• last year
Menteri Investasi, Rosan Roeslani mengungkapkan, adanya minat dari keluarga presiden terpilih Amerika Serikat, Donald Trump untuk berinvestasi di Indonesia. Minat investasi tersebut datang dari Jared Corey Kushner, yang dikenal sebagai investor dan penasihat senior dari Donald Trump.


00:00Rosan Ruslani, the Minister of Investment, announced that there is an interest from the family of the President-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, to invest in Indonesia.
00:13Yes, the interest in this investment comes from Jared Khoury Koshner, who is known as an investor and senior advisor to Donald Trump.
00:21Rosan Ruslani, the Minister of Investment, announced that there is an interest from the family of the President-elect of the United States, Donald Trump, to invest in Indonesia.
00:36It was said by Rosan, trying to accompany President Prabowo in a meeting with the United States Indonesia Society or USINDO.
00:44According to Rosan, the interest in this investment comes from Jared Khoury Koshner, who is known as an investor and property developer, advisor and senior advisor to Donald Trump.
00:56With Jared Khoury Koshner, actually a few months ago, I was invited to a dinner.
01:04We discussed about the things that Jared Khoury Koshner wants to invest in Indonesia.
01:14During the Trump administration, Jared Khoury Koshner is known to play a number of important roles,
01:18including as a senior advisor involved in foreign policy, reforming the prison system and efforts to pacify the Middle East.
01:26Koshner is also known for his role in the media industry by claiming the position of The New Europe Observer in 2006.
01:33After the Trump administration, Koshner remains involved in a number of businesses and various other projects.
01:48For more UN videos visit www.un.org
