• letztes Jahr
Workaholic Mike (Ben Stiller) hat in Nutcrackers einen ganz besonderen neuen Job: Er muss sich im ländlichen Ohio um seine vier Neffen kümmern. Deren Eltern sind kürzlich bei einem Autounfall ums Leben gekommen. Da Mike jedoch keine Ahnung von Kindererziehung hat, ist das Chaos vorprogrammiert

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/nutcrackers


00:05I'm with family services with Christmas in three weeks. We have very limited options. Okay, so what does that mean?
00:10Just look after them until I can find them a foster home. Hey dudes
00:15Junko Michael
00:17Remember me your mom's big brother. I'm here now to look after you get you guys hooked up with a family. I
00:25Farted before it. Oh, come on
00:30Where's in your cell phone reception
00:33You get service in the middle of the pond
00:42Fresh chicken. Oh, no, we're not gonna do fresh chicken
00:49We'll take it from here
00:54You said her name was Elizabeth delicious
01:00Act like normal children. I'm trying to find you a good home. Okay, everybody wants to meet their mommies and daddies
01:15He's good I
01:17Saved him
01:19I'm dealing with a lot right now. We're talking about four little kids who lost their parents. Do you think I look like my dad?
01:25Very much so. Oh, what are you guys doing up? Go back down. No, no, no go back downstairs guys. We're not doing this
01:32Can you tell them we're not doing this?
01:37Those delinquents hot-wired a carnival ride the other night
01:41You know if you love somebody and they love you that love doesn't go away stays with you
01:50This place is growing on you
01:58All right, so what do you want me to teach you
02:01Tell me what you know already it's like wasn't the beast but the beast take this thing on the wood, but
02:07No, the boring girl like it's when they get on top and then they bump it. Oh
02:13pump it


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