मुजफ्फरपुर: बिहार के मुजफ्फरपुर में रहने वाले एक मूर्तिकार ने प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी से प्रभावित होकर न सिर्फ उनकी मूर्ति बनाई बल्कि संकटकाल में अपने और परिवार का जीवन यापन भी पीएम मोदी की मूर्ति से किया। मुजफ्फरपुर के आम गोला स्थित पड़ाव पोखर के रहने वाले मूर्तिकार जयप्रकाश कुमार ने लॉकडाउन के समय कारोबार ठप हो जाने के बाद प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी से प्रभावित होने के कारण उनकी मूर्ति बनाने की ठानी। सबसे पहले उन्होंने पीएम मोदी की मूर्ति बनाने के लिए सांचा बनाया जिसे बनाने में उन्हें एक महीने का समय लगा। मूर्तिकार जयप्रकाश ने धीरे-धीरे मूर्ति बनाना शुरू किया और प्रधानमंत्री की 600 मूर्तियां बनाईं। जिन्हें स्थानीय लोगों ने काफी पसंद किया और लगभग सभी मूर्ति बिक गईं। जयप्रकाश ने कहा कि प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी बहुत अच्छे प्रधानमंत्री हैं। इसके अलावा वह दुनिया के सबसे अच्छे नेता भी हैं और मैंने उनकी मूर्ति इसलिए बनाई है क्योंकि उनकी मूर्ति बनाने से संकट काल में मुझे मदद मिली और मैं आराम से अपने परिवार के साथ रह पाया। पीएम मोदी के साथ ही जयप्रकाश ने सीएम योगी की भी मूर्तियां बनाई हैं।
#pmnarendramodi #pmmodistatue #muzaffarpur #biharnews #pmmodimurtikar
#pmnarendramodi #pmmodistatue #muzaffarpur #biharnews #pmmodimurtikar
00:00Muzak playing
00:07Bell ringing
00:13Horn blaring
00:19Speaking in Hindi
00:30Sir, they were supposed to be made during the lockdown on 22nd March, when there was a
00:58public curfew.
00:59From that day itself, we thought that there will be a lockdown, and there was a lockdown.
01:05On 22nd March, we thought about it, and then on 23rd March, we got busy making the statues.
01:12Because there were a lot of places where there was a lockdown.
01:15We were going to have a lockdown here too.
01:17Our work was completely over.
01:19We thought, what will we do sitting here?
01:21The entire employment sector was shut down.
01:24That's why we started making statues.
01:27It took us a month to make it.
01:30We made the frame.
01:32After that, we made the statues.
01:35A lot of people saw it.
01:37A lot of people praised it.
01:39A lot of people bought it and took it.
01:41We made about 600 statues.
01:44He is a very good Prime Minister of the country.
01:47The situation of the country during the corona pandemic was very dire.
01:55But here, Modi ji said that everyone should stay at home.
02:00Seeing all this, we were very impressed with him.
02:03We used to watch his news on TV on mobile.
02:07It felt very good.
02:09Thinking about all this, we said, what do we have to do sitting here?
02:12There was a lot of problem.
02:13We started making it.
02:15A lot of people saw it.
02:17A lot of people bought it and took it.
02:19A lot of people praised it.
02:20We made 600 statues of him.
02:22After that, we made a statue of Yogi ji.
02:24We made a total of 120 statues of him.
02:28600 statues have been sold.
02:30About 4-5 statues are left.
02:32As soon as we get orders, we make them.
02:35Sir, the benefit of this is that one statue costs Rs. 1000.
02:40The smaller one costs Rs. 800.
02:42The bigger one costs Rs. 1000.
02:44We were in a bad situation.
02:46We were able to make ends meet.
02:48We were able to earn a living.
02:50We were able to take care of the house.