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Hoy en la #LVBP con Kevin Alfonso Gil đŸ”„âšŸ

Repasamos todo los que dejó la jornada del jueves en el béisbol venezolano

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#Beisbol #HoyEnLaLVBP #Venezuela
00:00I'm Kevin Alfonso Hill, and I want to invite you to come with me to review the latest results of the day in our section today on the LBBP.
00:16We started the tour in Caracas, in the University City Park, where the sharks of the Guaira cut a streak of three defeats
00:25by beating the sailors of the Magallanes with a final score of 7 races to 0.
00:32The squalos took the lead in the second episode with two scores, they would do three more in the fifth and two more in the seventh.
00:40They supported each other in an offensive that was able to connect nine unstoppable in the commitment.
00:45Among the most outstanding are the receiver Tomas Tellis, who has just joined the salty ranks and is already starting to contribute, connecting 3-2 with two drives and one score.
00:56Jan Gervis Solarte, who linked 3-2 with a double and a drive.
01:01And Wilson Garcia, who went from 4-1 with a double that led to the plate a couple of races.
01:07In addition, the squalos took advantage of a great joint work of Victor Diaz, who threw for space of 5-2 in which he allowed 6 hicks and fanned out 5 opponents, thus taking his second victory of the year.
01:21With this result, the Turks are now tied in the second place of the table with the Eagles of Zulia to two games at the top.
01:30While the sharks are one game below 500 to four commitments from the first place.
01:40We go to the José Pérez Colmenares de Maracay, where the Lions of Caracas reached in extra inning their 12th victory of the campaign by beating Tigres de Aragua 10-4.
01:51A challenge in which a beautiful pitching duel between two great launchers of our circuit was shown.
01:57For the Melenudos, Jowly Chassin, who threw 4 innings in which he allowed 3 unstoppables and a dirty race.
02:04And for the Bengalis, Guillermo Moscoso, who worked for space of 4-2 in which he only allowed 3 unstoppables.
02:12Both left the commitment without a decision.
02:16The Melenudos had the ability to return in this duel, which they lost in the seventh stretch 3 races to 0, with a Wilfredo Tovar and an Osvaldo Garcia as protagonists in this episode.
02:28Already in extra innings, the capitalinos turned on the engines and held a rally of 7 notes that would put definitive figures on the commitment.
02:38The most outstanding by the capitalinos on this day was Carlos Tochi, who, in front of his ex-divisa, connected 5-4 with 3 doubles, 3 drives and 2 scores.
02:49The game won was won by the American Sam Borner with an extraordinary relief in the eighth episode,
02:55punching two batters in a successive way with three runners in the pillows.
03:01While the defeat was awarded to Jorgen Cabanerio, who received 6 races, 2 of them clean, in 1 and a third of the work.
03:12We continue in the Alfonso Chico Carrasquel de Puerto la Cruz, where the Arab cardinals beat the Caribbean of Ansuategui with a final score of 7 races for 2.
03:22The twilight reached their second victory to the thread and the number 14 of the campaign, taking advantage of a solid offensive that was able to connect 12 unstoppable.
03:32The Larenses went up in their own first episode with a quadrangular from Captain Ildemaro Vargas to the second pitch of the game.
03:40Vargas, in short, connected 5-2 with a double, a home run and a pair of drives.
03:45Others who contributed to the twilight cause were the Grand League Carlos NarvĂĄez, Hendrick Clementina and Johnny HernĂĄndez.
03:52They all connected two unstoppable in four visits to the plate.
03:56The game won was for the American Jimmy Endersby with a great job of 5 episodes, in which he allowed 8 unstoppable and a pair of races.
04:05While the reverse was taken by Miguel Cienfuegos, who received 5 clean scores in 5 episodes of work.
04:15We end with the commitment between Águilas del Zulia and Bravos de Margarita that was planned to be held in Guatemala,
04:22which was postponed due to inconveniences that both teams presented in the mobilization logistics.
04:29The LBBP will soon set the date on which this challenge will be played.
04:35Well, and with this we finish the information in our section today in the LBBP.
04:40We invite you to continue interacting with us on our different platforms and also to subscribe to our website www.baseballplay.com