• last year
八点最热报 | 今年的亚太经合组织APEC峰会,将在今天和明天在秘鲁首都利马举行国家首脑正式会谈。中国国家主席习近平和美国总统拜登,都会出席这次的峰会。在会议期间,习近平与拜登预计将进行会晤,针对一系列全球热点问题进行讨论。(主播:萧慧敏)


00:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
00:30Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
01:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
01:30Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
02:00Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
02:03Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
02:06Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
02:09Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
02:12Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
02:15Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
02:18Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
02:21Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
02:24Before watching the video, let me remind you that there is more content on the Hotpoint website.
02:27More content on the Hotpoint website.
02:30There is more content on the Hotpoint website.
02:53Bye Now
