Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) mengingatkan Raffi Ahmad selaku Utusan Khusus Presiden Bidang Pembinaan Generasi Muda dan Pekerja Seni, agar segera menyelesaikan kewajibannya dalam mengisi Laporan Harta Kekayaan Penyelenggara Negara (LHKPN).
Sebagai informasi, kewajiban ini mengharuskan setiap pejabat negara, termasuk Raffi Ahmad untuk melaporkan harta kekayaan yang dimiliki setelah resmi diangkat.
Sebagai informasi, kewajiban ini mengharuskan setiap pejabat negara, termasuk Raffi Ahmad untuk melaporkan harta kekayaan yang dimiliki setelah resmi diangkat.
00:00The Corruption Elimination Commission reminds Raffi Ahmad
00:03as the special president of the field of youth and arts construction
00:08to immediately complete his duty in filling in the report on the wealth of the state's embezzlers.
00:15For your information, this duty requires every state official, including Raffi Ahmad,
00:21to report the wealth he owns after it is officially lifted.
00:27As is known,
00:29Raffi Ahmad has been officially appointed as the special president
00:33of the field of youth and arts construction.
00:37The appointment was held at the Presidential Palace, Jakarta, on Tuesday, October 22, 2024.
00:46Raffi has also served as the cabinet secretary at the Central Java Magelang Military Academy.
00:53Deputy Minister of Prevention and Monitoring of the KPK,
00:56Pak Hala Nainggolan said that Raffi Ahmad must hand over the wealth report.
01:03We are still busy.
01:04Faster, better.
01:06There are already about 10 people in communication, asking questions.
01:11Once again, we are ready to help.
01:14Pak Hala said.
01:16If we need to send a team to help make it, it's okay.
01:21Especially those who have never.
01:25When met in the New Payment Area, South Jakarta,
01:29Raffi Ahmad raised his voice.
01:32He explained that the report of the wealth he owns at the moment is still in the process stage.
01:38Raffi Ahmad said on Thursday, November 14, 2024.
01:44Raffi insisted that he would definitely report the wealth he owns.
01:49However, as for when the report will be handed over,
01:52Raffi did not reveal the time in detail.
01:56In addition to Raffi Ahmad, there are also several artists who are state officials
02:00who have not reported their wealth.
02:04Among them, Minister of Culture Giringa Nessa
02:08and Special Staff President of the Creative Economic Field, Yofi Widianto.
02:14The KPK has set strict rules
02:16regarding the reporting of wealth that is burdened
02:19as well as obligatory for these officials.
02:22There are two important points included in the KPK.
02:26First, about the reporting of LHKPN
02:29which is done periodically
02:31and secondly for those who have just been in office like Raffi Ahmad.
02:36Periodically, this is related to the LHKPN report
02:40once a year
02:42with the total assets counted since December 31st of the previous year.
02:48The deadline for the reporting of wealth
02:50is set for March 31st of the next year.
02:55Meanwhile, for the second point,
02:57Raffi Ahmad, who has just been in office,
02:59must fill in the LHKPN for a maximum of 3 months after being appointed.
03:04Raffi also answered the public's concerns
03:07that he can still receive endorsements.
03:10According to Raffi,
03:11there is no such thing in the regulations.
03:15Even though there is an employment notice as a special assignment,
03:18these three children admit that they are still organizing a work program.
03:23Well, what do you guys think?
03:25Don't forget to write your comments in the comments column.
03:29See you!