• last year
(Adnkronos) - " Promozione culturale e turistica del territorio, valorizzazione del patrimonio storico, punto di riferimento per residenti e turisti, le Pro Loco sono sentinelle del territorio”.  Così all’Adnkronos Antonio La Spina, presidente Unpli.


00:00The territory, as there are more than 6,350 localities, this capillarity gives them that importance of presiding over the territory and from that territorial animation that is made by millions of volunteers who support the municipal administrations,
00:28who support the institutional activities that are carried out in each municipality and therefore in fact they are the essential element to make communities more and more attractive,
00:40more and more in line with the needs of tourists who want to visit small villages, to have opportunities for various merchants, for the local economy, for the producers of typical products.
00:59For the residents, let's say that there is perhaps also an important aspect from a social point of view, because they also become a very strong action of social cohesion, as well as of economy, because they obviously run the economy a lot with the demonstrations, with the events, the sagres, we make about 110,000 every year and therefore there is very strong attractiveness.
01:29For tourists, of course, it is an opportunity to visit these places, a way to find moments of leisure, among other things, our events are very frequented by families and therefore it also becomes a moment of family aggregation, a moment to find that true minor Italy for those who want to experience experiential tourism,
01:53who want to be in contact with nature, because many of these villages, of these activities, are also carried out in localities immersed in the green, therefore in contact with nature and in many cases with sustainable tourism,
02:10which also encourages the flow of tourism that moves from large destinations, therefore that attracts in other localities, which wants to convey those messages that are more integral, more of a local identity, of tradition.
