• last year
Hrashwo Deergha is an action-comedy directed by Chandra Pant, starring Neeta Dhungana, Harihar Adhikari, Bipana Thapa, B | dG1fMmg5cXRacS1oSFU
00:00OSR Digital. Entertaining the Nation.
01:01It's like we've lost.
01:03It's like we've met.
01:05What will Acharya Samita say about this?
01:08The whole world will say one thing.
01:11Prem, I'm the sun, you're the water.
01:13We were meant to meet on this earth.
01:16You're the sun, I'm the water.
01:18We're all stuck in the cosmos.
01:21Why are you standing there?
01:23Everyone's looking at you. Sit down.
01:26Is this your son's culture?
01:28Don't talk about culture, Prime Minister.
01:31I've made my decision.
01:33Throw him out of the ashram.
01:35Rahim Amey!
01:39The lion becomes the king by his own strength.
01:42Because there's no election in this jungle.
01:46It's going to be the last night of the new moon.
01:54It can't be, mom.
01:58What did you have to do with this girl?
02:00Don't you dare!
02:02You're taking advantage of my identity and strength.
02:06I'm not taking advantage of you.
02:11Your identity is exposed in front of everyone in the ashram.
02:14If I do something, my family will die.
02:17Get out of here!
02:19Where's Hari?
02:22Isn't this your son-in-law?
02:25He has Sita Vishnu's hand on his head.
02:28Get out of here!
02:34Life goes on even if you don't work.
02:36Life goes on even if the wind blows.
02:38But the world will stop if you don't become a mother.
02:41Kill him!
02:42Kill him!
02:54Don't think, don't see, don't hear.
03:02This is the story of Hari and Narayani,
03:05which started from this era.
03:10What kind of a lion is this?
03:2126, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, nothing!
