• last year
The piece of legislation could let people end their lives if terminally ill and decide the suffering is too much.

Zeenia Naqvee reports.
00:00Medway's religious minorities are divided over the Assisted Dying Bill, which would
00:05mean adults in Britain could end their life if they're terminally ill.
00:11Currently it's only legal in a handful of countries, including Canada and Switzerland.
00:16But Labour MP Kim Leadbeater presented the bill to Westminster last month.
00:22She says it would allow adults who are terminally ill, subject to safeguards and protections,
00:27to request and be provided with assistance to end their own life.
00:32But not everybody is in favour of the bill. In fact, its opponents prefer to call it Assisted Suicide.
00:40An imam from a mosque here in Gillingham thinks we should prioritise putting more funding
00:45into NHS end-of-life care, instead of introducing bills like this.
00:50Life has been mentioned as something that is a gift from God, that is sacred and that
00:56needs to be protected. What they need at that time is not to end their life, what they
01:01need is help and support. And this is what we should be focusing on because we have issues
01:06in the NHS where NHS is crumbling, there's a lot of strain on it. The quality of palliative
01:14care, end-of-life care should be improved as well. You know, people who are suffering,
01:20people who are elderly, better care and better compassion.
01:25Meanwhile, a trustee of the Chatham Memorial Synagogue thinks the bill could have benefited
01:29some of her late friends who suffered with terminal illnesses.
01:33The Jewish law is very clear that to take a life is wrong, only God is allowed to take a life.
01:39I've had friends where, you know, they have been at end-of-life and they have been in a huge
01:44amount of pain and actually assisted dying would have been what they wanted. I would
01:51find it difficult to say at that point that that would be wrong. If it was your pet, would
01:56you do that? Would you allow your pet to suffer like that?
01:59Zinni Nakvi for KMTV in Medway.
