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八点最热报 | 经济部长拉菲兹今天在经济部和吉兰丹州政府举行的第13大马计划交流会上指出,随着半岛的油气资源正在逐渐减少,而大部分新发现的油气资源都集中在沙巴和砂拉越,他认为国家必须尽快完成能源转型。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00Before watching the video, I would like to remind you that there is more content on the Hotpot website.
00:04Although our country is a oil-producing country, it is not the same as China.
00:09The country cannot rely too much on oil income.
00:13Lafayette, the Minister of Economy, pointed out at the 13th Damascus Plan Exchange,
00:17which was held by the Ministry of Economy and the government of Sri Lanka today,
00:19that the oil and natural gas production in the Peninsula region
00:22once brought advantages to the country's economic growth and income.
00:26However, as the game resources on the Peninsula are gradually decreasing,
00:30most of the newly discovered game resources are concentrated in Sabah and Sarawak.
00:34Therefore, Lafayette believes that the country must complete the energy transition as soon as possible.
00:39In addition, Lafayette also mentioned that the Ministry of Economy is developing a blue economy framework and strategy,
00:44which is expected to be completed by the end of 2025.
00:47Lafayette wrote that the blue economy refers to the industry related to fisheries and maritime,
00:53and uses the ocean as a source of energy generation.
00:57Sri Lanka and Dengjialou have a lot of blue economies,
01:00because both provinces have long coastlines,
01:03and have been deep in fisheries activities for many years.
01:06Therefore, the United States government hopes to discuss with the state government
01:10how to dig out new potential from the blue economy.
01:15Lafayette, the Minister of Economy, pointed out at the 13th Damascus Plan Exchange,
01:20that the oil and natural gas reserves on the Peninsula have been declining for the past 10 years.
01:26As a result, there are only 350,000 barrels of oil left per day,
01:30which is half as much as before.
01:32In the 11th Damascus Plan Exchange,
01:34we are running out of oil and gas.
01:39I always give an example.
01:41I remember that in the past 5-10 years,
01:45the amount of oil we produced was 700,000 barrels per day.
01:52Now, it is 350,000 barrels per day.
01:55In 10 years, it has decreased by half,
01:59and it will decrease faster.
02:01Lafayette also mentioned that the new oil and gas resources are concentrated in Sabah and Sarajevo,
02:06and these oil and natural gas resources are mainly used to meet the local needs of Sabah and Sarajevo.
02:13In the past, especially in the Peninsula,
02:18we had large oil and natural gas resources,
02:22which are now only found in Sabah and Sarajevo.
02:26The oil and natural gas resources in Sabah and Sarajevo,
02:30apart from the demands and desires of Sabah and Sarajevo,
02:36are mostly exported and linked to long-term agreements with buyers.
02:45To reduce the dependence on oil and natural gas,
02:47Lafayette believes that our country must complete energy transition as soon as possible
02:51and implement some policies, including adjusting subsidies.
