• last year
FRIGHT Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: Step into the chilling world of 1937 with 'FRIGHT,' an acclaimed black-and-white period horror directed by Warren Dudley. Following young Emily (Gwyneth Evans), who suffers from severe agoraphobia under the watchful eye of her domineering mother, 'FRIGHT' turns a sprawling gothic mansion into a haunting prison. Tormented by eerie visions and hunted by the sinister memory of a gnarled black hand, Emily awaits her missing father’s return as her only hope.
00:00Who's there?
00:04There's evil down here.
00:06No one can touch.
00:08She thinks it's where the devil is hiding.
00:10It's just noise.
00:12Noise can't hurt you.
00:14It's just noise.
00:16Noise can't hurt you.
00:18It's just noise.
00:20Noise can't hurt you.
00:22It's just noise.
00:24Noise can't hurt you.
00:26It's just noise.
00:28Noise can't hurt you.
00:30You are nothing.
00:32Just shapes and sounds
00:34to curse me in my life.
00:38I shall not sleep tonight.
00:48Tomorrow I shall
00:50be reborn.
00:52Where are you going?
00:58I'm coming back.
01:02I'm coming back.