The Piano Lesson ist die Filmadaption des gleichnamigen Theaterstücks von August Wilson, in dem eine afroamerikanische Familie in Pittsburgh sich im Zuge der Great Depression mit der Zukunft ihres wichtigsten Familienerbstücks auseinandersetzen muss: einem Klavier, dessen Inneres und Äußeres samt Schnitzereien von einer langen, komplexen und tragischen Familiengeschichte erzählen.
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00:00That piano is the story of our whole family.
00:21Now, granddaddy, he called all of this.
00:26But everything he made, Mr. Sutter owned because he owned him.
00:33Fort Charles talked about that piano all the time.
00:38And long as Sutter had it, he had us.
00:43And that's why Bernice ain't gonna sell that piano.
00:49Because her daddy died over it.
00:54But I'm supposed to build on what they left me.
00:59You ain't touched that piano the whole time it's been here.
01:06When mama played it, I used to take the pictures come alive.
01:12And walk through the house.
01:17I don't play on that piano because I don't want to wake them spirits.
01:23You feel that?
01:27That's your family.
01:32That's your blood.
01:46Mmm, mmm, mmm, mmm.