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Just when you thought the Nazis couldn't get any worse a video like this comes along. Welcome to WatchMojo, and today we’ll be discussing the most disturbing and infamous political implementations of the Nazi regime.


00:00They were gruesome painful treatments beastly the intense pain erased all feeling welcome to watch mojo and today
00:08We'll be discussing the most disturbing and infamous political implementations of the Nazi regime
00:20Testing seawater Hitler insisted that the struggle would have to be conducted with
00:28Merciful and unrelenting harshness the doctors and scientists of Nazi era Germany had various reasons for conducting their experiments
00:36One of their foremost objectives was to enhance the strength and resilience of the German army as a result doctors such as Hans Eppinger
00:43Conducted experiments in prison camps like Dachau in an attempt to devise a means by which
00:48Common seawater could be made drinkable for German soldiers
00:52They force-fed prisoners diets consisting solely of seawater without giving them any food
00:57The end results were quite predictable with every test subject so desperate for fresh water that they'd seek out any
01:04source for relief from their pain
01:11Chemical exposure with the victims packed inside the gas chamber
01:16SS guards dropped cyclone B capsules down through four wire mesh columns from holes in the roof
01:22The threat of chemical warfare was still very much a valid concern during World War two as such
01:28Germany often sought out ways to dampen or avoid the potential impacts of such attacks on its soldiers
01:34Prisoners in the concentration camps were unfortunately made the guinea pigs for unethical experiments involving chemicals like phosgene
01:45This dangerous gas which was previously used in World War one was deliberately
01:50Administered to some prisoners to allow German doctors to observe its effects many of these individuals died as a result of this phosgene
01:58Exposure especially due to the fact that they were already dehydrated and malnourished
02:03battle wound simulation due to the injuries and resulting infections German soldiers
02:09Constantly faced on the front lines during the war Nazi doctors sought ways to effectively curb these infections
02:16One major example of this occurred at the Ravensbrück concentration camp where physicians
02:22Replicated battlefield like wounds on prisoners
02:24They would then embed glass shards and wood shavings into the wounds an intense and painful process
02:31Injuries of this sort often became gangrenous and sometimes led to the deaths of the prisoners
02:36This was all
02:37Intentional as the doctors aimed to study the spread of these infections and develop the right medicine to treat them on the battlefield
02:44When the Soviets arrived on April 30th, they found 2,000 women
02:49Judged by the Nazis to be too feeble to march in dreadful condition
02:54Bone-grafts this was yet another chilling example of the extreme length Nazi physicians would stoop to in order to facilitate their grim research
03:02Ravensbrück was a notorious prisoner camp that primarily housed women yet. It was also a complete house of horrors
03:09This was due to the gruesome
03:11Transplants and grafts that took place within its walls prisoners were forced to have their limbs
03:16Amputated so that other body parts could be transplanted in their place and many were left with permanent disabilities
03:22Oh, I'm so weak
03:26Thank God he is strong these horrific experiments were conducted to determine whether proper
03:32Regeneration would occur in wounded soldiers returning from battle
03:36Intentional infections. It doesn't make any sense. We're dead workforce
03:41What sense does it make to kill your own workforce?
03:44It's a truly perverse situation one where the person who infected you with a sickness is also administering treatment
03:51Prisoners at the Nazi concentration camps were often infected with diseases such as malaria hepatitis or typhoid
03:58This was done so that Nazi doctors could then test the efficacy of certain antibiotics
04:02Of course the fact that many of these subjects died before any real recovery could take place was of little consequence to these
04:09Quote-unquote doctors Heinrich Himmler himself reportedly had his Nazi physicians
04:15Artificially inseminate women at the Auschwitz death camp in the hopes of discovering a cure for infertility
04:20high altitude testing
04:22Prisoners selected to be part of Nazi experiments held out little hope that participation might lead to their release more often than not
04:29They were right one particularly infamous experiment was the high altitude testing conducted to simulate the pressure
04:36Experienced by German pilots upon ejection these tests would quite often lead to the death of the subject
04:42Thanks to the immense physical pressure and pain those who survived were killed anyway
04:47And a new group of test subjects would be introduced in addition further
04:51Gruesome tests were conducted on prisoners of color in order to determine whether specific races held any innate immunity to diseases such as
05:02This is for
05:04The premiere and if I'm on the phone getting tough with a Russian people phone
05:11hypothermia tests
05:12Doctors at prisoner camps such as Dachau conducted harrowing experiments on prisoners in an attempt to replicate the freezing conditions
05:20German soldiers might encounter on the front lines
05:22These victims would essentially be put into a state of forced hypothermia
05:26Usually by icy water or being left outside in the cold
05:30Doctors would then attempts to reverse the prisoners condition via hot water baths or even sex in order to increase body temperature and heart rate
05:39Lebensborn in the Bundesarchiv in Berlin are hundreds of documents that show the gradual development of Himmler's strategy for the organized
05:47abduction of children
05:49The Nazi Party was constantly seeking ways to increase the Aryan population in Germany and Heinrich Himmler's
05:55Lebensborn program sought to expedite the process
05:58This was a state-funded association that focused on promoting as many Aryan births as possible within Germany's borders
06:05It was achieved in a number of ways from the provision of welfare services to struggling unwed mothers to prestigious
06:11Awards being offered to the most fruitful families
06:14Lebensborn birth houses were even constructed to properly care for these Aryan children and their mothers while abortions were encouraged for those with
06:22Disabilities or physical traits of a non-germanic nature
06:26Like at a chicken farm. I want that chicken
06:30That one doesn't look so good. But I like that
06:34That's how they did it with the children to T4 program. He takes part in the T4 program
06:41People who are crippled or mentally handicapped are gassed to death forced euthanasia
06:47This was essentially the motive behind Germany's T4 program
06:50The Nazi era initiative was only officially on the books from 1939 to 1941
06:56But reports alleged that it continued to be implemented until Hitler's downfall
07:00T4 was framed as delivering a mercy killing for the sick old or mentally infirm
07:06The Nazi Party's interest in eugenics would further widen T4 to target anyone deemed by the state as quote
07:13Unfit to live the Nazis referred to disabled people as life unworthy of life
07:19To persuade the nation of this they made a series of propaganda films
07:23It's a shockingly brazen and subjective move one that was labeled by Hitler as a wartime measure modern lenses
07:29However, simply see it as yet another attempt by the Nazi Party at total control of the Germanic populace
07:36As I'm only even
07:38It's clinked. I love things not well done. Sean. Yeah
07:41It's it's kind of men shits bragge
07:44Before we continue be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about our latest videos
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08:02Propagation experiments Mengele is accused of being involved in the deaths of
08:07400,000 Auschwitz prisoners
08:09But his notoriety comes from the experiments he carried out on victims subjected to injections
08:16Radiation and horrific surgery the name Yosef Mengele is another that's been entered into the unhallowed halls of Nazi era
08:24Cruelty and infamy this angel of death was one of the architects of the Holocaust
08:30Alongside Heinrich Himmler and tragically evaded the hands of justice after the war Mengele is brutal prison camp
08:36Experiments knew no bounds of decency or morality as evidenced by his demonic propagation procedures
08:43Mengele was coming
08:44So everybody had to stand still and he would notice that one of the bunk beds the twin was dead his so-called
08:51research at Auschwitz
08:53Largely focused on twins with the intent of uncovering any connections between fertility and multiple births
08:59After he was through collecting data from the experiments Mengele would then discard the innocent lives as if they were mere refuse
09:07These horrific actions have immortalized him as one of history's most monstrous figure
09:12He was always immaculate in his sharply pressed uniform and he was always unruffled as he decided each person's fate
09:20How do we come to terms with pure evil? What do you think influenced the mindsets of these wartime atrocities?
09:27Let us know your thoughts in the comments
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