• le mois dernier
Palm Trees and Power Lines is a poignant 2022 coming-of-age drama directed by Jamie Dack, marking her feature directorial debut. Based on her 2018 short film of the same name, the film explores the complex dynamics of a relationship between a disconnected teenage girl, Lea (played by Lily McInerny), and Tom (Jonathan Tucker), a man twice her age. As Lea navigates her tumultuous teenage years, she views Tom as an escape from her problems, only to discover that his intentions may not be as innocent as they seem.
The narrative delves into themes of manipulation, vulnerability, and the search for identity. Lea's relationship with Tom offers a temporary reprieve from her struggles, but it also exposes her to the darker realities of adult relationships. The film's raw portrayal of this power imbalance has resonated with audiences, prompting discussions about the implications of age-gap relationships and the emotional complexities involved.
Palm Trees and Power Lines premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in January 2022, where it won the U.S. directing award. It has since garnered critical acclaim for its sensitive storytelling and strong performances, particularly from McInerny and Tucker. The film's visual style employs "fly on the wall" techniques that immerse viewers in Lea's world, enhancing the tension and emotional weight of her experiences.
As Lea grapples with her feelings for Tom and the consequences of their relationship, she ultimately seeks to reclaim her independence and reconnect with her friends and family. The film concludes with a bittersweet reflection on love and loss, leaving viewers contemplating the impact of choices made during formative years.


