• last year
The Prosecutor Movie (2024) Trailer - Plot Synopsis: Inspired by a true story in Hong Kong. A young man wrongfully charged with drug trafficking, pleads guilty under undue influence from his defense lawyer, letting the actual convict escaped from penalty. Fok (Donnie Yen), an unconventional prosecutor assigned to the case, firmly believes the case is full of doubts & decides to conduct a private investigation on his own. Fok risks his life and career to uncover the truth and bring the real culprit to justice. The Prosecutor, also known as 誤判 in Cantonese, is co-directed by Ho-Pong Mak (director of The Lingering, the Breaktout Brothers trilogy, Love Suddenly, Endless Battle) & Donnie Yen (director of Legend of the Wolf, Ballistic Kiss, Shanghai Affairs, Sakra). The screenplay is by Edmond Wong.
00:00Mr. Fong, you used to be in the police force.
00:08Now you're a DOJ officer. You must have your own ideas.
00:20I think our job is like a chain of fate.
00:24I think our job is like a chain of fate.
00:28Punish those who are guilty.
00:35Punish those who are innocent.
00:44Even though I know the perpetrator is guilty, I have to release him without evidence.
00:47There's no other way.
00:55If you don't pay, you'll destroy a family.
01:10Hey, hey, hey!
01:11You're under arrest.
01:12You're under arrest.
01:16No, you're under arrest.
01:24No, you're under arrest.
