Vier indigene Kinder müssen sich nach einem Flugzeugabsturz allein durch den kolumbianischen Dschungel schlagen. Während eine groß angelegte Rettungsaktion versucht Die verlorenen Kinder zu finden, berufen die sich auf die Weisheit ihrer Vorfahren, um zu überleben. Diese unglaubliche Geschichte wird erzählt aus der Perspektive der kolumbianischen Armee, indigener freiwilliger Helfer und der Familien der Kinder.
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00:00A jungle that has no end.
00:09You feel the power that nature has.
00:16Now there is a missing aircraft.
00:18On board are four indigenous children and their mother.
00:21I got scared.
00:23A dense jungle.
00:25An inhospitable jungle.
00:31Immediately all the orders were activated.
00:36It's like looking for a needle in a haystack.
00:39As a father, I felt quite powerless.
00:44We found the plane.
00:46And we identified small bodies.
00:50Like this, man.
00:52The children were not there.
00:54Today, 85 indigenous people joined the rescue team.
00:58So, as always, we don't underestimate our knowledge.
01:03Many of these indigenous volunteers distrust the army.
01:07They are prepared for war.
01:10But they were never prepared for this mission.
01:16Every territory has its guardians.
01:20The beings that take care of it.
01:23Why don't we find the children in the jungle?
01:27He's angry.
01:31Things happened there that I still don't have an answer for.
01:37We had to change the strategy.
01:39For several days now, there is no proof that the children are alive.
01:43Brother, have faith.
01:49Entire Colombian families are aware of this news.
01:53We are going to rescue our four children.
02:00The family asked me, General, until when are you going to stop?
02:03I told them, until we find them.