¡Se hablará mucho de Sanem y Can Love!
Después de trabajar en la tienda de comestibles de su padre durante unas horas por las mañanas, Sanem pasa todo el día soñando y trabajando en su libro y está extremadamente feliz con su vida. Hasta que la madre diga que si el turno del niño no encuentra un trabajo adecuado, ¡tiene que casarse! Sanem tie
ne que empezar por el trabajo de su hermana en el artículo. No se da cuenta de que lo espera allí junto a su gran amor que embellece sus sueños, y sin saberlo se convierte en parte de una trampa tendida contra Can y la compañía ...
¿Podría ser un amor basado en mentiras? ¿Y Sanem? ¿Puede quedar atrapado en Can he odia?
Producción: Gold Film
Productor: Faruk Turgut
Director: Çağrı Bayrak
Guión: Ayşe Kutlu Üner
Sanem Aydın: Demet Özdemir
Can Divit: Can Yaman
Leyla Aydın: Öznur Serçeler
Mevkibe Aydın: Özlem Tokaslan
Nihat Aydın: Berat Yenilmez
Emre Divit: Birand Tunca
Ayhan Işık: Ceren Taşçı
Muzaffer Kaya (Zebercet): Cihan Ercan
Deren Keskin: Tuğçe Kumral
Cengiz Özdemir (Ceycey): Anıl Çelik
Güliz Yıldırım: Sibel Şişman
Osman Işık: Ali Yağcı
Después de trabajar en la tienda de comestibles de su padre durante unas horas por las mañanas, Sanem pasa todo el día soñando y trabajando en su libro y está extremadamente feliz con su vida. Hasta que la madre diga que si el turno del niño no encuentra un trabajo adecuado, ¡tiene que casarse! Sanem tie
ne que empezar por el trabajo de su hermana en el artículo. No se da cuenta de que lo espera allí junto a su gran amor que embellece sus sueños, y sin saberlo se convierte en parte de una trampa tendida contra Can y la compañía ...
¿Podría ser un amor basado en mentiras? ¿Y Sanem? ¿Puede quedar atrapado en Can he odia?
Producción: Gold Film
Productor: Faruk Turgut
Director: Çağrı Bayrak
Guión: Ayşe Kutlu Üner
Sanem Aydın: Demet Özdemir
Can Divit: Can Yaman
Leyla Aydın: Öznur Serçeler
Mevkibe Aydın: Özlem Tokaslan
Nihat Aydın: Berat Yenilmez
Emre Divit: Birand Tunca
Ayhan Işık: Ceren Taşçı
Muzaffer Kaya (Zebercet): Cihan Ercan
Deren Keskin: Tuğçe Kumral
Cengiz Özdemir (Ceycey): Anıl Çelik
Güliz Yıldırım: Sibel Şişman
Osman Işık: Ali Yağcı
Short filmTranscript
01:00La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
01:20la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la,
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02:29can you please excuse me
02:31of course
02:33Yes, I also like it a lot, it's my design, look.
03:00You're thinking about my brother, aren't you?
03:05The truth is that I was lost in my thoughts.
03:10My brother is very stubborn, he has always had his ideas clear, he will make his dreams
03:15come true, no matter what happens.
03:17What do you say?
03:20That they are the same.
03:23I already set my goal, but I can't move on to action.
03:27Don't worry, she'll be gone soon.
03:57Hello ladies and gentlemen, I want to ask for your attention.
04:01Sanem Aydin, the creative coordinator of this project for the company Freaky Arikat,
04:07will be in charge of presenting the campaign.
04:09A big round of applause for Sanem.
04:27First of all, I want to thank everyone who came to this wonderful event.
04:52I will give a brief presentation on the campaign.
04:59I don't know what it is, but something is happening.
05:21What is it?
05:22What's going on?
05:23Something is happening.
05:24Sister, look for it carefully.
05:26There should be a file in this folder.
05:27It's not there.
05:28What does the computer have?
05:29No, the computer is fine, Mr. Yan.
05:30I checked it perfectly and everything was in order.
05:31I already told you, this is a mistake, Yan.
05:32You ruined the whole project.
05:33It can't be.
05:34Mr. Segundo.
05:35Mr. Segundo.
05:36Mr. Segundo.
05:37Mr. Segundo.
05:38Mr. Segundo.
05:39Mr. Segundo.
05:40Mr. Segundo.
05:41Mr. Segundo.
05:42Mr. Segundo.
05:43Mr. Segundo.
05:44Mr. Segundo.
05:45Mr. Segundo.
05:46Mr. Segundo.
05:47Mr. Segundo.
05:48Mr. Segundo.
05:50Mr. Segundo.
05:52Mr. Segundo.
05:53What was that?
06:15Let's see.
06:16No puede ser, es imposible, eso escuchamos todos los días.
06:22Puede que parezcan algo triviales, pero al final son expresiones que usamos todos,
06:30independientemente de nuestros estudios o nivel económico.
06:37Así es, utilizamos esas expresiones en nuestras vidas cotidianas.
06:47Y eso hemos capturado en nuestra campaña,
06:50la sencillez, la humildad y la verdad.
06:57En eso basamos la campaña,
06:59porque Compass Sport busca la forma de acercar la naturaleza a las personas,
07:04intenta crear un vínculo entre el caos de la vida cotidiana en la ciudad y la pureza de la naturaleza.
07:09Por eso esta campaña busca enfatizar ese concepto,
07:15el eslogan lo dice todo.
07:18¡Descúbrete a ti misma!
07:27¡Muy bien!
07:28No puedo creerlo, ¿qué pasó?
07:59Hiciste un gran trabajo, Jan.
08:01La empresa no podría estar en mejores manos que las tuyas.
08:03Tu padre estará orgulloso.
08:05Muchas gracias.
08:06Enhorabuena, Jan.
08:07Gracias, señor Hidayet.
08:09Hasta luego.
08:10Buenas noches.
08:11Todo es gracias a ti.
08:17Muchas gracias.
08:21Bueno chicos, ya está todo hecho.
08:24Gracias, muchas gracias.
08:26Lo hiciste genial, estuviste estupenda.
08:28Lo sé, ella es encantadora.
08:31Vamos, unámonos a la fiesta.
08:34Pero antes tengo que hablar con el equipo.
08:37¿De acuerdo?
08:39De acuerdo, pues los esperamos.
08:41Estaremos por ahí.
08:48Señor Jan.
08:49Sí, ¿qué pasa?
08:50Hay un problema con la presentación.
08:51¿Podría revisarlo?
08:53Espero que sea urgente.
08:54Lo es.
08:55Bueno, ya voy.
08:58Sanem, ven aquí.
09:00Lo hiciste muy bien, estuvo fantástica.
09:02Hablo en serio, casi me haces llorar.
09:04Si no lo hice fue para que no se me echara a perder el maquillaje.
09:07Fue muy conmovedor.
09:09Lo hiciste genial, fue increíble.
09:11Sí, hermana, me siento muy orgullosa.
09:14Estaba muy nerviosa.
09:15Cuando vi que no había nada en la pantalla, casi me muero.
09:18Pero me tranquilicé y pude seguir adelante.
09:26Por un momento pensé que el señor Jan subiría al escenario para hacer la presentación,
09:30pero Sanem, lo hiciste perfecto, salvaste la noche.
09:34Eres la mejor.
09:36¿Qué hacemos ahora?
09:37¿Nos vamos a la fiesta?
09:38Disculpenme un momento.
09:45¿Por qué gritas?
09:47Está bien, no pasó nada.
09:48Sanem, te mojó el vestido.
09:50No pasa nada, está bien.
09:51Disculpa, no vi que te acercabas.
09:53Por favor, déjenme acompañarla al baño.
09:55En serio, no hace falta.
09:56Insisto, la ayudé a deshecarse.
09:58Sanem, dame tu bolso y ve a secarte el vestido.
10:00Está bien, ¿dónde está el baño?
10:02De este lado.
10:03Vuelvo enseguida, hermana.
10:04De acuerdo, te esperamos.
10:06Me tiró la copa encima.
10:07No lo hizo a propósito.
10:12Sígame, por favor.
10:20Las toallas están aquí.
10:26Lamento mucho haberle manchado el vestido.
10:28No pasa nada.
10:29Siquiera puedo ver si tenemos quitamachas.
10:31Tal vez se quite con agua.
10:33Por favor.
10:37Solo faltaba esto.
10:59Todo bien.
11:02Te lo agradezco.
11:09Hiciste lo correcto con la empresa, Jan.
11:13La agencia te necesita y tú también.
11:17Tu padre hizo bien al elegirte.
11:19Gracias, señor Hidayet.
11:20Emre y yo solo queremos lo mejor para la empresa.
11:22Te voy a saludar.
11:23Muy bien.
11:24Hasta luego.
11:25¿Qué tal?
11:26¿Cómo está?
11:27¿Qué hacemos?
11:28¿Podemos irnos?
11:29Sí, por supuesto.
11:30En cuanto vengas, Sanem, nos vamos.
11:49¿Dónde está la chica?
12:02¿Qué pasa?
12:04¿Hay alguien ahí?
12:09Me quedé encerrada en el baño.
12:15¿Que no hay nadie allá afuera?
12:24¿Y ahora?
12:34Jan, ¿por qué tenemos que esperar a Sanem?
12:37Seguro debe estar con sus amigas.
12:39Hermano, deberíamos irnos.
12:41¿Es verdad?
12:42Si quieren, váyanse ustedes.
12:44Ahora voy, ¿de acuerdo?
12:48¿A dónde va?
12:51Seyda, deberíamos esperar a Jan.
12:53¿Lo crees?
12:54Siempre hace lo que quiere.
13:15Ahora vamos.
13:16Señor Jan.
13:17¿Dónde está Sanem?
13:18Se fue al baño.
13:19Le mancharon el vestido.
13:20De acuerdo, gracias.
13:21Nos vemos.
13:34¿Y eso?
13:36¡No puede ser!
14:04Excuse me, do you know where the bathroom is?
14:06It's over there.
14:07Over there?
14:09Good, thank you.
14:13Oh, what a horror!
14:14I'm trapped, I can't get in or out!
14:18This day can't be, it can't be worse!
14:25Is anyone there? I'm trapped!
14:30Is anyone there? I need help!
14:37What are you doing?
14:41I went to the bathroom and I was trapped.
14:44I tried to open the door, but I couldn't get out.
14:47I thought I could get out through the window,
14:49but as you can see, I was trapped and now I can't move.
14:52You could have called me and I would have come to open the door.
14:55Yes, but I left my phone with my sister.
14:58If I had brought it, of course I would have called you.
15:01Are we still talking or are you going to help me?
15:03You were trapped because you were running away from someone or was it by chance?
15:06On the weekends I like to be trapped in the windows.
15:09I'm going to see if I can find someone to open the door.
15:12No, what are you saying? Don't even think about it.
15:14I don't want anyone to see me like this, hanging.
15:16Besides, I'm already famous and I don't want to be seen like this.
15:19Are you famous?
15:21What's wrong? Do you feel important now?
15:23Why do you give me that look of surprise?
15:25I made a fantastic presentation.
15:28They applauded me and congratulated me.
15:30Now everyone knows me.
15:32Yes, you're right. The presentation was magnificent.
15:35That's true.
15:36I know.
15:37I'll ask you an important question.
15:39If you got up there, can't you, I don't know, get down the same way?
15:43Well, no. I got on a table and it fell.
15:45And now there's nothing that can support me.
15:47I understand.
15:49Then I'll have to pull you.
15:52Very well.
15:53Okay, here we go.
15:54Can you do it?
15:55I think I can do it.
15:57I'll do it carefully.
16:02Are you ready?
16:04I guess so.
16:07Are you tickling me?
16:10So what do we do?
16:11Hey, wait.
16:14I'm going to raise my leg.
16:16I don't think I fit.
16:18Of course you fit.
16:23Let yourself fall.
16:25I got you.
16:26Here we go.
16:33It worked, Jan.
16:34That was easy.
16:35And it didn't hurt, did it?
16:36The truth is, it was very simple.
16:38Are you okay?
16:39I am, but look at my dress.
16:40They threw me a glass of gasoline.
16:41And all I needed was the window.
16:43But there's no problem.
16:45You still look beautiful with the spots and the broken dress.
16:48Besides, it's a small tear.
16:50Shall we go?
16:53You go first and I'll catch up with you.
16:55Why go separately if we can go together?
16:58Jan, we can't go together.
17:01I can't always be with you.
17:04I'm your maid and you're my boss.
17:06What will people think if they see us leave together?
17:16They'll think you're my love.
17:22But we're friends.
17:32You know, I'm sick of this game of friendship.
17:40Sanem, you're my love.
18:14I think we should leave.
18:16To a quiet place.
18:18Jan, that's impossible.
18:20What's impossible?
18:22Don't you want to be with me?
18:24What's going on?
18:27I want that.
18:29I want us to be...
18:32always together.
18:33That would be wonderful.
18:35I assure you.
18:37But we can't leave holding hands.
18:42Because all of this is new to me.
18:48For me, it's not unusual to feel this sense of vertigo by your side.
18:54Jan, we can't leave here together.
18:56It's inappropriate.
18:57We'll attract a lot of attention.
18:59And I feel ashamed because I'm wearing a stained dress and something broken.
19:04Then let's do this.
19:06I'll go in.
19:08And I'll say goodbye to everyone.
19:11And then we'll meet in the car.
19:16Yes, I think it's a good idea.
19:18Me too.
19:28I love you.
19:47Yes, it's an interesting product.
19:48It could work very well in a few years in the market.
19:50He just has to finish developing it.
19:52Where would Jan go?
19:54Mr. McKinnon is waiting for us.
19:59Look, there he is.
20:00How nice.
20:01Brother, where were you?
20:02I didn't want to make you wait.
20:04I'm sorry.
20:05It doesn't matter.
20:06Can we go now?
20:07Well, I'm not going.
20:08A very important matter has arisen.
20:10Please excuse me with McKinnon.
20:12I mean it.
20:13See you later.
20:14Are you serious?
20:15Jan, what's wrong?
20:17Do you want us to go with you?
20:19Well, it's something important.
20:21I'll explain later.
20:23I can't talk about that now.
20:25For now, it's something private that doesn't concern you.
20:27I'll take care of it.
20:28You guys have a good time and enjoy the party.
20:31We'll see you later.
20:32Don't worry.
20:33I'll take care of everything.
20:35It's in my hands.
20:36Goodbye, Emre.
20:39Then let's go, friend.
20:40No, I'd rather not go.
20:43I'm going home.
20:44Do you want a cab?
20:47I'm going too.
20:48See you later.
20:53It's cold.
21:10I'm ready.
21:12But my phone is with my sister.
21:14And I didn't tell her I was leaving.
21:16It's okay.
21:17You can call her from mine.
21:24Mr. Jan is calling.
21:29I have to answer.
21:30Excuse me.
21:38Hi, sister.
21:40I'm with Mr. Jan.
21:42Don't worry about me.
21:43I was in the bathroom and I got caught.
21:45You were locked up?
21:47I got caught in the window and...
21:49Well, I'll tell you later.
21:51How did you get caught in the window, Sanne?
21:53Do you want me to go see you or send someone?
21:56No, no.
21:57Mr. Jan will take me home.
21:58Don't worry.
21:59I called to let you know.
22:00And don't worry.
22:02Don't tell anyone I'm with Jan, okay?
22:04I'll tell you everything when I get home.
22:06As you wish.
22:07Don't worry.
22:08I won't say anything.
22:09Well, then I'll go home with Ayhan.
22:11Okay, sister.
22:12See you later.
22:13See you later.
22:21Does anyone know where Jan is?
22:23She had something to do and she left.
22:27Yes, and Sanem hasn't come back from the bathroom.
22:30Sanem called me.
22:31Her head hurt a lot and she went home.
22:33I'll go back with Ayhan.
22:35But Ayhan and Yayay left.
22:37Because Yayay hurt her back.
22:40Well, then I'll send her a message.
22:45I'm sorry, but I have to say something about this.
22:48Jan is the boss and she can do whatever she wants.
22:51But Sanem says she's the coordinator.
22:54And if she really was, you can't go home without telling anyone.
22:58For a simple headache, who's going to talk to these people?
23:01Who's going to do it?
23:02I have to do it, don't I?
23:04I'm sorry, Deren.
23:05But you're right.
23:08Mr. Emre.
23:09If you want, I can take you home.
23:11I don't want to bother you.
23:12I can go by myself.
23:13You're right.
23:14It's a big nuisance.
23:15Don't be silly.
23:17Look, we'll do what Deren says.
23:19We'll stay a while.
23:20We're leaving.
23:21Yes, as you wish.
23:25Is everything okay?
23:27I'm fine.
23:28I'm fine.
23:29I'm fine.
23:30I'm fine.
23:31I'm fine.
23:32I'm fine.
23:33I'm fine.
23:34I'm fine.
23:36Is everything okay?
23:37Very well, yes.
23:38You shouldn't have told him I was taking you home.
23:42Well, I thought it was the plan.
23:44Well, maybe we could go somewhere else.
23:49Somewhere else?
23:50At this time?
23:51Like where?
23:52For example, my house.
23:54Your house?
23:56At this time?
23:57Yes, what's wrong?
23:59And what are we going to do at your house so late?
24:01Well, sleep together.
24:05I could caress your hair until you fall asleep.
24:09And then I'd get up in silence so I wouldn't wake you up.
24:13But before I go, I'd smell your wonderful perfume.
24:18So you'd be with me in my dreams.
24:22That's what I'd do.
24:26I thought maybe we could eat something and watch a movie.
24:32It's part of the plan.
24:33You don't have to mention that.
24:36I understand.
24:38So, let's go.
24:41As you wish.
24:53Hey, I want another one.
25:02Excuse me.
25:04Could I have a glass of wine, please?
25:14Today is a very important day for our agency.
25:18Yes, it is.
25:20It's a very important day.
25:23Yes, it is.
25:25It's a very important day.
25:28It's a very important day for our agency.
25:32Why are you in a bad mood, Erin?
25:34It's none of your business.
25:36And stop saying our agency, Eileen.
25:38Get rid of that habit.
25:39You're nobody in it.
25:42Yes, you're right.
25:44After everything that's happened.
25:46I don't know what you're talking about.
25:48You're not the favorite anymore.
25:51When I left the agency, she relied on you.
25:55A little while later, Sanem showed up.
25:58And your happiness is over.
26:01What do you mean, Eileen?
26:04Well, I think the new creative coordinator is Sanem.
26:08She's stepping very, very hard.
26:12It's possible that in a little while, you'll end up staying out.
26:18Criarica has a creative coordinator.
26:21It's me.
26:22Sanem is a junkie who is now in practice.
26:25And that's it.
26:26Nothing more.
26:27It's over.
26:28Don't you understand?
26:29She's a coordinator.
26:30And also a speaker.
26:33They're in love.
26:34Don't you realize, Erin?
26:37I thought you were a smart woman.
26:41In my opinion, that love will end up destroying your career.
26:45Professional, complete friend.
26:47Don't be silly, Eileen.
26:49Ficriarica is not that kind of agency.
26:51All agencies are the same.
26:54Someone comes in, someone leaves.
26:56Someone comes in, someone leaves.
26:59It's the law of life.
27:05It's the law of life.
27:07A kind of natural selection, you could say.
27:10But they'll never fire me from the agency.
27:13And I guess that hurts you.
27:16Besides, what are you doing talking to me?
27:19We're not friends.
27:20I don't even like you.
27:21Deep down, you love me.
27:24I don't like you, Eileen.
27:50I have to go.
27:52At least I think we had a good time.
27:57Don't you think?
27:58Very good.
27:59Super good.
28:01It's true.
28:03But now I have to go.
28:09We'll stay here until tomorrow.
28:12And then we'll go to work together.
28:14I'll buy tea and cakes for breakfast.
28:16It sounds great.
28:18But I have to go home.
28:25But I have a condition to let you go.
28:29I want to smell your neck perfume
28:32so you can come with me until I see you again tomorrow.
28:34My neck?
28:37What's wrong?
28:38John, we're in my neighborhood.
28:40Yes, I know we're in your neighborhood.
28:42I brought you here.
28:43Do you remember?
28:44Of course I remember.
28:45But we're in my neighborhood
28:46and we're very close inside the car.
28:48Can't I kiss you here?
28:50I really want to kiss you.
28:52I want to, too.
28:54But we can't do something like this in this place.
28:58We can't.
28:59We can't.
29:00We can't.
29:01We can't.
29:02We can't.
29:03We can't do something like this in this place.
29:07Of course not.
29:10Then I'll come tomorrow and I'll come get you
29:12so we can go to work together.
29:14What did you say?
29:15Honey, you're my love.
29:17We can go together.
29:19Yes, I'm your love.
29:22But I'm going to work with my sister.
29:24Your habit.
29:25Yes, my habit.
29:26I understand.
29:31Who's that guy?
29:34Oh, Zanem.
29:37What's he doing here at this hour?
29:40I don't want the whole neighborhood to talk about us
29:42before my mother finds out about us.
29:44I'll talk to her, but I'll tell her little by little.
29:47Give me some time.
29:48Of course.
29:49Then I'm leaving now.
29:52Good night.
29:54Good night.
30:00Be careful.
30:01I almost fell.
30:06She's drunk.
30:09Poor thing.
30:11I stepped on her skirt.
30:14Let's see, where's the key?
30:19I'm fine.
30:20This is the spare key.
30:36I wonder if Meki will find out.
30:39Oh, Yamela, don't get the wrong idea.
30:42Zanem is a very smart girl.
30:43She knows what she wants.
30:46How can I be hungry?
30:48Even though my stomach hurts.
30:50I'll go see what I can eat.
30:55It was a beautiful party, Mr. Emre.
30:57Our work is finally recognized.
30:59Yes, it was very beautiful.
31:02But the most beautiful thing is you.
31:09Zanem made a great presentation.
31:11I think she defended herself very well.
31:13Yes, she controlled the situation very well.
31:16Don't you think it's strange
31:17that she just left because of a headache?
31:20Actually, she didn't have a headache.
31:22I didn't mean to say it in front of everyone.
31:24Zanem stained her dress with wine
31:26and went to the bathroom to clean up,
31:27but then somehow she got stuck in the bathroom.
31:31Yes, then she tried to get out through the window,
31:33but she got stuck and all the dress got dirty.
31:36She didn't want to go back to the party
31:38with the dirty and broken dress,
31:40so Mr. Yan took her home.
31:45Here you are, Mr. Emre.
31:47I'm sorry, Leila,
31:48but I imagine her stuck in the window,
31:50and it's very funny.
31:53Yes, it's very funny.
31:55And how is it possible that she got stuck there?
31:59I imagine her with her feet hanging.
32:03Oh, my sister.
32:09Here you are, Mr. Emre.
32:13Thank you for taking the trouble.
32:14It wasn't a trouble.
32:17Then I won't say it.
32:20Well, then I'll see you tomorrow.
32:23Of course.
32:38I'm sorry, Leila.
32:40I couldn't control myself.
32:42It's okay, Mr. Emre.
32:46Tell me.
32:48There's something that attracts me to you,
32:52and I can't resist.
32:56And I don't know what to do.
32:59I'm sorry I put you in such an uncomfortable situation.
33:03I couldn't control myself.
33:06No, Mr. Emre.
33:09You shouldn't control yourself.
33:10It doesn't bother me at all.
33:17Well, then I won't hold back so much.
33:26But what's wrong with these girls?
33:33They're still sleeping.
33:36Well, I'll see you tomorrow.
33:38Good night.
33:39Good night.
33:51Good night.
33:52Good night.
33:55Good night.
34:04But what's wrong with these girls?
34:08It's unbelievable.
34:25It's unbelievable.
34:43You look beautiful.
34:47You look beautiful.
34:53You know, I'm tired of this game of friendship.
35:00Sanem, you're my love.
35:11But I have a condition to let you go.
35:15I want to smell your neck until I see you again tomorrow.
35:20My neck?
35:46Hold on to your dreams, forget yesterday
35:54Like hundreds of birds in my heart
36:02Embrace your dreams, fly away
36:10My dove on the wire, my rag on the carpet
36:14I'm in love with you, good morning to you
36:18My flower in the song, my aunt in the window
36:22Sleepless lover, good morning to you
36:26My dove on the wire, my rag on the carpet
36:30I'm in love with you, good morning to you
36:34My flower in the song, my aunt in the window
36:38Sleepless lover, good morning to you
36:49Good morning.
36:54Good morning.
37:08Good morning.
37:13Oh, it smells good. Freshly made coffee and cookies.
37:16Good morning.
37:17Good morning.
37:18By the way, I made tea for you.
37:20Wow, sometimes you think of your brother. Very good.
37:31Aileen, we have to talk.
37:39I'll call you when I'm available.
37:52We have to talk now. I'm at the door. Do you want me to come in?
38:01Don't get up like that. You're going to get dizzy.
38:04No, I'm fine. I'll take care of something. See you later.
38:07Don't lose the desire to work. I like it.
38:10No, see you later.
38:12I'll have some cookies.
38:14Enjoy them.
38:16Good morning.
38:37Girls, I think your mother has finally forgiven me.
38:43Sit down. I don't want to eat without you, woman.
38:47That's right. Take a seat.
38:50In that basket there was a huge loaf of bread.
38:54You don't want to eat without me, but you ate all the bread.
38:57It was whole wheat bread.
38:59Everyone says it's very good.
39:01Yes, but no one recommends eating a loaf a day.
39:04One or two slices a day.
39:06That's why your blood sugar goes up so much, for God's sake.
39:09You know I'm saying this for your own good.
39:13Woman, are you worried about me?
39:15That means you've forgiven me.
39:17Look, I made you some jam bread. Eat a little.
39:21What are you doing, Nihat?
39:23Do you think I'm a pelican to eat such a big piece?
39:26You eat it.
39:27Girls, tell me what happened.
39:31Don't look at me with those silly faces.
39:34What happened last night? Tell me now.
39:37What happened last night? Is it true? What happened?
39:40Mom asked you while looking at you.
39:42She asked you the question.
39:44Tell her what happened last night.
39:46I think you should tell Nem.
39:49That's why you were the big star of the night.
39:52Mom, you're not going to believe it.
39:54Tell her.
39:56That's why you were the big star of the night.
39:58Mom, you're not going to believe it.
40:00My sister is the best storyteller.
40:02So tell her.
40:04Tell her, Mom.
40:06That's enough. Tell me what happened.
40:08Okay, I'll tell you.
40:10Mr. Jan...
40:12What a pretty jacket.
40:14Yes, I know.
40:16Mr. Jan called Sanem...
40:19to give a speech on stage.
40:22Oh, don't tell me.
40:24Sanem's speech was incredible.
40:27In fact, it was fantastic.
40:29She gave a great speech,
40:31despite all the difficulties.
40:33She spoke very fluently.
40:35Everyone listened with admiration.
40:37I had never felt so proud of my little sister.
40:39They would have loved it.
40:41Nice to meet you, daughter. Good job.
40:43That's my daughter.
40:45Her father's daughter.
40:46She's also my daughter.
40:47And her mother's daughter.
40:49Thank God, we are proud of you.
40:52You are a woman who values herself and is very hard-working.
40:56I hope you both get to the top, my dears.
40:59Me too.
41:00No, Mevkiveh.
41:01Going up so high wouldn't be so good.
41:03Why do you say that, son-in-law?
41:06Do you want them to be simple housewives?
41:08Is that what you want?
41:09That a woman should be at home and not aspire to anything else?
41:12Do you think women shouldn't lead a social life?
41:14No, Mevkiveh.
41:15I didn't mean that.
41:17But, for example, you became president
41:20of the Neighborhood Association,
41:22and now all the problems in the neighborhood
41:24have come to this house, and...
41:28That's not true, Mevkiveh.
41:38Well, we had a delicious breakfast.
41:41Everything was delicious.
41:43I'm going to the store to work or I'll be late.
41:46Do you want a piece of bread, Mevkiveh?
41:49Then I'll take it.
41:51Bye, Dad.
41:52Bye, Dad.
41:53You should have seen my presentation.
41:55Everyone applauded me.
41:56Everyone stood up.
41:57It was an incredible moment.
41:59Mom, if you had been there, I'm sure you would have cried.
42:02It was so moving.
42:03They liked it a lot.
42:05Well, we have to go to work or we'll be late, right?
42:07Yes, let's go.
42:08Mom, come say goodbye to us.
42:09Yes, come with us.
42:10You have to wish us a good day at work.
42:13Yes, come with us.
42:15Say goodbye with your hand while we go.
42:17Come on.
42:18Come on, Mom.
42:19Don't just sit there.
42:20Come with us, okay?
42:21I'll hold her here and we'll lift her up between the two of us.
42:24That's it, Mom.
42:25Walk this way slowly.
42:26Be careful.
42:28Don't get like that, Mom.
42:30Dad doesn't know what he's saying.
42:32I'll teach him to speak well.
42:33He's like a kitten that's always by your side.
42:36You can't leave him alone.
42:37Oh, so he's like a kitten.
42:39An ungrateful kitten.
42:41Because he always defends his father.
42:43Let's go or we'll be late.
42:45Give me a kiss, President.
42:47And don't get mad.
42:50We have to hurry.
42:52It's getting late.
42:56Good morning, Melat.
42:58Good morning, good morning, girls.
43:00What are you still doing here?
43:03We're leaving, Melat.
43:04Okay, let's go to Nem.
43:07Hasn't the transport service arrived yet?
43:12What transport?
43:13See you later, girls.
43:14Bye, Mom.
43:15Have a good day, girls.
43:17Yes, have a good day.
43:19They're going by bus.
43:21You think so?
43:22Wow, wow.
43:24Hey, do you have tea?
43:25Get me a cup of tea.
43:26We have to talk about very important things on the bus.
43:29Don't you think it's too early to speculate about that?
43:45It's okay.
43:46It's okay.
43:47It's okay.
43:48It's okay.
43:49It's okay.
43:50It's okay.
43:51It's okay.
43:52It's okay.
43:53It's okay.
43:54It's okay.
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43:58It's okay.
43:59It's okay.
44:00It's okay.
44:01It's okay.
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44:06It's okay.
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45:11It's okay.