yet, together, light and darkness will pierce through its veil.
00:25Ricostruire la città da una sola volta.
00:34I veri eroi scalano l'abisso.
00:40Per l'Arenberg!
00:42Lead armies with virtue.
00:45Surrender at once.
00:47Show unwavering resolve.
00:53As they stand tall and defy the apocalypse.
01:00Your hymn must be returned!
01:10I will take command of the city.
01:18May your deeds be forged into a song that will shatter the silence.
01:26This is our final test.
01:28May your hymn echo across the world.
