नई दिल्ली : बीजेपी के राष्ट्रीय अध्यक्ष जेपी नड्डा समेत बीजेपी के कई नेता फिल्म 'द साबरमती रिपोर्ट' देखने सिनेमाघर पहुंचे। नड्डा के साथ दिल्ली बीजेपी प्रदेश अध्यक्ष वीरेंद्र सचदेवा, बीजेपी के राष्ट्रीय महासचिव अरुण सिंह, बीजेपी सांसद एवं दिल्ली प्रभारी बैजयंत पांडा, सांसद अनिल बलूनी, पूर्व केंद्रीय मंत्री विजय गोयल, बीजेपी के राष्ट्रीय प्रवक्ता आरपी सिंह, प्रदीप भंडारी समेत कई नेता मौजूद रहे। जेपी नड्डा ने कहा, "यह फिल्म सच्चाई के आधार पर बनी है। यह गोधरा की घटना की सच्चाई बयान करती है। दुर्भाग्य यह है कि इस देश में सच्चाई को सामने आने में 22 साल लग गए। गोधरा कांड की सच्चाई को इस फिल्म ने बहुत अच्छे तरीके से दर्शाया है। मैं फिल्म के निर्माता-निर्देशक और सभी कलाकारों को बधाई देना चाहता हूं। उन्होंने बहुत हिम्मत दिखाई...।"
#GodharaCase #GodharaIncident #JPNadda #TheSabarmatiReport #BJP #VirendraSachdeva #Delhi
#GodharaCase #GodharaIncident #JPNadda #TheSabarmatiReport #BJP #VirendraSachdeva #Delhi
01:00This film is based on the truth and it is a true story about the incident that took place in Godhra.
01:18Unfortunately, it took more than 22 years for the truth to be revealed in this country.
01:25And this film has portrayed the truth of the Godhra incident in a very good way.
01:33I would also like to say that those who do politics of exploitation, those who do politics of appeasement
01:43and whose leadership has always been led by the Congress Party and its supporters,
01:49they have tried their best to hide the truth from the people of the country.
01:56But the truth has come out.
01:58Similarly, our so-called left liberal and liberal forces,
02:07they have also tried to hide the truth under a very strong eco-system
02:16and to put soil on it in the politics of exploitation and in the name of liberals.
02:24I would like to congratulate the filmmakers, directors and all the artists of the film
02:36who have acted in this film.
02:39They have shown a lot of courage.
02:41I know that in this environment, the eco-system of the left and liberals and those who do appeasement politics,
02:52they are after those who speak the truth.
02:57But they have shown a lot of courage.
02:59I congratulate them.
03:01I would also like to request the people of the country through you
03:07that all of you should definitely see the Sawarmati report with your family
03:13and know how the Narsanghaar took place,
03:18how the Godhra incident took place
03:21and under what conspiracy our workers were burnt alive.
03:29Their names have come forward for the first time.
03:3122 years of incidents have taken place.
03:35The government of UPA, whose chairperson was Mrs. Sonia Gandhi,
03:42did everything in her power to put soil on the Sawarmati Godhra incident
03:49and to keep it suppressed.
03:52Today that incident has come forward.
03:54I appeal to all of you to see it
03:56and through you, the people of the country should definitely see this film
04:01and the truth should come before the country.