High school science teacher is brought two tiny, pink blobs from one of her students! Watch them grow into the fluffiest bunnies ❤️
00:00I was actually approached by one of my students who had recently adopted rabbits and she said,
00:06can I please bring them to school? I said sure. She didn't even know that the rabbit was pregnant.
00:12My students worked on getting a big enclosure set up for them and when I came back in the next
00:18morning, the babies were so hungry that they had escaped the nesting box. I immediately pulled the
00:26babies and I said, you know, they've got no other chance of survival otherwise because mom either
00:31isn't making enough milk or she's just rejecting them for some reason. I obviously reached out to
00:37our vet for kind of some best practices. I am currently sitting on my bathroom floor
00:45just watching over these babies and being paranoid and feeding them with a tiny syringe.
00:55We originally looked for potential local rehabbers but none of them had space so that
01:03was what kind of led us to realize, well, their only chance of survival is us. They're not going
01:08to make it any other way. I would bring them home and then back to school every day. Update on the
01:16baby bunnies, they have made it to day six. They are definitely still not where we want them to be
01:23size-wise. We saw them gradually putting on weight
01:38and then eventually they started growing just awkward tufts of hair and they look like
01:44little monsters. They opened their eyes and their ears and then they started walking which was
01:53wild. I was just like jumping for joy. I was so excited.
02:01They just grew into cute little fluff balls. It's like watching all of their little milestones and
02:07just knowing the slim, slim, slim chance of survival that they had. They somehow pushed through it.
02:17So, yeah, pretty early on I think we we had decided that if they made it they were going to stay with us.
02:26They're in our classroom. They're permanent members. Their names are Peach and Daisy.
02:38So the kids maintain and take care of their enclosure and give them their food and give them
02:43enrichment. To really involve them in that process, I think it's just opened up a world of
02:48possibilities for the kids. I can't tell these kids to care for these animals. I can't tell them
02:55to love them the way that I do because I get very easily attacked. But I can involve them in all
03:01steps of their life. Involving them in all steps of that process I think is what aids in compassion.
03:09It's in compassion.