• last year
(Adnkronos) - Presto potrebbe aprire un nuovo punto Inps a Bruxelles, dove vivono molti espatriati italiani che talora incontrano delle difficoltà al momento del pensionamento, per via del peculiare regime belga, per certi aspetti più favorevole di quello italiano. Lo annuncia a Bruxelles il presidente dell’Inps Gabriele Fava, a margine della presentazione del rapporto annuale dell’ente.


00:00This is the end of the global simplification, because we are talking about global interventions.
00:07We will evaluate with great pleasure the possibility of opening an IMSS point here,
00:12really useful and useful to everyone at the end of the reconjunction,
00:18because we know, we are very well aware of all the fractioned providential positions,
00:24and therefore it is important to give certainty also in this sense to everyone.
00:28Today we live in a global mobility, so it is important from this point of view
00:32to answer this question effectively and usefully.
