• 3 years ago
"This is the oppression of minority. This is Hinduphobia. This is fascism." Vivek Agnihotri was invited to speak at Oxford and Cambridge, but things didn't go as planned.
00:00These are genocide deniers. They are fascists. This is the same Oxford University, which has which has hosted
00:07dictators and fascists including Indira Gandhi and Bhutto's son
00:30Hello friends, as you are aware that I'm here in Europe on a humanity tour. This tour was decided because a lot of prestigious places invited me like Cambridge University, Oxford University, British Parliament and a lot of places in Germany and Netherlands.
00:58But yesterday, a very strange thing happened. At Cambridge University, when I reached there at the last minute, I was told that you cannot video record the event. Now this is a 100% curbing of freedom of expression. And this happened because few Pakistani and Kashmiri Muslim students protested against it.
01:15These are genocide deniers. They are fascists. Their logic is perhaps, which they write in social media, because I support a democratically elected Prime Minister, Mr. Narendra Modi.
01:26Now, this is the same university where Subhash Chandra Bose studied, but recently on his 150th year, he was also cancelled. They said Bose is a fascist.
01:35Now, another very strange thing happened. Today, I was supposed to go to Oxford University because Oxford Union invited me long time ago. It was all confirmed on emails.
01:45But just few hours before that, they said that sorry, we made a mistake. There was a double booking and therefore, we cannot host it today. And without even asking me, they changed the date to 1st of July because on the 1st of July, no student would be there and there is no point doing an event.
02:00Are they cancelling me? No. They want to cancel democratically elected government of India, especially Mr. Narendra Modi. They want to label us as fascist people, as Islamophobic.
02:12Now, as if killing thousands of Kashmiri Hindus was not Hinduphobic, but making the film on the truth is Islamophobic. The second biggest problem is they are not cancelling me. They are cancelling the genocide. They are cancelling Hindus.
02:26You have to understand Hindus are in minority in Oxford University. And this is the oppression of minority. This is Hinduphobia. This is fascism. This is the same Oxford University which has hosted dictators and fascists including Indira Gandhi and Bhutto's son and many African radical extremists.
02:46So, please support me in this cause. I am filing a lawsuit against them. I am going to claim all the damages. Please support me. Join me. Jai Hind.
