• last year


00:06Saludos, República Dominicana. Saludos, mundo.
00:09Bienvenidos a una edición más del Tizón Deportivo,
00:11pero en pelota invernal,
00:13donde le traemos entrevistas, análisis, estadísticas
00:16y muchas informaciones
00:18de nuestro pasatiempo deportivo principal,
00:20la pelota de invierno.
00:21Esta edición de este domingo, 17 de noviembre,
00:26Tizón Deportivo en pelota invernal.
00:29Gilbert Gómez, dirigente de Tigres del 16,
00:31hablar de la experiencia en Nueva York-Titanes del Caribe 2024.
00:35Tremendo. Yo entiendo que fue un partido de mucha emoción.
00:38Nosotros fuimos con esa encomienda
00:40de llevar la energía necesaria para un partido de esa magnitud.
00:42Desafortunadamente, salimos por la puerta perdedora,
00:44pero muy contentos con la energía y el compromiso de los muchachos.
00:47Y contentos de poder darle a esa fanática dominicana,
00:50perdón, Nueva York, a esa fanática dominicana allá en la diáspora,
00:54un partido o una muestra de lo que es el béisbol de nosotros,
00:57que siempre es competitivo.
00:59Hablando de Tigres del 16 temporada,
01:00el equipo inició altas y bajas.
01:03Ahora mismo, pues, temas ofensivos.
01:05Quizás el Pichego ha estado respondiendo.
01:07¿Qué podrías decir a eso?
01:09No, Simba, como tú mencionas, una temporada donde nosotros todavía,
01:11yo siento que no hemos alcanzado el nivel de jugar nuestro mejor béisbol.
01:15Ganamos seis partidos corridos,
01:16en un momento que nos puso en una buena posición.
01:18En los últimos cuatro, tenemos 1 y 3, si no me falla la memoria.
01:22Pero es una temporada de racha.
01:24Nosotros queremos mantener la consistencia.
01:26Tú bien mencionas el tema ofensivo.
01:28Hemos sido víctimas de, a lo mejor, un poquito de mala suerte,
01:30unos cuantos batazos que nos han picado.
01:32Pero definitivamente tenemos el talento ofensivo.
01:34Y como siempre, el Pichego sigue siendo nuestra columna vertebral.
01:37Han lanzado la pelota de una manera extraordinaria.
01:39Ahora mismo, liderar la liga en WIP, segundo en la competitividad.
01:42Lo que da muestra de que el Pichego de Zóleo simplemente conseguió
01:45un poquito más de consistencia ofensiva.
01:46Y yo entiendo que tenemos el talento para seguir.
01:48Eres un estudioso del juego.
01:49Si pudieras decir qué aspecto positivo se ha mantenido
01:54para ti el Tigres del 16 toda la temporada.
01:56Mira, lo más positivo ni siquiera se mide.
01:59Yo entiendo que este grupo ha salido a competir todos los partidos.
02:01Es un grupo que no se quita.
02:03Es un grupo que normalmente, bajo las vicisitudes que traen los partidos,
02:07se mantienen peleando.
02:08Y que ha sabido responder cuando las cosas se ven un poquito apretadas.
02:11Nosotros, ya hablando un poquito más técnico,
02:13el Pichego ha sido, como te dije, nuestra fuerza.
02:15Tanto el Pichego de Abridor, que ha respondido bastante bien,
02:17con Radamelí, que nos ha dado salidas de alta calidad.
02:20Valdés, que se ha mantenido lanzando seis entradas.
02:22Muyer, que ha sido una grata recuperación de lo que fue,
02:26a lo mejor, su primera salida.
02:28El Pichego ha sido nuestra fuerza,
02:29pero entendemos que, ofensivamente, empezamos de una forma muy bien.
02:33Últimamente, las cosas no han salido,
02:34pero sabemos que tenemos el talento para ser mejores.
02:36Jugadores que están ya en la paralela,
02:38próximos a integrarse a los Tigres del 16.
02:40Bueno, Pache está debutando hoy.
02:41Es muy emocionado de verlo en Nacional con nosotros,
02:44en nuestra chaqueta.
02:45Andújar ya ha hablado, que se está preparando,
02:48que está recuperándose de cualquier tema físico que tiene
02:51para entregarse con nosotros.
02:52Y tú sabes, esos son los nombres ahora mismo que están un poquito más cerca.
02:54Ya Pache, obviamente, hoy.
02:56Y Andújar, próximamente, estará con nosotros.
02:57Yo digo que en unas cuantas semanas.
02:59Si hablamos de los que llegan,
03:01hay que hablar de los que se van también.
03:03Sí, tú sabes que hay unos cuantos de importados
03:04que ya se está acabando su contrato.
03:07Son cosas que a mí, realmente, me gusta esperar que suceda,
03:10porque uno nunca sabe si eso puede cambiar.
03:13Pero tú sabes, ahora mismo,
03:14la intención es preparar el grupo que tenemos actualmente.
03:17Los que lleguen, los mantenemos preparándonos.
03:19Y los que se van, pues, en el momento indicado,
03:21ellos van a tomar esa decisión.
03:23Viene una etapa crucial de la temporada,
03:25donde, generalmente, ya los equipos que se mantienen
03:29en los cuatro lugares son los que pueden pasar.
03:32¿Qué hacer de aquí en adelante?
03:33Y si entiendes que hay cosas que mover.
03:36Mira, todos los partidos son importantes desde el primero.
03:38Tú mencionas, esto es una etapa bien crucial del torneo,
03:41donde tú comienzas a despegar, a lo mejor,
03:43los primeros cuatro de los últimos dos
03:44para tú mantenerte en la clasificación.
03:46Pero yo diría que es consistencia.
03:48Lograr nosotros jugar un partido,
03:50o jugar múltiples partidos donde podamos poner
03:52el picheo, la defensa y el bateo en el mismo juego,
03:55mantenernos positivos, mantener energía
03:57y comenzar a despegarnos de ese grupo de abajo
04:00para nosotros, pues, encaminarnos a la clasificación.
04:04Lo negativo, si pudieras mencionar,
04:07de toda la temporada.
04:08Sí, es que al final es como todos los equipos,
04:10es por la consistencia.
04:11Si tú, hay equipos que han ganado juegos importantes,
04:15pero no han podido mantener consistencia
04:16para ganar dos o tres partidos.
04:18Nosotros sabemos que tenemos el talento para lograr eso.
04:21Tenemos el talento para conseguir una cadena,
04:24un 7-3, un 8-2.
04:26Simplemente nosotros podemos mantener energía
04:28que se requiere en una liga de muchas altas y bajas
04:31donde realmente el enfoque mental tiene que mantenerse.
04:33Pero yo entiendo que tenemos lo necesario
04:34para sobrepasar ahora mismo, por ejemplo,
04:36ese pequeño bacho ofensivo que tenemos.
04:37Entiendo que tenemos el talento para hacerlo.
04:40Vienen una reprogramación de muchos partidos.
04:43¿Cómo prepararse para eso?
04:44Porque se complica un poquito el calendario.
04:47No, la profundidad en el picheo.
04:48Confiar en la profundidad del picheo
04:49y eso es lo que nosotros tenemos.
04:51Tenemos lanzadores que pueden abrir partidos,
04:53como dice Alberto Bonillo, como dice Joaquín,
04:55que lo hizo en México.
04:56Tenemos opciones en caso de que se nos presente
04:59una manga de cinco o seis o siete juegos corridos.
05:01Esperando lo que la liga decida,
05:02nosotros tenemos la profundidad aquí
05:04para atacar ese compromiso y mantener todo,
05:07sobre todo, como te dije, la energía y todo en esta liga
05:09y mantener a un muchacho fresco,
05:10pero al mismo tiempo listo y preparado.
05:12¿Te vas con preparador de mesa y cerrador igual
05:16o puede haber variaciones en los próximos días?
05:17Estamos bien ahora mismo.
05:19Jay-Z sigue siendo nuestro cerrador.
05:22En el caso de Asensio y de Suero,
05:23se mantienen tirando tarde en el partido.
05:25El mismo tema de Jonathan Aro,
05:26se mantiene tirando tarde en el partido.
05:27Tenemos opciones, pero nos sentimos cómodos
05:30con que Jay-Z ha sido víctima de unas cuantas cositas ahí
05:34que salen de nuestro control
05:36y sabemos que él es el hombre indicado
05:37para cerrar los partidos.
05:38Halo Salón y Estética.
05:40Sin duda es que la mujer necesita esa belleza natural
05:44y solo en Halo Salón y Estética la puede tener.
05:47Síganos en la arroba Halo Salón
05:50para disfrutar de todo nuestro contenido.
05:53Calle 2A, Número 6, en Piantini, Halo Salón.
05:58I'm Pepe Urbeta,
05:59General Manager of the Chihuahua Giants.
06:01A few words, integrations,
06:03who comes out, who comes in.
06:05Yes, this week we have a week
06:08a little more active than the previous ones
06:11with the integration of five or six players.
06:17Among them, obviously,
06:19today's debut of Noel Bimarte,
06:22Joan Rojas, who would debut on Saturday at La Casa.
06:25Also, Oscar Brazován also enters the weekly roster.
06:31Tomorrow's importer, tomorrow's opener,
06:33Jake Walters, another importer
06:35who joins the weekly roster.
06:41Nothing, those are practically...
06:43Ah, and Mim Mesedes, obviously,
06:44also another player who also joins the weekly roster.
06:48Let's wait and see when the manager
06:51wants to use him in the daily roster.
06:54Tell me, in the case of Noel Bimarte and Joan,
06:58how long will they be with the team,
06:59if they go to the full year?
07:01Let's wait, I think both players need to play.
07:05Noel lost a lot of shifts this year
07:09because of issues that everyone knows.
07:10And nothing, let's hope that he can be
07:13with the team for as long as possible.
07:15And in the case of Joan, he also told me,
07:17he told me that he wanted to participate
07:19until the end, until the playoffs.
07:21And let's hope he's there.
07:23First, we have to get to the handball
07:25and then think about that.
07:26But until now, it would be
07:29until the end of the regular season.
07:32Esteban Iberte, waiting for the loss.
07:34The rotation of the next games,
07:40the ones that have already started,
07:41could it be, you know?
07:42Yes, no, look, that's a bit of a complicated issue.
07:45Because sometimes people think that
07:49if they suspend a game today,
07:50we play tomorrow,
07:51we're going to tell so-and-so to play tomorrow.
07:54And it's not like that, no.
07:54The openers have a bullpen,
07:57a side three or two days before their departure.
08:00And that has harmed a little bit
08:03because we haven't been very lucky
08:08with the rain.
08:09So today we have Santos,
08:11who we've been pushing for the last three or four days.
08:14Tomorrow, Jake Walters.
08:16And then on Thursday,
08:19I think it could be one of the native guys,
08:21either Oviedo or Joel Vidal Rosario.
08:24I'm not sure what decision to make.
08:26And then on Saturday, Nabil Krizmat.
08:30And again on Sunday,
08:31it would be Antonio Santos again.
08:34Thanks, Cheno.
08:35Pipe, to talk about your contract,
08:37congratulations with the Rangers of Texas.
08:38And above all,
08:39if you could detail a little bit
08:41the plan with the team
08:43and if that prevents you from being at 100,
08:46with Gigantes in Chile.
08:48No, no, it doesn't prevent me from being at 100.
08:50I couldn't talk to you guys before I left last week.
08:55I lasted almost five or six days over there.
08:57The time was a little bit undefined
08:59because there were several organizations
09:00in which I was in that process.
09:03And fortunately, yes, I got to a...
09:06Not yet, man.
09:08I got to something with a good organization,
09:11a good vision, a good philosophy.
09:13And I'm happy, surely,
09:15to be next to a man of so much experience
09:18like Bochi.
09:19So, I'm happy on that side.
09:21And now, nothing, now to continue my functions here
09:24with the team.
09:26Within that,
09:28it was the reason why we brought Victor Estevez,
09:30who is also from La Casa.
09:31He is a boy known to us,
09:34of the same group that we come from Arizona,
09:36Wellington, my person, everyone,
09:38Norberto, Terreiro, Novoa, everyone.
09:40And Vitico is one more of us.
09:43And what more to have him there next to Wellington,
09:45who was also a student of his and a player of his
09:47when Wellington was coach of Arizona.
09:50So, we stay in the family
09:53and having a person like him next to Wellington,
09:55I think that's an advantage for us.
10:00Greetings to FIFA, to Don Soriano,
10:01and to all the players of LaLiga.
10:04Pippo, I wanted to ask you,
10:05since you left the GMC's background
10:08and you started with LaLiga in 2006,
10:10what other factor was preponderant
10:12for your hiring?
10:14And second, how do you evaluate Marco Mendes' hiring
10:17that has already given points to this profession?
10:20Yes, it's that one with the experience of LaLiga,
10:22one understands that these are LaLiga players
10:24and that at some point they contribute, right?
10:27I've always told the guys,
10:29I'm not a big fan of the numbers and all these things,
10:32because in this LaLiga,
10:34it's the daily contribution of each one,
10:36not the collective part as such,
10:38but individually.
10:41Today, Hansen helps you win a game,
10:43tomorrow Franco helps you,
10:45the day after tomorrow Urrutia helps you.
10:47And when you come to see the collective numbers
10:49of each one of them,
10:50suddenly they are not the ones that are wow.
10:52Some participate a month ago,
10:54others participate the whole season.
10:58And you have to have depth,
10:59because right now when you always ask,
11:01how many months is this guy going to play
11:04and how long is he going to be in Los Santos
11:05and how long is he going to be in the other one?
11:06It's not a secret that they are players
11:08that you don't know how long they are going to be.
11:10They are players like Jermin Mercedes.
11:12They are guys that you have here
11:13and that gives you a little depth
11:15and options for the manager to use at any time.
11:17He is a LaLiga player,
11:18we have known him since we were in the Liceo,
11:20known by us.
11:22Rufenak also had him here
11:24when he was with the Liceo
11:25and we have a good relationship with him
11:28and we think that at some point
11:30he can contribute and contribute.
11:32Polanquito and Chino Boruch.
11:34Yes, Pipe, I am a Polanquito for Polanquito in sports.
11:37Continuing with your contract with the fans of TESA,
11:40the great league.
11:42You have always been in the national league,
11:44you also played for Borussia,
11:47you were in the national league.
11:48Did you coincide at any time,
11:50any game,
11:51did he give you any advice
11:54or did he ever want to work with you?
11:56No, no, never, I didn't know him.
11:58In fact, it's the first time that I work with someone
12:01that I have never met personally.
12:05I was in Arizona and he was in San Francisco
12:08in the years that I started, since I was 18.
12:12But we do have people in common, obviously.
12:14I imagine that he did his diligence
12:17and called people that we have in common
12:20and suddenly he asked for references.
12:23But we did have a good conversation
12:25and he is a tremendous baseball player
12:26with tremendous knowledge.
12:28I am lucky that I have this opportunity
12:31to take advantage of this new opportunity
12:34that I have in baseball
12:35and try to keep growing and learning.
12:39Pipe, for the sports machine,
12:41the five corners and Chino Sports World
12:44from the city of the United States,
12:46or rather from the city of New York.
12:50There is a part that you said
12:52that some players have doubts
12:54about how far they will go.
12:56Don't you think that there is already knowledge
12:58of who is leaving, who is returning
13:02and who is going to play completely?
13:04No, no, there are always doubts
13:06because the plans of each organization
13:09are uncertain.
13:12De Los Santos can go until the 16th of this month.
13:16That we can look for a permit
13:17to stay a little longer, a little longer,
13:20is uncertain.
13:21Do you have knowledge that some
13:24are not going to last the whole season?
13:25Yes, of course, of course, of course.
13:27Many, many, especially the pitchers
13:30that the organizations decide to stop them.
13:33Yesterday, a guy went to us,
13:34Jailin Heredia, who had not played much,
13:36but a guy who liked what we saw
13:39and we had him coming in sometimes late in the game.
13:42Wellington used him in that role
13:43and that organization stopped him
13:45and sent him to the United States.
13:46And there are many like that.
13:47Fermin, José Fermin,
13:49who had a small discomfort in the heel
13:51and San Luis called us and told us
13:53that he could no longer continue.
13:54And so on.
13:56This league is like that.
13:57When the player does not play every day,
14:00his teams are sometimes not satisfied
14:02with the use and they send him to stop.
14:04And that is something that the manager does not control.
14:07The manager puts nine men
14:08to try to win a game,
14:09regardless of the fact that he has to please
14:12a minor league boss,
14:13a manager of a team in the big leagues.
14:15These are situations that
14:17come out of our hands
14:18and that is why they are those key players
14:21who are lifeguards that one brings
14:23so that when those moments come,
14:25one can have options in the hostel.
14:28How have the next ones been seen so far?
14:31Highs and lows.
14:32Highs and lows.
14:33I think we have, like everyone,
14:35well, suddenly the chosen one is the team
14:37that has been the most consistent.
14:39But I think there are highs and lows.
14:40We entered a streak of three consecutive games
14:42that we were playing well,
14:43according to a fourth consecutive winning game
14:47and everything collapsed in the ninth inning
14:49with a big league closer.
14:51Those are things that happen.
14:52And then the next game,
14:54suddenly with the morale a little bit on the floor,
14:56we didn't give our best game
14:58against the chosen one at home.
15:00So this is changing
15:02and you have to keep your head up
15:04and focus on how things are really being done
15:06and try to correct the mistakes
15:08and make the necessary adjustments.
15:10The hiring of Vítor,
15:12who incited the whole family,
15:14was something express, fast,
15:16or was it already being considered
15:17to bring him here to New York?
15:18We talked to Vítor in the offseason,
15:21when it wasn't yet an idea
15:25that I had to go down to the field.
15:28And we've always wanted to have him here,
15:30but we didn't know exactly
15:33what was going to be enough to bring him here.
15:36If suddenly a third coach
15:39or a bench coach.
15:40We didn't know.
15:41Simply the approach
15:43and the relationship we have with him.
15:44But when this situation happened to me,
15:47I didn't doubt that he was the man.
15:49And curiously, that day,
15:51before I had to leave,
15:53he was here and came to say hello to the group.
15:56And right there I told him,
15:57hey Vítor,
15:58maybe I have to go.
16:00What do you think if you are part of the staff?
16:03And he didn't doubt it at any time.
16:05And it looks like he would have been here
16:06the last two years.
16:08But yes, it was a very easy transition.
16:11Cigarro, how do you say the daily list?
16:13Yes, but for that,
16:14I know Ciri always plays
16:16to get to know the team.
16:17Yes, Ciri starts practicing with the team on Monday.
16:22I don't know if he will be ready to play
16:25that same week,
16:26that is, next week,
16:28or the one above.
16:29But he already integrates
16:33to the practices on Monday.
16:34So there we are going to have
16:36enough options to play in the center field.
16:38So it's a good problem
16:39that the manager has, I would say.
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17:23The best of the best.
17:27Ángel Alberto,
17:28we are talking about the 2024-25 season
17:30of the Dominican League of Baseball.
17:31How is your health?
17:32Well, first of all, thank you
17:34for the opportunity
17:34and thank God
17:36for another year here
17:37in the ball, our ball,
17:39our Dominican holidays.
17:41Until now, things are going well,
17:42health is fine,
17:44you know how it is,
17:45working hard
17:46and trying to move forward
17:47with the team.
17:48You are a baseball man
17:49and you have seen a lot of baseball,
17:51worth the redundancy,
17:53what is happening right now
17:54with the high and low teams?
17:56You know that this is a streak league,
17:58no matter what team you have,
17:59you can have a draw
18:01like a decent team
18:02and at some point,
18:03you know, the negative streak,
18:04like the positive,
18:06is going to touch you.
18:07I think, you know,
18:08we had failed a little
18:09in the fundamentals,
18:10in the small games,
18:11things hadn't been working out yet.
18:12You know, one day we hit,
18:13but we didn't pitch,
18:14one day we pitched,
18:15but we didn't hit.
18:16And nothing,
18:16there came a time
18:17when things started to get
18:18messy and we won
18:19three or four games in a row.
18:20Now, we give up
18:21two defeats in a row,
18:22but the team is fine.
18:23So, at some point,
18:24new integrations out there
18:26and I think, you know,
18:27things are going well.
18:29Many games reprogrammed
18:30by the weather,
18:31the rain,
18:32does that affect you?
18:33How to work for that
18:34and above all, prepare?
18:35Yes, yes, the preparation
18:36is going to be very decisive.
18:38First of all,
18:39even though we've been playing,
18:40but sometimes we don't have
18:41time to work
18:42because the stadiums
18:43are very
18:44affected by the rain
18:46and that, they are mistreated.
18:48Even though we've been playing,
18:49but we haven't worked
18:50at the level
18:51that one always wants to do.
18:53And now, when you readjust
18:53the schedule,
18:54you know,
18:55you have to be mentally strong
18:56because one day
18:58we play the Romans,
18:59the other day in Santiago.
19:00Perhaps, probably,
19:01you can't discard
19:02the double games
19:03because the rain is there.
19:04Nothing, mentally strong
19:06and whatever they want.
19:09From now on,
19:10it's a key date
19:12for the issue of classification.
19:13Teams that usually
19:14fight in fourth, fifth,
19:16sixth place,
19:17have to get into
19:17positive streaks,
19:18as you mentioned,
19:19how to get out of those gaps
19:21and the negative issue?
19:22No, positive,
19:23get out positive,
19:24don't try to be a hero.
19:25You know,
19:26we always say
19:27in the playoffs,
19:27before the games,
19:28do each one of the little parts
19:29that we have to do.
19:30I think everyone
19:31has a task,
19:31you know,
19:32whether it's doing good shifts,
19:33doing the routine play,
19:34the pitchers,
19:35you know,
19:36completing the signings,
19:37doing the outs,
19:38trying to get the game
19:39as good as possible.
19:40And nothing,
19:40I think at the end of the night,
19:41when you combine all those things,
19:43it's difficult
19:44that you don't win
19:44a ball game.
19:46get out there
19:46with the same mentality
19:47and knowing that all these games
19:49are sudden deaths.
19:50From now on,
19:50everything counts
19:51so that this is the month
19:52where you get close
19:53to the classification
19:54and nothing,
19:55get out to win,
19:55get out to win.
19:57what's special
19:58about this team,
20:00Gigantes del Chihuahua?
20:01No, the core,
20:02the core that we have
20:02from the first day.
20:03Guys, you know
20:04that this is a league
20:05that you start with a team,
20:06then you continue with another,
20:07then in December another.
20:09But until now,
20:09we have the same core
20:10from the first day,
20:11already as a complete part
20:12of the season.
20:13And I hope that health
20:14is there,
20:15that everyone is accompanied.
20:16I know that things
20:16are going to get better.
20:17Thank you very much,
20:18good luck.
20:18Thank you, my brother.
20:20In this fourth version
20:21of the selection and awarding,
20:24we are going to award
20:25the Gigantes del Chihuahua
20:27Navil Crisma,
20:28who won the award
20:29in his category,
20:30the launch category,
20:32as MVP of the week
20:33during the third version.
20:35It's like something personal,
20:36it's something that makes you
20:39move forward as a player.
20:40It's something that the league
20:42is really doing,
20:42it's something interesting
20:44because it requires you
20:45daily to go to the Loma,
20:47every week,
20:48you don't have to wait a month,
20:49you just have to stand out
20:50in the moment that it's your turn,
20:51to go out there
20:52and give your best.
20:53And well,
20:54this award is really interesting
20:56and I will enjoy it
20:58with my teammates.
20:59Navil has already been
21:00in another league organization,
21:02now with the Gigantes,
21:03a new challenge,
21:04a totally different team,
21:06a different city.
21:07What is your assessment
21:09in that regard?
21:10Delighted, delighted
21:11with the city of San Francisco.
21:13The truth is that
21:14unfortunately right now
21:16we are not on a good track
21:17with the team,
21:18but I feel that we are going to
21:18have a lot to talk about.
21:19We have a well-united group
21:21and I sincerely thank
21:23the Gigantes team
21:24for giving me the opportunity
21:24to return to the league
21:26and try to give my best
21:28and continue for many more years here.
21:29As a Colombian,
21:30what assessment
21:31do you give to the league
21:33in general?
21:33Many veterans,
21:35but also many newbies,
21:36but also arms
21:37that go up to 100.
21:38It's the best,
21:39it's the best,
21:40it's the best I've played,
21:42in the winter league.
21:43They gave me the opportunity
21:44to play in all the winter leagues
21:45there are,
21:47but I feel that every time
21:48I come to the country,
21:49it's a real pride for me
21:50to be a foreigner
21:51and come here to the country
21:51because the demand for footballers
21:53is too great
21:54and with all that,
21:55they have the possibility
21:56of bringing foreign players
21:57to play and
21:58honestly they don't need that
22:00and they give me the opportunity
22:01to be here and be able to share
22:03and be able to play this ball
22:04that really fills me with pride
22:05and nothing,
22:06always trying to give my best.
22:07When the Dominican Republic
22:09has a party,
22:10people eat twice
22:11and the hosts say,
22:13is it worth repeating?
22:14Is it worth repeating this award?
22:16Yes, of course, that's the idea.
22:17Every time I go out,
22:18I play again on Saturday
22:19and I go for that again.
22:20Thank you, Nabil.
22:22Nabil Krisman
22:23from the Zimbabwean Giants.
22:25Thank you very much
22:26to everyone who tuned in
22:27to this Sunday's edition.
22:28November 17th
22:29at El Tizón Deportivo
22:30in the Grandes Ligas.
22:31Thank you all.
22:32God bless you.
22:33Happy rest of Sunday.
22:36This was a stage.
22:37It will continue
22:39and it will become
22:40for all of you
22:42El Tizón Deportivo
22:44in Pelota Invernal.
