• last year
八点最热报 | 第二5G网的争议持续延烧!随着U Mobile主席陈志远昨天发文告,力挺团结政府允许该公司建设第二5G网的决定,并抨击前朝慕尤丁政府,当年执意落实单一5G网的决策是错误的之后,土团党国会议员旺赛夫今天召开记者会,大力批评陈志远的言论带有政治意图。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the R.E.D.I.M.E. website.
00:04The dispute over the second 5G network continues to burn.
00:07Following the U-Mobile chairman Chen Zhiyuan's article yesterday,
00:10calling for the united government to allow the company to build the second 5G network,
00:13and criticizing the previous government,
00:15the decision to insist on implementing a single 5G network was a wrong decision,
00:20Wang Saifu, a member of the Democratic Party of China, held a press conference today,
00:23strongly criticizing Chen Zhiyuan's remarks with political intentions.
00:27Wang Saifu has repeatedly called Chen Zhiyuan
00:30a super-rich gambling boss at the press conference.
00:33He urged Chen Zhiyuan to focus on business,
00:35recognize his position, and do not cross the line of social politics.
00:39Otherwise, the people have the right to cut off U-Mobile services at any time.
00:44We must remember that Vincent Tan has a background,
00:47and he is known as a wealthy gambler.
00:51I advise Vincent Tan to stay in the business world,
00:55and do not try to enter the political world.
00:58Vincent Tan, you have to be aware of your place,
01:02and your place is not in the Malaysian political world.
01:05Wang Saifu, a member of the Democratic Party of China,
01:07held a press conference at the press conference today.
01:10In addition to urging U-Mobile chairman Chen Zhiyuan to recognize his position,
01:14he also questioned whether Chen Zhiyuan had won the second 5G network
01:17because of his relationship with U-Mobile,
01:19and questioned whether the process of the second 5G bid was completely transparent.
01:22Wang Saifu also challenged Chen Zhiyuan
01:24to publicize his share increase in U-Mobile
01:27in response to questions about the distribution of the second 5G network.
01:30If Vincent wants to be rude,
01:33don't be surprised if someone opens his mouth,
01:36and his family members later.
01:39I want to challenge Vincent Tan to announce
01:42how much the share price increase he has in U-Mobile.
01:47After the government announced the 5G spectrum to U-Mobile,
01:52how many tens of millions of ringgit of new wealth
01:55will be acquired by Vincent Tan?
02:01For U-Mobile to be selected as the supplier of the second 5G network,
02:04the Congressional Multistakeholder Political Cash Committee
02:06issued a press release today urging the government
02:08to announce the standards of the decision-making process
02:10to ensure that there is no improper influence in the election process.
02:13The government also urged to announce a bilateral contract between U-Mobile and the government
02:17to ensure that the government regulatory agencies and mechanisms
02:19do not violate their obligations in supervision.
02:22The press release emphasized that this is very important
02:24because there are already too many projects in Denmark
02:26that are facing failure due to lack of supervision in the implementation stage.
