Genre: Horror, Comedy
A pharmaceutical mishap creates a zombie, leading the quirky Park family to hatch a bizarre plan to profit from their unusual discovery, resulting in hilariously chaotic adventures.
#TheOddFamilyZombieOnSale, #KoreanHorrorComedy, #ZombieMovies, #HorrorComedy, #KoreanCinema, #FunnyHorror, #ZombieChaos, #QuirkyFamily, #AsianHorror, #CultComedy, #ZombieHumor, #ScaryAndFunny, #UniqueZombieMovie, #KoreanMovies, #HorrorFans, #ComedyGold, #MustWatchHorrorComedy, #ZombieExperiments, #PharmaceuticalHorror, #CharmingHorrorComedy
A pharmaceutical mishap creates a zombie, leading the quirky Park family to hatch a bizarre plan to profit from their unusual discovery, resulting in hilariously chaotic adventures.
#TheOddFamilyZombieOnSale, #KoreanHorrorComedy, #ZombieMovies, #HorrorComedy, #KoreanCinema, #FunnyHorror, #ZombieChaos, #QuirkyFamily, #AsianHorror, #CultComedy, #ZombieHumor, #ScaryAndFunny, #UniqueZombieMovie, #KoreanMovies, #HorrorFans, #ComedyGold, #MustWatchHorrorComedy, #ZombieExperiments, #PharmaceuticalHorror, #CharmingHorrorComedy
Short film