Kementerian BUMN terus memperkuat koordinasi dengan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum (PU) guna mendukung program swasembara pangan dan energi yang menjadi prioritas Pemerintahan saat ini. Pembangunan infrastruktur diyakini dapat memberikan manfaat luas terutama dalam menekan biaya logistik.
00:00The Ministry of Home Affairs continues to strengthen coordination with the Ministry of Public Work to support the food supply program and energy, which is currently a priority for the government.
00:18Infrastructure development is believed to be of great benefit, especially in reducing logistical costs.
00:25The Ministry of Home Affairs continues to strengthen coordination with the Ministry of Public Work to ensure the continuity of infrastructure development to support the food supply program, energy and hydration, which is currently a priority for the government.
00:43The Minister of Home Affairs, Erick Toer, affirms that infrastructure is the key to success in pursuing the climate target.
00:50Infrastructure development can be of great benefit, especially in reducing logistical costs.
00:56Infrastructure development can be of great benefit, especially in reducing logistical costs.
01:19The synergy between the Ministry of Home Affairs and the Ministry of Public Work is believed to be able to accelerate the development of infrastructure to achieve the climate target for food, energy and hydration that continues in accordance with the vision of the Prabowo government.