• l’année dernière
The Hit is a stylish crime thriller directed by Stephen Frears, released in 1984. The film follows the story of Willie Parker, played by John Hurt, a former gangster who turns police informant and testifies against his criminal associates. After serving ten years in witness protection, he finds himself tracked down by a hitman named Braddock (Terence Stamp) and his apprentice Myron (Tim Roth), who are sent to bring him back to face the consequences of his betrayal.
Set against the backdrop of Europe, the narrative unfolds as Parker is kidnapped and taken on a road trip that reveals the complexities of morality and survival. The film is notable for its gripping suspense, complex characters, and powerful performances from its cast, particularly the dynamic between Hurt, Stamp, and Roth. The cinematography captures the stark contrasts of urban life and the serene landscapes they traverse.
With a runtime of approximately 98 minutes, The Hit combines elements of drama and dark humor, making it a standout entry in the crime genre. The film also features a memorable score by Eric Clapton and Paco de Lucía, enhancing its atmospheric tension.
Critics have praised The Hit for its intelligent screenplay and character-driven storytelling, making it a must-watch for fans of crime thrillers. It remains an influential film that showcases Frears' directorial prowess and the talents of its leading actors.