• 4 years ago
"There's no evidence that trans women have an advantage in sports."

This trans wrestler is fighting for trans athletes to be able to compete on teams that match their gender identity.


00:00You're mad, I'm back! Big Mac, he's mad, she's mad, Big Mac!
00:16If I have to go through these struggles and trials in order to get to that ending goal of
00:20the ending goal of helping kids and helping kids in these situations,
00:24then you know what? I mean, I'll take it.
00:30Texas still has a law in place to where whatever you identify as, if it doesn't match your
00:42birth certificate, you have to compete as what it says on your birth certificate.
00:46And so back in high school, on my birth certificate, it said female
00:50because I was biologically born a female.
01:01He saw that I was transitioning. I started testosterone, even though it was none of his business
01:06of what I was taking because, you know, I already had plans and regulation with UIL and my doctor
01:12to where I was taking the amount that would not put me and exceed me out of the normal range
01:19levels of a cis woman. When people hear testosterone, they think PEDs,
01:25which is a performance enhancing drug.
01:30I feel like right now, this fight with the anti-trans bills
01:59and with everything going on, trans athletes and in the LGBT community,
02:03there's a lot of things that I need to do now in order to get done,
02:08because I feel like I will be failing my community and failing myself as an individual.
02:22They're sending the message to everyone saying, well, we don't accept these individuals.
02:28We won't accept them. And that's sad because, well, how are you going to tell an eight-year-old,
02:34you know, boy or girl that is wanting to participate in sports that, oh, you can't because you are different.
02:40If you look into the bills, they're not using any recent analytical data.
02:58They're not using any new research, especially Kansas' bill that I was looking at.
03:04Their research is from like 1996, 2011 and 2012.
03:08There's this UK doctor that I was looking into and have been looking to, Joanne Harper,
03:13and she's a trans woman and she's competed as a runner in her past.
03:17And now she's a scientific researcher.
03:19She has done research on trans women that looks into the red blood cell count in cis females
03:27and comparing it to trans women in sports.
03:30And there's no difference when they hit after the six-month mark once they're on hormonal therapy.
03:38So, like, there's no evidence saying that trans women have an advantage in sports. There's none.
03:47How we can, you know, fight these bills is, you know, changing the narrative.
03:59Even, like, at home when you're, you know, talking with your peers, you know,
04:05start, like, initiating these conversations and, like, do your schoolwork,
04:08educating people of, like, you know, these different things that, you know, people don't understand.
04:13In these states that are, like, trying to pass these laws that are going into secession,
04:18getting a hold of, like, the local governors and, you know, like, talking to them and be like,
04:22no, this bill does not need to be passed.
04:24Like, this is going to be more harmful than it is going to be helpful.
04:28These bills are just retracting years of development that we've been trying to, you know, be progressive in.
04:36And these bills are just, once they're passed, it's going to be so much harder to try to, you know, get them unpassed.
04:44So, if we're able to nip it in the bud right now, we can then focus on those states that do have them passed.
04:59You just got to keep doing you and you can't let nobody tell you different.
05:02Because as soon as you start listening to other people, to what they say, that's when they start getting into your head.
05:08And, you know, if they are, just keep trucking, you know, make history.
05:12Like, you know, just go through those barriers and, you know, just keep doing you, just be you.
05:19Like, don't let anybody tell you different.
