• last year
(Adnkronos) - Si è tenuta a Milano la 104°Assemblea nazionale di Manageritalia,  la federazione nazionale dirigenti, quadri ed executive professional del commercio, trasporti, turismo, servizi e terziario avanzato, che ha accolto oltre 200 manager delegati da tutta Italia. Tra i temi al centro del dibattito gli effetti della recente manovra economica sul ceto medio.


00:00There have been more than 200 managers delegated to Milan from all over Italy to the 104th National Assembly of Italian Managers.
00:13At the center of the debate are the effects of the recent economic maneuver on the middle class, those leaders and workers who exceed 35,000 euros in income.
00:21It is no longer a finance oriented to reassure the financial markets, but on the structural level it has not taken into consideration what we call the middle class,
00:32that is, the class of those people who contribute most to the welfare of this country and to support this country.
00:38For roles and competences, managers and high professionalism are decisive for the growth of the country.
00:44Our leaders must and can support the small and medium enterprises, which still today is lacking compared to other countries of managerial capacity.
00:54The managerial capacity of small and medium enterprises means supporting the country's economy because we know that these represent a large share of our economy.
01:02From the data collected during the Assembly, it emerged that 17 million taxpayers, more than 40% of the total, declare to earn less than 15,000 euros per year and pay only 11% of the total income.
01:16Those who instead declare income from 35,000 euros or more are 6.4 million, 15.27% of the total and pay 64% of the total tax.
01:29It has become such a complex system in which there is not only the progression, the more you earn, the more you pay.
01:37We already have a double progression. Then we have the second progression, because the higher the income, the higher the tax, but then we have two other distorting situations.
01:48The first is all the bonuses and benefits that are all related to income, with the ISEE, which is another submersible engine.
01:59And the second is all the deductions and deductions, so we actually have a tax profile that has passed to a quadruple progressivity and therefore everything is falsified.
02:11Obviously, we should return to a more normal system, such as the German system, which is a system with continuous taxation, precisely because of the tax problem.
02:24We have the lowest employment rate, then the productivity is in the cloud between low employment and low productivity, which obviously leads to low development.
02:32So we must stop making controversies, try to make a coalition as robust as possible and solve the problems of the country, which can be solved.
