• l’année dernière
If you want to ban protests for a whole weekend it has to be necessary in a democratic society So the authorities have to prove that there's absolutely nothing else that they can do except take away civil rights of its citizens I think it's quite difficult to argue for the authorities but we'll see there will be legal battles that this is the only solution that they had And now we're banning protests for a whole weekend because other people a few days before did something But what I am very uhm worried about is that people will now think I have no right to protest anymore and that they will not voice their opinions and everything that they're seeing in Palestine or other things that worry them that people don't take to the streets anymore and I don't hope that it has that chilling effect So people please still make use of your right to freedom of assembly We are the People are being framed as anti-Semitic And I think I mean the media always do as if anti-Syrianist Jews don't exist


