• last year
THE GIRL WITH THE NEEDLE Movie Trailer HD - Plot synopsis: The Girl with the Needle follows Karoline (Vic Carmen Sonne), a young factory worker, struggling to survive in post WWI in Copenhagen. When she finds herself unemployed, abandoned and pregnant, she meets Dagmar (Trine Dyrholm), a charismatic woman running an underground adoption agency, helping mothers to find foster homes for their unwanted children. With nowhere else to turn, Karoline takes on the role of a wet-nurse. A strong connection is formed between the two women, but Karoline’s world shatters when she stumbles upon the shocking truth behind her work. The Girl with the Needle, also known as Pigen med nålen in Danish, is directed by acclaimed Danish filmmaker Magnus von Horn.

THE GIRL WITH THE NEEDLE. Magnus von Horn's gothic Cannes selection, starring Vic Carmen Sonne and Trine Dyrholm.

In theaters in the US & Canada December 6, Germany & Latin America January 9, and the UK January 10. Coming soon to Italy, Turkey, India and more. A MUBI Release.
00:00We have received your letter, where you are facing life imprisonment, without your husband's death certificate, I'm afraid I can't help you.
00:19The husband doesn't just disappear.
00:22Karolina? Who's that?
00:27I'm her husband.
00:30Where have you been?
00:36Where have you been?
00:40So I've got a new life.
00:44And a new departure.
00:48The world is a terrible place.
00:51But we have to believe it's not like that.
00:57Why do you need help?
01:00What else can I do?
01:20What did you do with your child?
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