Amor Amargo Capitulo 11 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 11 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 12 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 11 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 13 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 11 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 11 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 12 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 11 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 13 Completo HD
Amor Amargo Capitulo 11 Completo HD
Short filmTranscript
00:00Whoa, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
02:53No me quiero separarse t nunca
02:56De ti
02:58Se que muchas cosas que van a ser difÃciles de manejar
03:02Pero sabes que estoy dispuesto a luchar y a ser feliz a tu lado
03:08Esto es una locura tomas
03:10Estamos como adolescentes sin ver todo lo que tenemos enfrente si esto es una locura
03:16Yo quiero estar loco toda la vida pero a tu lado
05:27Maldito el que lo haya hecho que no tenga un solo dÃa de paz
05:33Ya bien venida
05:36Estaba escrito el destino de ese borracho bueno para nada era mi hermano señora
05:46No todos somos tan fuertes como usted que ni siquiera lloró a su hija bienvenida mujer
05:54No se lo tome amar
05:58Israel a ver igual que paso
06:04Yo soy la que te entiende mejor con este dolor que llevo por la muerte de mi hija
06:11Tengo partido el corazón
06:14Pero llorando bienvenida
06:17No se consigue nada
06:56Seguramente nosotros no fuimos los únicos enemigos de Jaime
07:00has pensado que quizá hubo un
07:03Error que alguien se equivocó que por matar a Jaime también mataron a tu hija
07:18Esa culpa
07:22Esta culpa no me deja
07:29No no duermo de tan solo pensar en esa noche fatal
07:45Tenerte a mi lado
07:59Decirte que te amo
08:07Quien te mato
08:10Quien te mato
08:18Quien te mato
08:20Shh shh shh
08:22No puedes hacer esto
08:45Magdalena vuelve a entrar
08:50Que pasa Magdalena
08:52Pues eso te pregunto yo a ti
08:54Que pasa
08:56Hay alguien en tu recamara o que
08:58Estupideces estas diciendo
09:00Ya vete a dormir estas paranoica
09:02Me quieres asesinar
09:07Si Gabriela fue hasta allá es porque sospecha que algo pasa
09:11Es que debemos tener la guardia alta
09:13Ay pero no te pareció brillante mi salida
09:17No me pareció brillante tu salida
09:19Entre los informes que se enviaron y lo que tu les dijiste
09:21Hay una gran contradicción
09:23Yo no se porque no pensaste en eso
09:25Osea que todo lo hago mal
09:27No es que lo hagas todo mal
09:29No me llames para arreglar tus porquerias
09:31Carmen amor Carmen
09:43Que tienes
09:47Tomas creo que
09:49Esto es una locura
09:51Mi abuela
09:55Tengo mucho miedo de retar al destino
10:01Es una locura
10:03Pero vamos a retar al destino
10:17Tere llego con todo el peso de la ley
10:19Y me enviaron
10:21Para hacerme cargo del orden
10:23No vuelvo a tapar las fugas de gas con chicle
10:25Solamente tienes que darme por mi lado y listo
10:27Pero mejor le doy la razón
10:29Agarrate se me ahi
10:31En boda de loco sabemos hacerte reir
10:33Viernes al terminar el noti
10:35Alejandra rompe su compromiso
10:37No me voy a casar
10:39No hay boda y punto
10:41Rafael tambien
10:43No es el momento adecuado
10:46No es el momento adecuado para embarcarnos en un matrimonio
10:50Pero siguen los problemas entre ellos
10:52Y pensé que yo creà que podÃa pasar algo entre usted y yo
10:54Hasta nunca
10:56Lunes a viernes a las 2.30 por las estrellas
11:00Rodrigo es el padre adoptivo de Tere
11:02Pero con el paso del tiempo
11:04La comienza a ver como mujer
11:06Y se encela de que Tere tenga novio
11:08Rodrigo solo la quiere tener para el
11:10Y lleno de sedlos la encierra en
11:12La torre de cristal
11:15La Rosa de Guadalupe
11:17Lunes con las estrellas
11:59Les dijeron que tenÃan que ser más rápidas más ágiles más fuertes
12:06Que este juego era cosa de hombres pero se dieron cuenta que nadie podÃa definirlas
12:14Las mejores jugadoras en México están en la liga mx femenil en Dix
12:19Quiero ver a mi hijo
12:21No se de lo que estas hablando
12:23Y por tu bien no te vuelvas a aparecer
12:25Tu no entiendes verdad
12:27Creo que ha llegado el momento de que sepa quien soy yo
12:29A esa mujer
12:31No le conviene retarme
12:33Porque por mi familia
12:35Soy capaz de todo
12:37Lunes a viernes 9.30 de la noche
12:39InscrÃbete a la primera carrera nocturna
12:41Grandes de Corazón del Club América
12:44Este sábado 7 de diciembre
12:46Invita a tu familia y amigos
12:483 categorÃas
12:503, 5 o 10 kilómetros
12:52Asegura tu lugar
12:54InscrÃbete en
12:56Grandes de Corazón
13:14Engarrate se me ahi
13:16En Dola de Loco sabemos hacerte reÃr
13:18Viernes al terminar el noti
13:20Estas son las noticias en punto
13:22La convención nacional republicana
13:24En Milwaukee es una celebración de identidad
13:26Han reportado un aumento en el número de rescates
13:28De personas en peligro de ahogarse en el mar
13:30Las autoridades siguen buscando
13:32La fuente de esta contaminación
13:34Cada noche tu punto de encuentro con la información
13:36En punto
13:3810.30 por las estrellas
13:40En Empieza Temprano sabemos que los primeros años
13:42Son clave para el desarrollo de niñas y niños
13:44Tu ya tienes lo que se necesita
13:46Sigue su curiosidad
13:48Mira lo que le interesa
13:50Extiende sus ideas
13:52Túrnense en las actividades
13:54Y conversen
13:56Descubre más consejos en
13:58Un programa de Fundación Televisa con apoyo de Broom
14:00Mantente informado de todos los acontecimientos deportivos
14:02Cómo buscar a terminar
14:04Con la sequÃa de 13 años sin tÃtulo
14:06Comentarios y entrevistas
14:08La mentalidad es ir por más
14:11Y mucho más
14:13Contacto Deportivo
14:15Martes, Jueves y Viernes 11.30 de la noche
14:17Con las Estrellas
14:43Las revelaciones son más impactantes
14:47Los investigadores siguen con dudas
14:49Ya me confundà más
14:51Y los personajes adueñándose del escenario
14:53Podrás descubrir el enigma detrás de
14:55¿Quién es la máscara?
14:57Domingos 8.30 de la noche
14:59Cada mañana trae nuevas historias
15:01Que nos conectan
15:03Lo más relevante de México y el mundo
15:05Está aquà desde el primer minuto
15:07Rápido, claro y preciso
15:10Asà estarás bien informado
15:12Soy Carlos Hurtado y te espero en las noticias
15:14Lunes a Viernes 5.50 am
15:16Por las Estrellas
15:40Tere llegó con todo el peso de la ley
15:42¡Y me enviaron!
15:44Para hacerme cargo del orden
15:46¡No vuelvo a tapar las fugas de gas con chicle!
15:48Solamente tienes que darme por mi lado y listo
15:50Pero mejor le doy la razón
15:52¡Garrátesenme ahÃ!
15:54En Bola de Loco
15:56Sabemos hacerte reÃr
15:58Viernes al terminar el noti
16:00¿Dime qué quiere?
16:02Pues que nos den una buena lana por las tarugadas del checo
16:04Pero si no nos cumplen nos vamos a cobrar lo que nos deben de un modo mucho peor
16:10Yo lo único que quiero es el divorcio
16:12¡Vete para allá!
16:14¿Me vas a pegar?
16:16¿Y qué significa esto?
16:18Toma, por conveniencia, lunes a viernes 8.30 de la noche
16:39¿Y qué significa esto?
16:41Toma, por conveniencia, lunes a viernes 8.30 de la noche
16:43Toma, por conveniencia, lunes a viernes 8.30 de la noche
16:45Toma, por conveniencia, lunes a viernes 8.30 de la noche
16:47Toma, por conveniencia, lunes a viernes 8.30 de la noche
16:49Toma, por conveniencia, lunes a viernes 8.30 de la noche
16:51Toma, por conveniencia, lunes a viernes 8.30 de la noche
16:53Toma, por conveniencia, lunes a viernes 8.30 de la noche
16:55Toma, por conveniencia, lunes a viernes 8.30 de la noche
16:57Toma, por conveniencia, lunes a viernes 8.30 de la noche
16:59Toma, por conveniencia, lunes a viernes 8.30 de la noche
17:01Amor amargo, la venganza no es tan dulce como yo pensaba
17:11Después de todo que en amor ya no vale nada
17:31Yo sé quiénes son los Jiménez y esto aumenta su deuda
18:01¿Qué hora es?
18:21Hora de irnos
18:23¿A dónde?
18:25Es una sorpresa
18:27¿A dónde?
18:29Es una sorpresa
18:31¿TodavÃa es de madrugada?
18:33SÃ, pero tenemos el tiempo justo para llegar a donde vamos
18:37¿Cinco minutitos más?
18:45It's very early. We have to disconnect from this.
18:50I want us to have a special moment.
19:15Cleo, please put on the table everything you need to put on the table.
19:22And don't let the chocolate get cold. Please, be careful.
19:26Don't worry, Mrs. Welcome.
19:29Don't worry, I'll take care of it.
19:32Yes, thank you.
19:37What happened, Miriam?
19:40I'm very sorry.
19:49You know we love you very much and that you are part of our family.
19:54Thank you, my child. Thank you.
19:58I'm going to go out, I'm going to the police station,
20:01to sign some papers so I can enter my brother's body.
20:06I'll go with you.
20:08Because I have to go look for Eva because I don't think she went to sleep.
20:12What? Don't tell me that, daughter. What happened?
20:15No, no, no.
20:17I think she left the house early.
20:20Let's see if I can find her. You know she's on the bike.
20:23I'm going to get my bag. I won't be long. We're leaving.
20:31Don't take me for a fool, Israel.
20:34Tell me what happened with the welcome brother.
20:38All I know is that in the canteen they said he had a lot of money
20:41because he had entered a business.
20:45Who knows what he was up to?
20:48And who gave him that money? What business?
20:52Beatriz's murderer?
20:55Well, you'll see if it's true.
20:58It's very strange.
21:00That drunk disappeared the day my daughter died.
21:03And then he appears dead.
21:06These are too many coincidences, Israel.
21:11Keep me informed of what you investigate.
21:14Come on, go.
21:20I hope you like it.
21:23Although from now on I tell you that with the remodeling we will start,
21:27it will no longer be a inn to be called Hotel Boutique.
21:31Ms. Gloria, Ms. Gloria, Ms. Gloria.
21:33I brought you today's gossip. Did you find out about the fire?
21:36No, stop screaming.
21:38What do you mean a fire? Where?
21:39Don't worry, Mr. Emilio.
21:41We are in a hot season and fires occur very often in the countryside.
21:46But we have a fire department that are great.
21:50No, not so great and it was not in the countryside.
21:53It was in the center and the firefighters arrived late to pay.
21:55Sorry, did you say in the center?
21:57Don't listen to him, young Marlon.
21:59This girl is very exaggerated.
22:01In what part of the center? Do you know?
22:03No, I don't know, but I think in a house where they are doing the new offices.
22:06Our offices?
22:07Well, you don't know anything.
22:11What's wrong with you, Lisa?
22:13If I run out of my best clients, the remodeling will go to waste.
22:26We're almost there.
22:28I'm going to fall, Tomas.
22:30No, you're not going to fall.
22:33Sure, I'm not going to let you fall.
22:35That's why I have you here.
22:37Where are we going?
22:38Even if it's a runway.
22:40I didn't ask you.
22:41Are you afraid to fly?
22:43But how?
22:44Are we going to fly on a plane?
22:48It could be, it could be.
22:50Tell me, Tomas.
22:51Almost, almost.
22:59We have arrived.
23:03Do you like it?
23:08Let's go.
23:10I love it!
23:15You liked it!
23:16It's incredible!
23:18I thought you really didn't like it.
23:20I always wanted to get on one of those.
23:24Well, that's why we're here, honey.
23:25To live this together.
23:38Who would have thought
23:40that our story would begin like this.
23:45Beautiful people of Todos Los Santos!
23:48With confidence, know our work, quality and effort.
23:53We need help, a lot of help, food and shoes.
23:58Are you the boy who was selling the other day?
24:01Oh, you're the lady who didn't want to buy anything from me.
24:05If you're going to do the same to me,
24:07I'd better not offend the customer.
24:10You're too young to be selling on the street.
24:13I'm going to call her.
24:15Run, Toñito!
24:16Take everything this lady is going to call the police.
24:19No, I just want to help them.
24:21What can you do?
24:35Aren't you afraid?
24:38If I'm with you, I'm not afraid.
24:41We're going to touch the sky and clouds together, okay?
24:47Let's be happy for a moment.
24:49Away from everything that worries us.
25:06Andres, can you hear me?
25:08I brought your breakfast.
25:24Please, try to understand.
25:26Calm down, calm down.
25:31Please, try to understand.
25:33Calm down, calm down.
25:37I'm going to inform you of everything, please.
25:39No, that's terrible.
25:41The people of this town, what a gossip.
25:45Hey, what happened?
25:47A fire.
25:49What if it was a short circuit?
25:51What if they were the bad guys?
25:53The whole town talks about that.
25:55No, that's horrible.
25:57They are the offices of Tomas Jimenez.
25:59Is he the son of the man who died?
26:01I hope nothing happened to him.
26:03Can you tell me what you know?
26:05Are there injured or dead?
26:07No, we don't know anything.
26:09It's an old property.
26:11Maybe in the remodeling they left a wrong cable.
26:13Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me.
26:15What happened?
26:17What happened? Who are you?
26:19You can't come in, I'm sorry.
26:21How can we not come in?
26:23These offices belong to Tomas Jimenez.
26:25He is my client and I am his lawyer.
26:27And where is Tomas?
26:29Why isn't he with you?
26:31It can be very dangerous for everyone.
26:35In the tower.
26:37The offices of El Guerito.
26:39Okay, come in.
26:41Green tamales with pozole.
26:43Come in, just the two of you.
26:45Okay, come in.
26:47Let's see, he's going to drive.
26:49Yes, where is he?
27:01Tere has a boyfriend.
27:03Rodrigo only wants to have her for him.
27:06And full of jealousy, he locks her up in...
27:08The Crystal Tower.
27:10The Rose of Guadalupe.
27:12Mondays with the stars.
27:14If you are in the week that the chanfle takes you.
27:17I'm angry.
27:19Here in the neighborhood we have experts to help you.
27:22Son, son, son.
27:24Not all are bad news.
27:28Where else?
27:29We know how to make you laugh with El Chavo.
27:32Mondays and Fridays with the stars.
27:35These are the news in point.
27:37The National Republican Convention in Milwaukee is a celebration of identity.
27:41They have reported an increase in the number of rescues of people in danger of drowning in the sea.
27:45The authorities are still looking for the source of this contamination.
27:49Every night your meeting point with the information.
27:51In point.
27:5310.30 by the stars.
27:55The neighbor is very excited.
27:56I see you at night in my little town.
27:58I had the same dream again.
28:00With Poncho.
28:02I can't believe you're dating my husband.
28:04I sometimes dream that you're a green-eyed blonde.
28:06And when I wake up, I don't even realize it.
28:08In Married to Children, we know how to make you laugh.
28:10Tuesdays at the end of the noti.
28:12By the stars.
28:14And available on VIX.
28:16The mystery increases more and more.
28:18The revelations are more shocking.
28:21The investigators are still in doubt.
28:23I got more confused.
28:24And the characters taking over the stage.
28:26You can discover the enigma behind who is the mask.
28:28Sundays at 8.30 at night.
28:55And much more.
28:57Contacto Deportivo.
28:59Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
29:0111.30 at night.
29:03With the stars.
29:05This is third grade sports.
29:07The Mexican footballer is conformist.
29:09Why is he conforming, David?
29:11The way footballers develop what coaches think,
29:13in Mexico, is very poor.
29:15They are not intelligent.
29:17The footballers, for their part,
29:19increasingly demand more stars.
29:21Third grade sports.
29:22Tuesdays at the end of the noti.
29:24By the stars.
29:26I want to see my son.
29:28I don't know what you're talking about.
29:30And for your own good, don't show up again.
29:32You don't understand, do you?
29:34I think the time has come
29:36for him to know who I am.
29:38That woman shouldn't be challenged.
29:40Because for my family,
29:42I'm capable of everything.
29:44Tuesdays and Fridays, 9.30 at night.
29:46Tere arrived with all the weight of the law.
29:48And they sent me
29:50to be in charge of the order.
29:52And you arrive with gum.
29:54You just have to stand by my side and that's it.
29:56But I better give him the reason.
29:58You caught me there.
30:00In Dola de Loco, we know how to make you laugh.
30:03Fridays at the end of the noti.
30:22By the stars.
30:24Alejandra breaks her commitment.
30:26I'm not getting married.
30:28There's no wedding and period.
30:30Rafael too.
30:32It's not the right time to embark on a marriage.
30:36But the problems continue.
30:38I thought something could happen between you and me.
30:42Tuesdays and Fridays, 2.30 at night.
30:44By the stars.
30:46They were told they had to be faster,
30:48more agile,
30:52That this game
30:54was for men.
30:56But they realized
30:58that no one could define them.
31:00The best players in Mexico
31:02are in the women's MX League
31:04in VIX.
31:06Keep up to date
31:08with all the sports events.
31:10Pumas will try to end
31:12the 13-year drought without a title.
31:14Comments and interviews.
31:16The mentality is this.
31:18Go for more, go for more.
31:20And much more.
31:22Tuesdays and Fridays, 2.30 at night.
31:24By the stars.
31:26The mystery increases more and more.
31:29The revelations are more shocking.
31:33The investigators still have doubts.
31:35I got more confused.
31:37And the characters
31:39taking over the stage.
31:41You can discover the enigma
31:43behind Who's the Mask?
31:45Sundays, 8.30 at night.
31:47Tell me what you want.
31:49They gave us good money
31:50but they owe us worse.
31:56All I want is a divorce.
31:58Go away.
32:00Are you going to hit me?
32:02What does this mean?
32:04Tuesdays and Fridays, 8.30 at night.
32:20We know how to make you laugh.
32:22Tuesdays at the end of the Noti.
32:24By the stars.
32:26Available on VIX.
32:28If you're in the mood to get hit...
32:30I'm angry.
32:32Here in the neighborhood,
32:34we have experts to help you.
32:36I don't take bad news.
32:40Thank you, Chavo.
32:42We know how to make you laugh
32:44with El Chavo.
32:46Mondays and Fridays,
32:48with the stars.
32:50I don't take bad news.
32:52I won't cover the gas leaks
32:54with gum again.
32:56You just have to stand by my side
32:58and that's it.
33:00I'd better give her the reason.
33:02You caught me there.
33:04We know how to make you laugh
33:06on Mondays at the end of the Noti.
33:16Everything went according to plan, Leonor.
33:21Let's see if this warning
33:23makes it very clear to Tomas
33:25that it's time for him to leave Todos Los Santos.
33:31You made sure no one saw what happened.
33:33For God's sake, Leonor.
33:36I hired men from another town
33:38and I told him to be quick and effective.
33:40Not even the firemen helped.
33:43There can't be mistakes, Enrique.
33:45There are.
33:47I can handle Torrijos,
33:48but there's the other one, Joaquin.
33:50That man is getting into everything.
33:57if that guy gets into this,
33:59I'll stop him.
34:01Don't worry.
34:03Tomas' brother was inside,
34:05so I think he's done for.
34:08Well, if that's the case,
34:10it would be an eye for an eye.
34:12It's not mentioned yet
34:14that there are dead people, but...
34:18Let me tell you
34:20that if by any chance he got away,
34:24he died of fright.
34:27You don't know.
34:31Please, go back.
34:33It's getting crowded.
34:35Please understand.
34:37I promise to let you know everything...
34:43I don't want you to walk around here.
34:45Don't take pictures or DNA samples.
34:47Besides, the scene has to remain intact.
34:49I'm Emilio Duarte, Tomas Jimenez's lawyer.
34:51What happened?
34:53Are there any wounded?
34:55No, fortunately not.
34:57The firemen reported the place empty,
34:59with no signs of human arrests.
35:03there's Zeta Olivares' niece.
35:05What's up with that girl?
35:07First she threatens us,
35:09then she sets the place on fire,
35:11and now she shows up here as if nothing happened.
35:13Don't you want to tell her something happened to her?
35:16What are you doing here, Vera?
35:20I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
35:22I really don't want to be rude.
35:24I was worried when I heard about the fire.
35:26Tomas, are you okay?
35:28I'm asking you, what are you doing here?
35:30What we all do.
35:32This is our town and we want to know what happened.
35:34Tell Tomas that I'm very sorry
35:36and that I'm really here to help you with whatever you need.
35:40Let's go.
35:45Let's go.
36:07Oh, my God, she's so pretty.
36:11Oh, sorry.
36:13I'm so stupid.
36:15I'm so stupid.
36:22Oh, my God.
36:24Oh, my God.
36:26It's all burned, Nana.
36:28Oh, Virgin of Charity,
36:30what's going on in this town, my daughter?
36:32What's going on?
36:40I was informed that the fire started at night,
36:42and where is Mr. Jimenez?
36:43He's in Mexico City.
36:45That's right.
36:47We tried to locate him when we heard about the fire,
36:49but no, he never answered the phone.
36:51I don't understand how this could happen.
36:53We already know something concrete.
36:55No, no, no, we're waiting for the experts
36:57to start collecting evidence.
36:59Nothing else?
37:01It's very strange that a fire of this magnitude has occurred.
37:03Was it provoked?
37:05Everything is possible.
37:07We have to inspect the area.
37:09Let's go.
37:13Let's go.
37:21This is beautiful.
37:25Did you know them?
37:29I really want to meet them.
37:31There's always a first time between us
37:33because I didn't know them either.
37:37Thank you very much, Tomas.
37:39This is amazing.
37:41Can I ask you a favor?
37:43What do you want?
37:45Could you look down?
37:49Look at yourself, quickly.
37:51No, no, I'm fine like this.
37:53Does it give you vertigo?
37:55Hold on to me.
37:57It's fast.
37:59Just look at yourself faster.
38:01I'll stop you.
38:14Are you serious?
38:17Do you want to be my girlfriend?
38:20Of course I want to be your daughter.
38:35This ring
38:37belonged to my father.
38:39And Dolores told me
38:40that my father gave this ring to your mother
38:4335 years ago to seal his love.
38:47I would like
38:49to seal
38:51our love
38:53with him now.
38:58It's sad that our parents couldn't live without him.
39:03Yes, but it will be different with us.
39:07Yes, but it will be different with us.
39:11We will fight with anything that comes our way.
39:14And we will be the same
39:16or happier than them.
39:19What do you say?
39:37I love you.
39:44Have you seen my sister Eva?
39:56I've been calling you.
39:58Why don't you answer me?
40:00I don't know.
40:02Why don't you call your friend
40:04I saw you talking to yesterday?
40:07Yes, Minerva told me you saw me with her.
40:09Her name is Candela
40:11and she offered to manage my business networks.
40:13Are you jealous?
40:15Jealous? Not at all.
40:17But if I tell you something,
40:19I don't think she wants to manage your social networks.
40:21What she likes is that you have her in your arms,
40:23that you talk to her.
40:25Are you jealous?
40:27No, Juan Pedro, I'm worried about Eva.
40:29I don't know anything about her.
40:31Again? Yes.
40:33I told you I needed help.
40:35Why don't you pay her for therapy?
40:37I'm sorry, doctor.
40:39What therapy? Tell me.
40:41I don't want to fight with you.
40:43Get in and I'll help you find her.
40:45And don't worry,
40:47because I'm not cheating on you with anyone.
40:49Come on, let's go.
40:55You do know who this is, right?
40:58Eva San Jose.
41:00I saw her at dinner at the hacienda.
41:05And what was she doing there?
41:07Don't tell me that's what was inside.
41:09Well, she must have been there.
41:11I found her at the fire station.
41:13My God.
41:16But why was she there?
41:18I don't know, uncle.
41:20I just saw the medal and grabbed it.
41:23But don't worry.
41:25They already said there were no dead.
41:38Do you have a signal?
41:40I think so.
41:42Although I didn't want to ruin the moment, my love.
41:45But I think so.
41:48What happened?
41:51What happened?
41:53We have to go back to town.
41:57The offices were burned.
41:59What? The house you were fixing?
42:08Marlon, what happened?
42:13Yes, I understand. I'm on my way.
42:21Excuse me.
42:23It can't be.
42:25We have to know where Andres is.
42:27You think?
42:30Let's not think about that.
42:32This shouldn't have happened.
42:34Those people don't measure.
42:35What people do you mean, Dolores?
42:37Don Jose.
42:39Who else wants to hurt my children?
42:43What happened? Don't you know anything about Andres?
42:45Where is he?
42:47He stayed working here when we left at night.
42:49Dolores, calm down, calm down.
42:51We'll talk to the firefighters.
42:53They're fine now.
42:55There are no human remains.
42:57But Andres doesn't show up.
42:59He didn't come home to sleep.
43:01Did you talk to him?
43:03Buzón sent us.
43:05It's a short circuit.
43:07There's nothing concrete.
43:09You have to be sure before you draw conclusions.
43:11It's not a short circuit!
43:13I don't know this damn town.
43:15Where is Andres?
43:17The police have to find him.
43:19Something happened to my Andres!
43:23Andres will be fine.
43:25Do something.
43:27We'll find him.
43:36Rodrigo is Tere's adoptive father.
43:38But as time goes by,
43:40he starts to see her as a woman
43:42and he wants Tere to have a boyfriend.
43:44Rodrigo only wants her for himself.
43:46And full of jealousy,
43:48he locks her up in
43:50La Torre de Cristal,
43:52La Rosa de Guadalupe,
43:54Lunes con las Estrellas.
43:56In Empieza Temprano,
43:58we know that the first few years
44:00are key for the development of girls and boys.
44:02You already have what you need.
44:03Find your curiosity.
44:05Look at what interests you.
44:07Extend your ideas.
44:09Join the activities and talk.
44:11Discover more tips on
44:15A program by Fundación Televisa
44:17with the support of BRUM.
44:19They're making La Toña a competitor.
44:21I already got you some personal cleaners.
44:25Rosa La Derriba or Rosa La...
44:27What are you looking for?
44:29It's my house.
44:31I'm here to buy.
44:33This Thursday when El Noti ends.
44:35These are the news in Punto.
44:37The National Republican Convention in Milwaukee
44:39is a celebration of identity.
44:41They have reported an increase
44:43in the number of rescues of people
44:45in danger of drowning in the sea.
44:47The authorities are still looking for
44:49the source of this pollution.
44:51Every night your meeting point
44:53with the information.
44:55In Punto, 10-30, Las Estrellas.
44:57Stay informed
44:59of all sports events.
45:00This is a 13-year drought without a title.
45:02Comments and interviews.
45:04That's the mentality.
45:06Go for more, go for more.
45:08And much more.
45:10Contacto Deportivo.
45:12Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays
45:14at 11.30pm with Las Estrellas.
45:16They were told they had to be
45:20more agile,
45:24That this game was for men.
45:26But they realized
45:28that no one could define them.
45:30Las mejores jugadoras en México
45:32están en la Liga MX Femenil
45:34en VIX.
46:01Rafael también.
46:05Pero siguen los problemas entre ellos.
46:11Lunes a Viernes a las 2.30pm
46:13por Las Estrellas.
46:15Cada mañana trae
46:17nuevas historias que nos conectan.
46:19Lo más relevante de México
46:21y el mundo está aquÃ
46:23desde el primer minuto.
46:25Rápido, claro y preciso.
46:27Asà estarás bien informado.
46:28Soy Carlos Hurtado
46:30y te espero en las noticias
46:32Lunes a Viernes 5.50pm
46:34por Las Estrellas.
46:59El análisis para entender
47:01qué hay detrás de cada acontecimiento
47:03en México y en el mundo.
47:05Con todo el entretenimiento,
47:07el deporte y el clima.
47:09Despierta, un noticiero de N+.
47:11Lunes a Viernes 7.00am
47:13con Las Estrellas.
47:15Quiero ver a mi hijo.
47:17No sé de lo que estás hablando
47:19y por tu bien no te vuelvas a aparecer.
47:22Tú no entiendes, ¿verdad?
47:25Creo que ha llegado el momento
47:26de que sepa quién soy yo.
47:28A esa mujer no le conviene retarme
47:30porque por mi familia
47:32soy capaz de todo.
47:34Lunes a Viernes 9.30pm
47:36Esto es tercer grado deportivo.
47:38El futbolista mexicano es conformista.
47:40¿Por qué se conforma, David?
47:42La manera en que los futbolistas
47:44desarrollan lo que los entrenadores piensan
47:46en México es muy pobre.
47:48No son inteligentes.
47:50Los futbolistas por su parte
47:52cada vez exigen más los estelares.
47:54Tercer grado deportivo todos los lunes
47:56en Empieza Temprano.
47:58Sabemos que los primeros años
48:00son clave para el desarrollo
48:02de niñas y niños.
48:04Tú ya tienes lo que se necesita.
48:06Sigue su curiosidad,
48:08mira lo que le interesa,
48:10extiende sus ideas,
48:12túrnense en las actividades
48:14y conversen.
48:16Descubre más consejos
48:20Un programa de Fundación Televisa
48:22con apoyo de Broom.
48:27Yo lo único que quiero
48:29es el divorcio.
48:31Me vas a pegar.
48:33¿Qué significa esto?
48:35Cada mañana trae nuevas historias
48:37que nos conectan.
48:39Lo más relevante de México
48:41y el mundo está aquÃ
48:43desde el primer minuto.
48:45Rápido, claro y preciso,
48:47asà estarás bien informado.
48:49Soy Carlos Zutado
48:51y te espero en las noticias
48:53lunes a viernes,
48:54hasta la próxima.
49:25Siento mucho lo que pasó, Tomás.
49:29¿Y si no fue un cortocircuito?
49:32¿Tú qué crees que pudo haber sido?
49:34No sé, lo pudieron haber provocado.
49:37Ya nada me extrañarÃa a estas alturas.
49:39No, no creo que nadie llegarÃa tanto.
49:42¿Quién harÃa algo asÃ?
49:55Miriam, estoy ocupada.
49:57¿Qué pasa?
49:59Abuela, estoy angustiada por Eva.
50:01Es que no llego a dormir anoche.
50:03Esta Eva y su locura.
50:05¿Debiste avisarme antes?
50:07Ay, entre ustedes tres
50:09me van a volver loca.
50:16Por Dios mÃo.
50:18¿Qué pasa?
50:20¿Qué pasa?
50:22Por Dios, no puedo tener un minuto de paz.
50:25Perdón, señora Leonor.
50:27Podemos hablar un momento a solas.
50:51¿Qué hace usted aqu�
50:53Seguro tiene algo que ver con todo esto.
50:57PolicÃa, interrogue a este tipo.
50:59Cálmese, señora, y no me grite.
51:01No, no me calmo.
51:03No me grite.
51:05Ustedes hicieron esto.
51:07Y seguro tienen que ver con la desaparición de Andrés.
51:09¿En dónde está?
51:11¿Qué le hicieron?
51:13¿A dónde se lo llevaron?
51:15DeberÃa decirle a Tomás que se largue de aquÃ.
51:18La vida de repente da señales, señora.
51:22SerÃa muy bueno escucharlas.
51:34¿Piensas que esto lo causó mi abuela?
51:41No sé.
51:43No sé, pero no puedo dejar de pensar en ello.
51:46Tu abuela me odia.
51:48Igual que odiaba a mi papá.
51:49Y sé que es capaz de cualquier cosa.
51:52Es que esto es algo muy grave.
51:56De verdad, es porque mi abuela no llegue a tanto.
51:58Quiero que entiendas algo.
52:00Esto lo voy a resolver.
52:02Pero sea lo que sea que haya pasado,
52:04yo no quiero que tú te sientas culpable.
52:06Mi relación contigo es una cosa, y con ellos es otra.
52:10Es que esto para mà no es fácil, Tomás.
52:12Ni para ti ni para mÃ.
52:14Pero escúchame bien, mi decisión es amarte y estar a tu lado.
52:16Eso es lo más importante de este momento.
52:35¿Por qué estaba la medalla de Eva en el incendio de la oficina?
52:38No lo sé, doña Leonor.
52:40Yo solo sé que dicen que no habÃa nadie cuando sucedió el incendio.
52:44Pues quién sabe si eso sea asÃ, porque yo me encontré a Dolores
52:46y según entiendo, Andrés está desaparecido.
52:49Yo no...
52:51Mi nieta Eva tampoco aparece.
52:53Enrique, ¿no será que este es otro error en este asunto?
52:58¿Qué demonios hacÃa la medalla de Eva en ese incendio?
53:02Mi medalla.
53:04¿Señorita Eva?
53:06¿Qué le pasó?
53:08No, nada, Cleo, es que me caà de la bici.
53:10Pero todo bien.
53:12Oye, ¿sabes dónde está Bienvenida?
53:14Ay, es que no le han dicho, ¿verdad?
53:18Bienvenida se fue al pueblo, a la estación de policÃa.
53:20Encontraron a su hermano muerto.
53:24Bienvenida se fue al pueblo, a la estación de policÃa.
53:26Encontraron a su hermano muerto.
53:29Bienvenida se fue al pueblo, a la estación de policÃa.
53:31Encontraron a su hermano muerto.
53:39¿Es su abuela?
53:41No, no, no.
53:46¿Doña Leonor?
53:48¿Qué pasa con Bienvenida?
53:50No contesta a mis llamadas.
53:52¿Mi nieta Eva está en la casa?
53:54Acaba de salir.
53:56Algo le pasó.
53:57Bueno, explÃcate, ¿qué le pasó?
53:59No sé, se veÃa rara.
54:04Él no desaparece asà como hacÃa él.
54:07Él es un muchachito muy responsable.
54:09Le hicieron algo, a mi Andrés le hicieron algo.
54:12A ver, Dolores, tranquila.
54:14Mira, no nos adelantemos.
54:16Andrés va a estar bien.
54:18¿Pero por qué no contesta?
54:20Ustedes dos no están tomando en serio lo que está pasando.
54:27Eva apareció.
54:30Nadie se puede enterar de que encontraste esta medalla, Vera.
54:35Si alguien supiera, serÃa muy peligroso para Eva.
54:40¿Por qué?
54:42¿Pasó algo?
54:44Eva es mi nieta.
54:48La amo con toda el alma.
54:53ella no está bien.
54:54Hace mucho le dije a Gabriela que tenÃamos que hacer algo.
55:02Siempre ha tenido comportamientos extraños.
55:10De niña...
55:13era piromana.
55:16¿Era qué?
55:18Le gustaba provocar incendios.
55:24le gusta.
55:26Si juntamos lo de la medalla y su pasado, puede estar en problemas.
55:33Vera, déjame a solas con tu tÃo, por favor.
55:40Con permiso.
55:47Esto debe de quedar solo entre nosotros.
55:50No me gusta deberle favores a nadie.
55:54Claro, Leonor. Tú tranquila. Mi sobrina es de confianza. Yo la controlo. Tranquila, por favor.
55:59De confianza...
56:01era toda tu vida.
56:03Por favor, Leonor. Por favor, ya deja eso.
56:06Y mi hija...
56:09terminó muerta.
56:17Esto nos puede servir.
56:20Y mucho.
56:39Ay, no, Andrés.
56:43A ver, espera.
56:51Te voy a tapar.
57:03Agua, agua. Tienes que hidratarte.
57:06A ver.
57:31¿De qué se trata esto, abuela?
57:34Gabriela, ¿cómo pudiste irte con este tipo?
57:37¿Cómo puedes avergonzarme de esta manera?
57:40Súbete a la camioneta.
57:42Señora, le recuerdo que está hablando con dos adultos que saben lo que hacen.
57:46Es el problema.
57:48Que no saben lo que hacen.
57:50No tienen la menor idea de lo que es retar al destino de esta manera.
57:55¿Ya saben lo que pasó en el pueblo mientras que ustedes dos andaban de luna de miel?
58:00Ay, ya, abuela. Permiso.
58:02¿A dónde vas? Te dije que te subieras a la camioneta.
58:07¿Qué crees que están haciendo, Tomás?
58:09Abuela, ya es suficiente.
58:12Te busco al rato.
58:17No le estás haciendo ningún bien a mi nieta.
58:21No soy ninguna ingenua, Tomás. Conozco tu juego.
58:25La estás seduciendo para dañarnos.
58:28Pero no lo vas a conseguir.
58:30A Gabriela no la meta en esto.
58:33Esta guerra es entre usted y yo, ya se lo dije.
58:36Pero es tan necia que no lo entiende.
58:38Gabriela y yo tenemos algo especial.
58:40Y esta vez no va a separarnos como lo hizo con mi padre y con su hija Beatriz.
58:43Te equivocas.
58:45Eres muy poco rival para mÃ.
58:48Estarás derrotado antes de lo que piensas.
58:51Por cierto, siento mucho lo de tus oficinas,
58:55pero sobre todo lo de tu hermano.
59:00¿De qué está hablando?
59:14Al parecer todo fue provocado.
59:18SÃ, no lo dudo que haya sido asÃ.
59:20Y sé muy bien quién lo hizo. Fue esa maldita bruja.
59:22Si quiere que encuentre a su hermano,
59:24tendrá que esperar las horas que requiere la ley.
59:27La distribuidora se cierra.
59:29¿Pero tú no podÃas hacer eso?
59:31¿No es que no está en discusión?
59:33Solamente te estoy informando.
59:37Solo trae malos recuerdos de Serasya.
59:40¿De qué me estás hablando? ¿Qué malos recuerdos?
59:41Con tu mirada en mi mirada entrelazadas.
59:46No hay casualidad.
59:48Bien lo sabe Dios, estaban destinadas
59:51quedarme atorada y que tú llegaras y me salvaras.
59:55Cambiaste el dolor.