Swami Nithyananda hasn't been seen in India since 2018 when his rape case trial began. This week, his representative went to the UN with a special demand...👀
00:00So, Kailasa is the first sovereign state for Hindus, which is established by the Supreme
00:16Pontiff of Hinduism, Nithyananda Paramashivam, and who is reviving the enlightened Hindu
00:22civilization and its 10,000 indigenous traditions of Hinduism.
00:39I'm here representing the United States of Kailasa, I'm the Permanent Ambassador, Vijay
00:43Priyanita Ananda.
00:44Now, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism and Kailasa have gone through intense persecution.
00:50He was even banned from preaching and exiled from his birth country.
00:54These four words – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, and Enriching – these four
01:23words – Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, and Enriching – this is my message.
01:36Kailasa has been implementing the ancient Hindu policies and indigenous solutions that
01:43are in alignment with the time-tested Hindu principles, because of which Kailasa has been
01:48very successful with sustainable development.
01:51For example, in Kailasa, the basic necessities of livelihood, which are food, shelter, clothing,
01:58education, medical care, they are all offered for free to all citizens, and including to
02:04communities in 150 countries where Kailasa has established de jure spiritual embassies,
02:11as well as multiple agencies and NGOs.
02:21Now, the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism and Kailasa have gone through intense persecution
02:42and human rights violations for reviving the indigenous traditions and lifestyle of Hinduism.
02:51He was even banned from preaching and exiled from his birth country.
02:55So my question is, what measures can be implemented at the national and international levels to
03:03stop the persecution of the Supreme Pontiff of Hinduism, of the 2 billion Hindu diaspora
03:09and Kailasa, and allow the time-tested principles and solutions and policies of Hinduism to
03:19be heard on international platforms, which would greatly help with sustainable development
03:25and achieving the 17 Sustainable Goals by 2030?