• letztes Jahr
Zwei Wissenschaftler versuchen eine Mutation aufzuhalten, die Menschen in auf Menschenfleisch hungernde, zerfleischende Werewolves verwandelt. Es ist ein Wettrennen gegen die Zeit und ein ständiger Kampf ums eigene Überleben.

Mehr dazu: https://www.moviepilot.de/movies/werewolves
00:00Do you remember when daddy used to tell you that story about three little pigs and the big bad wolf?
00:06Do you remember why the big bad wolf couldn't get in the house?
00:10Because it was made of bricks?
00:12Just like your house.
00:16Whatever happens tonight, remember it is my choice.
00:20I know.
00:21We have a nine hour window. Test and record our findings.
00:27Good luck tonight.
00:46Bite me!
01:30Uncle Wes, why can't you stay?
01:33You need me to help them try and stop this.
01:36We're the only family we have left.
01:38We got this.
01:40What are you doing, man? You should kill somebody.
01:41We are all soldiers now.
01:43Tonight, when that sun sets, it's gonna be every man for himself.
01:47We have a nine hour window. Test and report our findings.
01:51We hope to see if this mutation can be blocked.
01:55Let's go over the rules.
01:56Don't open the door for anyone.
01:59Don't hesitate for a second.
02:00Hoorah! Hoorah! Hoorah!
02:04Good luck tonight.
02:05Canopy retraction commencing.
02:12Close the door!
02:29No more guns. No more guards.
02:31Those things are coming for us.
02:38I'm here.
02:45Bite me!